Pics taken & added daily
2/20/2024 starting to see daily gains.
2/21/2024 white spots on rockwool covering is dried solution.
2/22/2024 ppfd is in mid 400's and lux 21-23k
2/22/2024 Pictures will start being labeled with strain. 12"x12"x3" (I may go 12"x6"x3") rockwool bases will be put into 24hr pH Adjustment soak tomorrow.
2/22/2024 Decided to just start the soak. Soaking for only 12 hrs at a pH of 5.6 with grow big hydro added.Went with 12"x8"x3" for bases.
2/23/2024 we had to do a minor adjust to the solution pH so we drained rockwool adjusted pH to 5.4 submerged and drained rockwool 2x times. Ph 5.6 after. At 12 hours we drained excess rockwool solution and tested final runoff at a pH of 5.6.
2/23/2024 4"x4" cubes placed on 12"x8"x3" bases
2/23/2024 added lux and ppfd pics (very end of pic lineup)
I was wondering if any of you have any suggestions for a dehumidifier to put inside a 5x5 tent. The dehumidifier needs to have a turn on above ?% humidity and off below ?% humidity. Lighting needs to be able to be taped or turned off. WiFi app monitoring ability would be a +
So, with dehumidifiers in tents. Heres what you need to know.
Using a dehumidifier in a tent it would be a sealed tent right? So no regular in/out flow of air.
As if you've an intake or exhaust set up. You need to do the room your tent is in. As your drawing air from your room in to your tent and it'll bring the rooms RH in.
And the dehumidifier specs you wanting will cost you. 5-800$.
What's your RH?