The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

🔵⚪️🔴 Mimosa x Orange Punch, Barney's Farm | Hydroponic

Approved by Barney's Farm
7 months ago
a year ago
Nutrients 1
MAM Motherplant fertilizer - Metrop
MAM Motherplant fertilizer 50 mll
🔵⚪️🔴 Jour 0-12 | Les 8 graines ont germées mais une avait du retard, j'ai donc tiré sur la graine et ça a arraché les feuilles. J'ai donc dû relancer une graine (dans du sopalin) avec 6 jours de retard. 80-100% d'humidité dans la serre. 🦅​🇺🇸​/🇬🇧​🦁​ Day 0-12 | All 8 seeds germinated but one was late, so I pulled on the seed and it tore off the leaves. So I had to start a seed again (in paper towel) 6 days late. 80-100% humidity in the greenhouse. Box : GARDEN HIGHPRO ProBox EcoPro 60x60x150cm Light : AGROLIGHT LED Quantum BOARD 120W. 65% Power Greenhouse : NEPTUNE HYDROPONICS - 38x25x18cm Fan : GARDEN HIGHPRO 15W GROWTH TECHNOLOGY Root Riot peat based cubes ROOT IT Rooting Gel 150ml NFU
Used method
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
a year ago
4 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
No Smell
550 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
11 L
55 cm
Nutrients 4
Hydro Roots - PLAGRON.
Hydro Roots 1 mll
Grow A - Bio Technology
Grow A 1.5 mll
Grow B - Bio Technology
Grow B 1.5 mll
🔵⚪️🔴 plantes mises dans le système hydroponique. Arrosage : 30min ON / 30min OFF 🦅​🇺🇸​/🇬🇧​🦁​ plants put in hydroponic system. watering : 30min ON / 30min OFF Box : GREEN QUBE GQ1020L 1m x 2m x 2.2m Light : 3x 240W KINGBRITE LM301H 3500K | 395nm | 660nm | 730nm - Model Number : KB-X55-240w Hydroponic system : 2x NUTRICULTURE - WILMA - ORIGIN LARGE 4 - 11L with an exchanger pipe equipped with a MAXIJET 1000 L/H AQUARIUM Systems 4x SIROFLEX 2 outputs watering module 16x SIROFLEX dripper stake full SIROFLEX pipe Extractor : AC INFINITY CLOUDLINE PRO T4 with Pro-Ouate soundproof ventilation duct Carbon filter : PRIMA KLIMA Eco Line 620m3/h - 150mm Fan : 3x GARDEN HIGHPRO 15W dehumidifier : CORNWALL Electronics 12L/day with a hose to empty the water into the tanks Brewing pump : 2x NEPTUNE Hydroponics 3000 liters/hour - 1 rotor PLAGRON clay pebble
Week 2. Vegetation
a year ago
7 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
550 PPM
55 %
20 °C
22 °C
11 L
50 cm
Nutrients 4
Hydro Roots - PLAGRON.
Hydro Roots 1 mll
Grow A - Bio Technology
Grow A 1 mll
Grow B - Bio Technology
Grow B 1 mll
🔵⚪️🔴 Ajout de 1ml/L (60 litres d'eau) d'engrais. L'eau est changé toute les 2 semaines, alors toute les semaines je fais un complément. Mise en place des boucles pour attacher les fils du Main Lining. 30min/30min ON/OFF 🦅​🇺🇸​/🇬🇧​🦁​ Addition of 1ml/L (60 liters of water) of fertilizer. The water is changed every 2 weeks, so every week I add a supplement. Installation of loops to attach the Main Lining wires. 30min/30min ON/OFF
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Week 3. Vegetation
a year ago
5 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
850 PPM
55 %
20 °C
22 °C
11 L
55 cm
Nutrients 4
Hydro Roots - PLAGRON.
Hydro Roots 1 mll
Grow A - Bio Technology
Grow A 4 mll
Grow B - Bio Technology
Grow B 4 mll
🔵⚪️🔴 Changement d'eau complet. Augmentation du Grow engrais. Mise en place du Main-lining sauf pour la plus jeune. Invasion de Thrips en cours de traitement par de l'huile de Neems et plaque à glu 🦅​🇺🇸​/🇬🇧​🦁​ Complete water change. Increase in Grow fertilizer. Implementation of Main-lining except for the youngest. Thrips infestation being treated with Neems oil and glue patch.
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
a year ago
7 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
1300 PPM
55 %
20 °C
21 °C
11 L
50 cm
Nutrients 4
Hydro Roots - PLAGRON.
Hydro Roots 1 mll
Grow A - Bio Technology
Grow A 5 mll
Grow B - Bio Technology
Grow B 5 mll
🔵⚪️🔴 Ajout de 10 litres d'eau. Chasse au thrips toujours d'actualité, à la pince à épilée et coup de pinceau avec huile de neem sur toute les feuilles. 🦅​🇺🇸​/🇬🇧​🦁​ Added 10 liters of water. Hunting for thrips is still relevant, using tweezers and brushing with neem oil on all the leaves.
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
a year ago
15 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
1300 PPM
55 %
20 °C
21 °C
11 L
50 cm
Nutrients 4
Hydro Roots - PLAGRON.
Hydro Roots 1 mll
Grow A - Bio Technology
Grow A 5 mll
Grow B - Bio Technology
Grow B 5 mll
🔵⚪️🔴 changement total de l'eau. J'ai commandé des Chrysopes pour tuer les thrips. Pas beaucoup de photos cette semaine car demain je vais à l'hopital pour me faire opérer. Je vous ferais de belles photos la semaine pro ! 🦅​🇺🇸​/🇬🇧​🦁​ total change of water. I ordered Lacewings to kill thrips. Not many photos this week because tomorrow I'm going to the hospital to have surgery. I'll take some nice photos for you during pro week!
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Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
a year ago
20 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
1300 PPM
55 %
20 °C
21 °C
11 L
45 cm
Nutrients 4
Hydro Roots - PLAGRON.
Hydro Roots 1 mll
Grow A - Bio Technology
Grow A 5 mll
Grow B - Bio Technology
Grow B 5 mll
🔵⚪️🔴 De retour de mon hospitalisation ! Pas mal de boulot pour mon retour, tout était bouché à cause des engrais (je n'ai pas de bio-filtre pour l'instant, c'est de ma faute), j'ai tout palissé, tout mes nœuds sont prêts. Je laisse quelques jours de croissance supplémentaire et je lance la floraison ! j'ai reçu les chrysopes, c'est sous forme de carton avec les oeufs collés dedans. Hâte de voir le résultat. 🦅​🇺🇸​/🇬🇧​🦁​ Back from my hospitalization! Quite a lot of work for my return, everything was clogged because of the fertilizers (I don't have a bio-filter at the moment, it's my fault), I trellised everything, are all my knots ready. I leave a few days of additional growth and start flowering! I received the lacewings, it is in the form of cardboard with the eggs stuck inside. Can't wait to see the results
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Week 7. Vegetation
a year ago
25 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
1300 PPM
55 %
20 °C
21 °C
11 L
40 cm
Nutrients 4
Hydro Roots - PLAGRON.
Hydro Roots 1 mll
Grow A - Bio Technology
Grow A 5 mll
Grow B - Bio Technology
Grow B 5 mll
🔵⚪️🔴 Finition du Main Lining, quelques erreurs de faites : j'ai coupé certaines branches qu'il ne fallait pas couper. Les engrais continuent de tout boucher, c'est assez pénible à gérer, ma commande de média de filtration pour un bio-filtre va partir de chine prochainement. Je lance la floraison prochainement. 🦅​🇺🇸​/🇬🇧​🦁​ Finishing the Main Lining, a few mistakes made : I cut certain branches that should not have been cut. The fertilizers continue to clog everything, it's quite annoying to manage, my order of filtration media for a bio-filter will leave China soon. I'm starting flowering soon.
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Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
a year ago
33 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
1300 PPM
55 %
20 °C
21 °C
11 L
40 cm
Nutrients 4
Hydro Roots - PLAGRON.
Hydro Roots 1 mll
Grow A - Bio Technology
Grow A 5 mll
Grow B - Bio Technology
Grow B 5 mll
🔵⚪️🔴 Fin de croissance (enfin...après 8 semaines...). Défoliation et lancement de la floraison. Mon bio-filtre est en transit. Je n'ai pas vus de chrysopes depuis que je les ai mis, heureusement que les thrips ont quasiment disparus. Le Stretch se fait uniquement aux engrais de croissance (recommandations de Bio Technology). 🦅​🇺🇸​/🇬🇧​🦁​ End of growth (finally...after 8 weeks...). Defoliation and initiation of flowering. My bio-filter is in transit. I haven't seen any lacewings since I put them in, fortunately the thrips have almost disappeared. Stretch is only done with growth fertilizers (Bio Technology recommendations).
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
a year ago
65 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
1300 PPM
55 %
20 °C
23 °C
11 L
40 cm
Nutrients 4
Hydro Roots - PLAGRON.
Hydro Roots 1 mll
Grow A - Bio Technology
Grow A 5 mll
Grow B - Bio Technology
Grow B 5 mll
🔵⚪️🔴 OK... J'ai peut-être fait un peu trop de croissance, je ne m'attendais pas à un tel stretch. Début des engrais de floraison ce week-end. J'ai traité toute mes cultures avec un spray anti pucerons, ça à l'air d'avoir fonctionné. J'attends toujours mon bio-filtre. Défoliation prévue à la fin de la seconde semaine de floraison. Je devrais bouger le déshumidificateur ou trouver un autre système car là il est en dessous de la canopée et souffle l'air sec sur les plantes, ce qui les assèches. Mon précédent run à eu certaines buds pas très belle à cause de ça. 🦅​🇺🇸​/🇬🇧​🦁​ OK...maybe I grew a little too much, I wasn't expecting such a stretch. Start of flowering fertilizers this weekend. I treated all my crops with an anti-aphid spray, it seems to have worked. I'm still waiting for my bio-filter.Defoliation expected at the end of the second week of flowering.I should move the dehumidifier or find another system because there it is below the canopy and blows dry air onto the plants, which dries them out. My previous run had some not very nice buds because of that.
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Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
a year ago
80 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
1050 PPM
60 %
20 °C
23 °C
11 L
40 cm
Nutrients 4
Hydro Roots - PLAGRON.
Hydro Roots 1 mll
Elycitor - Bio Technology
Elycitor 0.3 mll
Bloom A - Bio Technology
Bloom A 3.5 mll
🔵⚪️🔴 Passer de 25cm à 80cm en deux semaines c'est fou, je suis un peu surpris ^^'. Changement de tout l'eau, passage aux engrais de floraison. J'ai construis le bio-filtre, j'attends que le silicone sèche et je le mettrais entre les deux cuves, connecté à la pompe de circulation. 🦅​🇺🇸​/🇬🇧​🦁​ Going from 25cm to 80cm in two weeks is crazy, I'm a little surprised ^^'. Changed all water, switched to flowering fertilizers. I built the bio-filter, I'm waiting for the silicone to dry and I'll put it between the two tanks, connected to the circulation pump.
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
a year ago
110 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
950 PPM
60 %
20 °C
20 °C
11 L
40 cm
Nutrients 5
Hydro Roots - PLAGRON.
Hydro Roots 1 mll
Elycitor - Bio Technology
Elycitor 0.3 mll
Bloom A - Bio Technology
Bloom A 4 mll
🔵⚪️🔴 Quand est-ce que la plante va arrêter de grandir ? La légende dit "Jamais". Je ferais la défoliation cette semaine je pense. Le bio-filtre est installé. Je monte l'engrais Bloom à 4ml/L. Pulvérisation du "Blooming H", un stimulateur de floraison, hâte de voir le résultat, surtout vu les prix des boost chez cette marque. J'utilise un "nano spray gun" pris sur Aliexpress pour 13€. Le PPFD va de 400 pour les têtes les plus basses à 1500 pour les plus grandes. J'espère que les photos vous plaisent ! 🦅​🇺🇸​/🇬🇧​🦁​ When will the plant stop growing? The caption says "Never". I will do the defoliation this week I think. The bio-filter is installed. I increase the Bloom fertilizer to 4ml/L. Spraying "Blooming H", a flowering stimulator, looking forward to seeing the result, especially given the prices of boosts from this brand. I use a “nano spray gun” bought on Aliexpress for €13. The PPFD ranges from 400 for the lowest heads to 1500 for the largest. I hope you like the photos!
Week 12. Flowering
a year ago
115 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
950 PPM
60 %
20 °C
20 °C
11 L
40 cm
Nutrients 5
Elycitor - Bio Technology
Elycitor 0.3 mll
Bloom A - Bio Technology
Bloom A 4 mll
Bloom B - Bio Technology
Bloom B 4 mll
🔵⚪️🔴 Les plantes se portent à merveille. On peut pas dire la même des pompes...Les engrais créent une boue les jours après les avoirs mis, Ca disparait avec le temps. Je remplacerais l'eau la semaine pro et je mettrais uniquement 0.1g/l d'Ecylitor pour éviter la boue sous les conseils de Bio Technology. Cette semaine c'est les booster "Inductor", j'ai mis 1ml/l pour l'inductor R au lieu de 2, vu le prix que ça coûte (avec mes cuves ça fait 80ml, soit 23€...). 🦅​🇺🇸​/🇬🇧​🦁 The plants are doing wonderfully. The same cannot be said of pumps...Fertilizers create a sludge the days after putting them in. It disappears over time. I would replace the water during the pro week and I would only use 0.1g/l of Ecylitor to avoid mud under the advice of Bio Technology. This week it's the "Inductor" boosters, I used 1ml/l for the R inductor instead of 2, given the price it costs (with my tanks it makes 80ml, or €23...).​
Week 13. Flowering
10 months ago
115 cm
12 hrs
20 °C
950 PPM
55 %
20 °C
28 °C
11 L
40 cm
Nutrients 4
Elycitor - Bio Technology
Elycitor 0.1 mll
Bloom A - Bio Technology
Bloom A 4.5 mll
Bloom B - Bio Technology
Bloom B 4.5 mll
🔵⚪️🔴 J'ai baissé l'Elycitor à 0.1g/l pour éviter la boue qui bouchait mon système (sur recommendation de Bio Technology). Vaporisation de Blooming H. Pas grand chose à dire de plus. 🦅​🇺🇸​/🇬🇧​🦁 I lowered the Elycitor to 0.1g/l to avoid the sludge that was clogging my system (on the recommendation of Bio Technology). Blooming H spray. Not much more to say.
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Week 14. Flowering
10 months ago
115 cm
12 hrs
20 °C
950 PPM
60 %
20 °C
28 °C
11 L
40 cm
Nutrients 5
Elycitor - Bio Technology
Elycitor 0.1 mll
Bloom A - Bio Technology
Bloom A 4.5 mll
Bloom B - Bio Technology
Bloom B 4.5 mll
🔵⚪️🔴 Début de la dernière semaine d'engraissage, j'ai un excès d'engrais dû au fait qu'elles boivent énormément d'eau. J'ai remplacé toute la solution et mis les booster Inductor F et R. 🦅​🇺🇸​/🇬🇧​🦁 At the start of the last week of fattening, I have an excess of fertilizer due to the fact that they drink a lot of water. I replaced the entire solution and put the Inductor F and R boosters.
Week 15. Flowering
10 months ago
120 cm
12 hrs
20 °C
950 PPM
60 %
20 °C
28 °C
11 L
40 cm
Nutrients 4
Elycitor - Bio Technology
Elycitor 0.1 mll
Bloom A - Bio Technology
Bloom A 4.5 mll
Bloom B - Bio Technology
Bloom B 4.5 mll
🔵⚪️🔴 J'ai oublié de faire cette semaine. J'ai finalement choisis de prolonger la floraison de 2 semaines (ce qui donnera 12 semaines en tout). pulvérisation du blooming H, je garde l'eau des cuves. 🦅​🇺🇸​/🇬🇧​🦁 I forgot to do this week. I finally chose to extend flowering by 2 weeks (which will give 12 weeks in total). spraying blooming H, I keep the water in the tanks.
Week 16. Flowering
10 months ago
120 cm
12 hrs
20 °C
950 PPM
60 %
20 °C
28 °C
11 L
40 cm
Nutrients 5
Elycitor - Bio Technology
Elycitor 0.1 mll
Bloom A - Bio Technology
Bloom A 4.5 mll
Bloom B - Bio Technology
Bloom B 4.5 mll
🔵⚪️🔴 Les plantes grossissent bien, elles ont un peu de mal à mûrir. Normalement c'est la dernière semaine d'engraissage, ensuite dix jours de Final Part (Ripen). On verra si elles seront mûres d'ici là. 🦅​🇺🇸​/🇬🇧​🦁 The plants are growing well, they have a little difficulty maturing. Normally it is the last week of fattening, then ten days of Final Part (Ripen). We'll see if they'll be ripe by then.
Week 17. Harvest
7 months ago
Happy Harvest Day!
A plant with a very high yield, compact and voluminous buds. Significant euphoric effects. The voluminous buds require significant ventilation. The flowering times are much longer than expected, expect 10 weeks. The photos on the site are misleading (for a change). No color.
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Spent 114 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
87.5 g
Bud wet weight per plant
Grow Room size

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
what's the worst that can happen after so much time and money? I forgot to turn the fans back on after spraying. My fans are not powerful enough and were not high enough. So I have mold that has appeared on the largest buds. I treated the entire crop with bicarbonate mixed with olive oil, and I cut off the visibly affected buds. I rinsed for 4 days without Riper (Final Part). So I saved most of the crop, and it was quite ripe. So change of equipment! I'm going from the AC INFINITY CloudLine T4 to the T6 with its 69 PRO controller, with its rechargeable carbon filter from the same brand. Soundproofing ducts, and I'm going to get two AC infinity CLOUDRAY S6 oscillating fans soon. I'm finishing my BIO TECHNOLOGY fertilizers and I'm thinking of switching back to dualpart from T.A. If you have any questions, don't hesitate, I'll answer them! Next crop... FastBud Banana Purple Punch Auto! I NEED PURPLE!


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HowtoBubatzcommentedweek 176 months ago
very nice looking plant💚, good luck and happy harvest🌱🌱🌱
SimpleGrowcommentedweek 4a year ago
Looking very nice 👌🏻🌿
Stony_Germancommentedweek 8a year ago
Crazy Training. Enjoy the Bloom Phase Buddy. The Terps will punch you in the Face. Super Sweet Orange-Marzipan-Bonbon and not Tangi like. Happy Growing Mate.
gadjoocommenteda year ago
@Stony_German, Thanks ! for a first attempt at ML, I'm rather proud. But the extra growing time makes me doubt, I don't know if I would do it again. I'm excited about seeing these terpens express themselves! I also hope to see a little (or a lot) of purple ;)
Lemonhazelovercommentedweek 1a year ago
Happy germination and good luck buddy ☘️
gadjoocommenteda year ago
@Lemonhazelover, hey ! Thanks you bro ! I can't wait to see the results of the boosters and if I will succeed in the main lining that I am planning^^
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Hattiwatticommentedweek 8a year ago
Good Luck 👌
Johny23commentedweek 176 months ago
Actually, for his particular strain, the quality went straight down to zero few months after release. First grow with these was pure Bliss, mostly similar phenos, finished after 46 days, huge harvest full of density, resin, amazing orange smell, deep purple color. From then it was horrible and I gave up. Shame tho, it was by far the best I've ever had
gadjoocommented6 months ago
You cloned them and over time the variety became worse and worse if I understood correctly?
JamesBarrecommentedweek 176 months ago
C'est du beau boulot mon pote 😊👍
gadjoocommented6 months ago
@JamesBarre, pas aussi beau que souhaité ^^ mais on apprend avec les erreurs, j'ai changé l'extraction pour du 6" avec filtre adapté AC INFINITY, et je chope deux ventilo oscillants de la même marque semaine pro normalement histoire de mieux ventiler et éviter les champignons. Je suis actuellement sur un run de Banana Purple Punch Auto (oui en hydro), qu'est incroyable, une fois fini j'en ferais un journal vite fait je pense, moins travaillé que celui-ci
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