
Forgotten Haze Cakes - Terpzy X Kalyseeds

a month ago
Custom Breeder & Strain
Spectrum king
Room Type
weeks 4, 4-5, 5-9, 11-13
weeks 1-4, 4-5, 5-9, 11-13
weeks 1-2, 7-9, 11-13
weeks 1-4, 4-5, 5-9, 11-13
weeks 2-4, 6
weeks 2-4, 4-6
weeks 1-4, 4-9, 11-13
weeks 7-9, 11-13
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 3
18 hrs
Light Schedule
9+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
TechDCo TechDCo
4 months ago
10/03/2024 Last Night an' incident occurred with the use of hydrogen peroxide in my cannabis cultivation. It was a regrettable mishap resulting from an overly concentrated solution of hydrogen peroxide. Specifically, in my zealous application of the solution, some of it inadvertently came into contact with the plant lids, leading to the formation of oxidation spots on a few of the tiny leaves. Fortunately, the damage seems to be restricted to the foliage, and I am hopeful that the plants will recover unscathed. Upon reflection, the error could be traced back to the mismanagement of pH levels and watering, underscoring the need for vigilance in such critical aspects of cultivation. In response to this incident, I am planning to institute a drainage tank system today. This is intended to prevent the occurrence of similar mishaps in the future. The decision to implement this system is driven by a desire to ensure a stable and controlled environment for my cannabis plants. It is imperative to mitigate the risks posed by human error to safeguard the well-being and development of the plants. Furthermore, I have reached an introspective realization regarding the impact of my own state of mind on the cultivation process. I have noted that undertaking activities related to plant care while under the influence of a potent 100% indica strain has proven to be inadvisable. The profound effects of this particular strain, which incline towards relaxation and sedation, seem to impair my cognitive and motor functions, leading to an increased propensity for errors. Therefore, it is evident that my cultivation endeavors are hindered when undertaken in such a state. Upon careful consideration, I recognize that instances of significant oversights or erroneous actions in my cultivation endeavors tend to coincide with periods of altered mental states induced by potent cannabis strains. Consequently, I have made the decision to abstain from engaging in cultivation activities while under the influence of such potent strains. This prudent choice is guided by a desire to eliminate the potential for further missteps and to uphold a standard of precision and attentiveness in tending to the needs of the plants. In essence, the thoughtful assessment of recent events has underscored the criticality of maintaining optimal conditions and mental acuity in the cultivation of cannabis. The integration of a drainage tank system stands as a proactive measure to avert future accidents, while the decision to refrain from tending to the plants while under the influence of potent strains aligns with a commitment to exercising diligence and responsibility in the cultivation process. In conclusion, these reflections underscore the intricate interplay between environmental conditions, mental state, and the cultivation of cannabis, prompting a reevaluation of my approach in the interest of promoting an environment conducive to the healthy growth and development of the plants. 10/03/2024 Lights Out: I have taken the initiative to excise the damaged leaves from the cannabis plants. In light of my research and understanding, this decision is a proactive step aimed at fostering the recovery and well-being of the plants. It is my fervent hope that the removal of the affected foliage will allow the plants to redirect their resources towards new growth and stabilization. Furthermore, upon inspection, the leaves of the Forgotten Haze Cakes strain appear to have weathered the recent incident relatively unscathed. This observation brings a sense of relief, signifying that this particular strain has demonstrated resilience and vigor in the face of adversity. In addition, I conducted a surgical intervention on the Peanut Butter strain, specifically addressing the superfluous growth arising from the FIMMING technique. By eliminating the additional colas that emerged from this process, I believe that the plant will be able to allocate its energy more efficiently and foster the development of its primary colas. This acumen is rooted in a nuanced understanding of the plant's growth patterns and the optimization of its resources for maximal yield and quality. Concurrently, I find myself contemplating a reconfiguration of the plants' arrangement. This consideration is underscored by a desire to optimize their spatial allocation and environmental exposure, reflecting a sense of adaptability and strategic planning in the ongoing cultivation process. 11/03/2024 On the auspicious day of March 11th, 2024, a realization dawned upon me, prompting the initiation of an unconventional experiment. I have established a modest flow tank utilizing 10mm acrylic tubing in an outdoor setting. The purpose behind this endeavor is twofold; first, as an ingenious means to monitor water levels within the tank, and second, as a vehicle to introduce a fresh infusion of nutrient solution by elevating the tank and allowing for a seamless flow. This brainstorming session, a journey into DIY hydroponics, is a testament to the scrupulous workings of my ever-curious mind, unshackled by the confines of prior research or preconceived notions. This epoch marks the genesis of my foray into this uncharted terrain, with an ambitious vision of implementing a multifaceted hydroponic system within the confines of my residence. Reflecting upon the genesis of this pursuit, I am reminded of the catalyst that sparked my initial fascination with hydroponicsβ€”the acquisition of a singular vessel from my benevolent confidant, Nick Nelson, during the bygone year. Despite my fervent ardor for traditional soil-based cultivation, I entertained apprehensions pertaining to potential leaks and water management, thus abstaining from delving into the realm of hydroponics. However, the vicissitudes of the passing year have wrought transformative changes within my life, catalyzed by newfound companionship in the form of Martina, my loyal canine companion, and a burgeoning proficiency in cultivating premium-grade cannabis, a passion I hold dear. Notably, the astonishment that accompanies this metamorphosis in my persona stems from the expansive realization that by transcending self-absorption and extraneous diversions, I have tended to myself with an unparalleled diligence, thereby effectuating an astronomical surge of self-improvement tantamount to a rebirth of spirit and fortitude. The rapacious pursuit of knowledge through unconventional experimentation serves as a conduit for personal growth and refinement, an ethos that has become manifest in the sanctum of my life. It is within these inherent pursuits that lie the wellspring of my vitality and the articulation of my unyielding dedication to self-mastery and enlightenment. This metamorphosis, emblematic of a paradigm shift in my existential journey, unfolds as a testimony to the enigmatic transformations that await one who embraces the interplay of audacious exploration and unwavering perseverance. 11/03/2023 Mid-day: Last Trim for a few weeks! 12/03/2024 Trimmed and shes already topped now she gets left alone to veg it out! 13/03/2024 The leaves seem darker in F.H.C 2, can't be FHC2. Who knows! Mid-day: Nothing to report. 14/03/2024 Lights On! Took some 200MP Photos! So far recap, I have read that the plant has a limited quantity of energy that it can allocate to its leaves, nodes, and seeds throughout its entire lifespan. So i applied and removed stuff during the seedling stage. Each stage of growth is extremely important. Therefore, I am sincerely hoping that pruning the plant early has not had a detrimental effect on its growth. Fortunately, the plant seems to be thriving, and maintaining it is significantly more straightforward than tending to plants grown in soil. I am thoroughly enjoying this approach to gardening, as it has been much less stressful for me! Plus, on the bright side, look how fresh they look with a nice and tidy growing structure! 15/03/2024 Today a decisive course of action was taken within the confines of my horticultural domain, bearing witness to a transformative illumination event! The esteemed luminary entity known as the Spectrum King SK600 was duly installed in the very heart of the cultivation tent, heralding a new epoch of photosynthetic endeavor. However, a flicker of consternation dances across the synapses of my botanical consciousness, for the incandescent touch of this radiant emissary threatens to elevate the ambient temperature beyond the threshold of 30 degrees Celsius. In response to this climatic challenge, a symphony of mechanized ventilation has been orchestrated within the verdant sanctum. A veritable tableau of thermal regulation manifests in the form of a ten-inch fan operating at maximum capacity, complemented by the harmonious choreography of two 4-inch air extractors delineating the ebb and flow of gaseous exchange. Vigilance shall be my watchword, as I maintain an unwavering gaze upon the delicate balance between illumination and thermal equilibrium. Should the crucible of heat intensify, contemplation of the venerable Cropmaster as a resilient alternative beckons, poised to safeguard the botanical denizens under my custodial stewardship. 16/03/2024 Lights On! Today a pivotal juncture unfolded within the realm of my botanical domain as the luminous ritual of resplendent illumination commenced afresh! In a display of discerning acumen, a revelation of unsettling visage stirred within the depths of my observant faculties, prompting a decisive course of corrective action. Without hesitation, a 25-liter reservoir of nourishing fluidity was meticulously prepared, heralding a veritable baptism of renewal for the verdant inhabitants under my vigilant care. With meticulous precision and unwavering resolve, each botanical recipient partook in the sacrosanct sacrament of hydration and sustenance, imbuing the sylvan tapestry with a renewal of vitality and vigor. In this nurturing act of replenishment, the veil of uncertainty was lifted, paving the way for the verdant ensemble to bask in the beneficence of refreshed sustenance.
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TechDCostarted grow question 4 months ago
Purple Punch is in the same rockwool as peyote Wi-Fi CBD 2:1 but she's looking dark and Purple already. Does she look OK? Very dark and purple but looks healthy. If both get hydroponiced in the same rockwool would one strangle the other being this close? I ask this because..
Leaves. Color - Dark-purple
Setup. Seedling
m0useanswered grow question 4 months ago
Most likely the greener one will outshine as it will be better at photosynthesizing. Kill one off so the other can live a better life. or try and transplant it. Your Call.
Sit_Ubu_Sit_Good_Doganswered grow question 4 months ago
no.. that doesn't look okay, lol. they will definitely compete and most likely 1 will dominate more often than equal sharing. even the non-dark seedling is looking rough. Definitely some sort of imbalance in your water. If it's too cold at night, might be why the one turned oddly dark and maybe other is abit more resiient in that 1 way but you already have visible symptoms in leaves... something is drastically off for that to happen this soon.
Organomananswered grow question 4 months ago
NEVER grow 2 plants side by side.......they will compete for EVERYTHING and instead of getting 2 full plants, you get 2 one quarter sized plants.
TechDCostarted grow question 4 months ago
Hi, I'm ready soon to place them into net pots, what's the beat type of net pot for long term use for cannabis?
Dabkinganswered grow question 4 months ago
I believe any of them would work just fine so long as the roots can get through, and all of them seem good to go.
Hashyanswered grow question 4 months ago
Go to a hydroponics store and just get standard round ones. I find they are all for one use only as the roots get that big.
AutoflowersSucKanswered grow question 4 months ago
They are all made of plastic of varying sizes and shapes. There is no "Best One". There is what works best for your situation. You can use a 3.5 inch, a 6", a 12" whatever. Their all the same. Just pick one that will work for whatever setup you intend on using.
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Has anybody ordered from here before? Prices seem good; I ordered 10 Alien Mesh Pots!
m0useanswered grow question 4 months ago
Never tried that page before. Can't say much to it. They have good reviews on google and trust pilot. grain of salt with then though. easily manufactured. Good Luck!
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Buds. Other
Leaves. Curl down
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Leaves. Curl up

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TechDCoweek 3
I have read that the plant has a limited quantity of energy that it can allocate to its leaves, nodes, and seeds throughout its entire lifespan. Each stage of growth is extremely important. Therefore, I am sincerely hoping that pruning the plant early has not had a detrimental effect on its growth. Fortunately, the plant seems to be thriving, and maintaining it is significantly more straightforward than tending to plants grown in soil. I am thoroughly enjoying this approach to gardening, as it has been much less stressful for me!
TechDCoweek 3
Red Nose Day, more like Red Eyes Day!
TechDCoweek 3
I dont think FHC.2 is Forgotten Haze Cakes, look different it's hues. Must of got labels mixed in the Germination tray!
KushPartyweek 2
Looks good πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘
@KushParty, thanks brother πŸ™
Lemonhazeloverweek 0
Happy germination and good luck buddy ☘️
@Lemonhazelover, thanks a lot bro. It feels weird, with no coco like I'm in a lab!
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TechDCoweek 2
Country Fellow Gardens of the wonder world, please πŸ™ and pardon my flamboyant nature, good sirs and madams, but it appears my faithful hound hath made a meal of the White Vegan Maker; chewed to bits it was, the young Martina! Fear not, for I have the appropriate dog tags at the ready for these rascally rogues to ensure they shall not stray, once they start pushing there necks out!
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All Setup!
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They said on the News the country is warming up! don't they know its spring!
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Thanks everyone for ya help. Much appreciated πŸ™
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Hey there brothers & sisters. I'm embarking on my initial foray into hydroponics, and it's fair to say that I've encountered some novice missteps along the way. At present, we are transitioning into the vegetative phase subsequent to a roughly two-week and three-day tenure within the seedling stage. I'm in the process of acquainting myself with the intricacies of this endeavor, my friends.
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I'll update when they enter vegetative stage. Otherwise this is getting boring and they need to be left alone now. The nutrients seems fine.
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This time! - let's aim for a perfect grow! πŸ‘Œ let's have it!
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