
Forgotten Haze Cakes - Terpzy X Kalyseeds

a month ago
Custom Breeder & Strain
Spectrum king
Room Type
weeks 4, 4-5, 5-9, 11-13
weeks 1-4, 4-5, 5-9, 11-13
weeks 1-2, 7-9, 11-13
weeks 1-4, 4-5, 5-9, 11-13
weeks 2-4, 6
weeks 2-4, 4-6
weeks 1-4, 4-9, 11-13
weeks 7-9, 11-13
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 5
18 hrs
Light Schedule
9+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
TechDCo TechDCo
3 months ago
23/03/2024 Lights On! Hey there, let me tell you about this saying I've been pondering recently. You know the phrase "making mountains out of molehills"? It's like when you take even the tiniest problem and blow it way out of proportion. Lately, I've been feeling a bit low on my luck, and I catch myself doing just that - turning every small setback into a monumental disaster. It's like my mind is playing tricks on me, making everything seem so much worse than it actually is. I know it's a common thing when we're not in the best place emotionally, but it's crucial to take a step back and see things for what they really are. I've noticed how this tendency to exaggerate magnifies the challenges I face, making them seem insurmountable. And let me tell you, it's a tough cycle to break out of when you're feeling down. But recognizing this pattern is the first step towards regaining some perspective. Understanding that my feelings might be amplifying these issues helps me approach them more rationally. I'm learning to discern between what's a genuine problem and what my mind is blowing out of proportion. I remind myself that setbacks are a natural part of life and that they're not the end of the world, even if they feel that way in the moment. With a clearer mind and a more positive outlook, I can start tackling these challenges one by one, knowing that they're not as monstrous as they may seem through my anxious lens. In the end, I've come to realize that our minds can play tricks on us, especially when we're feeling low. It's like they're in cahoots with anxiety, teaming up to make everything seem larger than life. But hey, at least with this realization, I can now joke that my mind sure knows how to turn a tiny molehill into a towering mountain - maybe I should hire it as a landscape architect in my garden of cannabis to awaken the gods that bring forth the Plasma Apocalypse! Who knows! "I need these flowers to lower my anxiety mind reading powers. I could say!" This saying "a wise man hides his errors and a fool boasts them," - holds a profound truth that I've been reflecting on lately what a whinner I'vebecome. As I ponder on this saying in the context of my own life, it brings to light the importance of self-awareness and accountability. I find myself questioning how I should navigate through moments of error and misstep. Should I keep them hidden to protect my image and reputation, or should I admit them openly to learn and grow from them? The answer, I believe, lies in finding the balance between humility and self-improvement. Acknowledging my mistakes internally is crucial for personal growth and development. It's about learning from the errors, understanding the lessons they offer, and using that knowledge to better myself. However, that doesn't mean broadcasting my every fault to the world. There's a difference between genuine growth and seeking validation through showcasing flaws. It's about understanding when to seek help, guidance, or feedback from others, and when to reflect internally on my own actions. So, what am I to do now? I see it as a call to be introspective, to recognize my weaknesses and failures, but to also approach them with a mindset of growth and improvement. It's about finding the wisdom to discern when to keep my errors close for personal reflection and when to share them for learning and growth. Ultimately, this saying serves as a reminder that humility, self-awareness, and a willingness to learn from our mistakes are traits of true wisdom. It's not about hiding our errors out of fear or boasting about them for attention. It's about embracing our imperfections with grace and using them as stepping stones towards becoming a better version of ourselves. The saying "Cannabis Growing is a Jorney of life reflection and improvement" ๐Ÿ˜” Well that's true I guess ๐Ÿคท 24/03/2024 Nearly there! Where there is? I have no idea! But wish us luck! All that's been trimmed so far from seed is: 9 nodes and 10 leaves! .................................................................... You can get thrown in jail for offence memes these days! " Well, jesus christ! - Slap me & call me Charlie - its time to go to Traider Joe's ๐Ÿค™ It's the Easter Holidays ๐Ÿฃ - its time to crack some eggs ๐Ÿฅš ๐Ÿ˜‹ - to get rid of the whites and keep the yolks. " ๐Ÿ˜„. HAPPY Holidays, Peeps! Have a good one! ๐Ÿ‘ 27/03/2024 Lights On! Nearly ready for the switch! Shes perked!
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Grow Questions
TechDCostarted grow question 4 months ago
Purple Punch is in the same rockwool as peyote Wi-Fi CBD 2:1 but she's looking dark and Purple already. Does she look OK? Very dark and purple but looks healthy. If both get hydroponiced in the same rockwool would one strangle the other being this close? I ask this because..
Leaves. Color - Dark-purple
Setup. Seedling
m0useanswered grow question 4 months ago
Most likely the greener one will outshine as it will be better at photosynthesizing. Kill one off so the other can live a better life. or try and transplant it. Your Call.
Sit_Ubu_Sit_Good_Doganswered grow question 4 months ago
no.. that doesn't look okay, lol. they will definitely compete and most likely 1 will dominate more often than equal sharing. even the non-dark seedling is looking rough. Definitely some sort of imbalance in your water. If it's too cold at night, might be why the one turned oddly dark and maybe other is abit more resiient in that 1 way but you already have visible symptoms in leaves... something is drastically off for that to happen this soon.
Organomananswered grow question 4 months ago
NEVER grow 2 plants side by side.......they will compete for EVERYTHING and instead of getting 2 full plants, you get 2 one quarter sized plants.
TechDCostarted grow question 4 months ago
Hi, I'm ready soon to place them into net pots, what's the beat type of net pot for long term use for cannabis?
Dabkinganswered grow question 4 months ago
I believe any of them would work just fine so long as the roots can get through, and all of them seem good to go.
Hashyanswered grow question 4 months ago
Go to a hydroponics store and just get standard round ones. I find they are all for one use only as the roots get that big.
AutoflowersSucKanswered grow question 4 months ago
They are all made of plastic of varying sizes and shapes. There is no "Best One". There is what works best for your situation. You can use a 3.5 inch, a 6", a 12" whatever. Their all the same. Just pick one that will work for whatever setup you intend on using.
TechDCostarted grow question 4 months ago
Has anybody ordered from here before? Prices seem good; I ordered 10 Alien Mesh Pots!
m0useanswered grow question 4 months ago
Never tried that page before. Can't say much to it. They have good reviews on google and trust pilot. grain of salt with then though. easily manufactured. Good Luck!
TechDCostarted grow question 3 months ago
Droopy still after 3hrs ish of fresh Feed? The feed water is cold and shocked the roots? Nothing else different just fresh! Then again she is a 100% Sativa and others are Indicas. She'll perk up! I've properly missed something ๐Ÿ˜• Read diary!
Buds. Other
Leaves. Curl down
TechDCostarted grow question 3 months ago
I need to buy 4 Nano stones? What's the best nano stone products? I did a bit of research and the Hygger Aquarium Air Stone. Seems to be the best. What's your thoughts? My plants need finer air to be dissolved! The tips are curling slightly! She's a sativa and her tops are fresh.
Leaves. Curl up

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TechDCoweek 5
You can get thrown in jail for offence memes these days! ""Well, jesus christ! - Slap me & call me Charlie - its time to go to Traider Joe's ๐Ÿค™ It's the Easter Holidays ๐Ÿฃ - its time to crack some eggs ๐Ÿฅš ๐Ÿ˜‹ - to get rid of the whites and keep the yolks." ๐Ÿ˜„. "HAPPY HOLIDAYS, Peeps!" Have a good one! ๐Ÿ‘ THUNDERBIRDS ARE GO!!!
TechDCoweek 5
Hey there, let me tell you about this saying I've been pondering recently. You know the phrase "making mountains out of molehills"? It's like when you take even the tiniest problem and blow it way out of proportion. Lately, I've been feeling a bit low on my luck, and I catch myself doing just that - turning every small setback into a monumental disaster. It's like my mind is playing tricks on me, making everything seem so much worse than it actually is. I know it's a common thing when we're not in the best place emotionally, but it's crucial to take a step back and see things for what they really are. I've noticed how this tendency to exaggerate magnifies the challenges I face, making them seem insurmountable. And let me tell you, it's a tough cycle to break out of when you're feeling down. But recognizing this pattern is the first step towards regaining some perspective. Understanding that my feelings might be amplifying these issues helps me approach them more rationally. I'm learning to discern between what's a genuine problem and what my mind is blowing out of proportion. I remind myself that setbacks are a natural part of life and that they're not the end of the world, even if they feel that way in the moment. With a clearer mind and a more positive outlook, I can start tackling these challenges one by one, knowing that they're not as monstrous as they may seem through my anxious lens. In the end, I've come to realize that our minds can play tricks on us, especially when we're feeling low. It's like they're in cahoots with anxiety, teaming up to make everything seem larger than life. But hey, at least with this realization, I can now joke that my mind sure knows how to turn a tiny molehill into a towering mountain - maybe I should hire it as a landscape architect in my garden of cannabis to awaken the gods that bring forth the Plasma Apocalypse! Who knows! "I need these flowers to lower my anxiety mind reading powers. I could say!"
TechDCoweek 4
Preferring to rely on my intuition, I have resolved to refrain from seeking input through inquiries that may seem lacking in depth or insight. The weight of unwarranted negativity has been a formidable obstacle, exacerbating my anxiety and eroding my self-trust. Nevertheless, I welcome any discourse and exchange of ideas that may offer a fresh perspective or challenge my current beliefs. Engaging in conversations that may lead to reconsideration and transformation of my views is encouraged. Acknowledging that my thoughts often lead me into a state of mental confinement, I offer my sincerest apologies for the intricacies that sometimes overshadow my interactions. Upon reflection of past endeavors, it becomes evident that instances of unsuccessful growth can be traced back to the amplified levels of anxiety induced by the act of journaling and the fear of external evaluation. This pressure has, regrettably, manifested in instances where my performance fell short of expectations, as recounted in my entries. For a significant duration of five years, my approach to cultivation involved employing Sensi Bloom in a coco medium, a method that yielded satisfactory results. Transitioning into documenting my techniques heralded a shift in dynamics, as the act of journaling became a source of distress, leading to a series of setbacks and errors in execution. It is apparent that the imposition of self-induced stress has marred my progress and impeded the efficacy of my methods, as highlighted in the chronicles of my cultivational pursuits. To address these challenges and realign with a sense of equilibrium, a decision has been made to step back from the routine of journaling for a brief respite. By granting myself the space to unwind and recharge, I aim to break free from the cycle of anxiety and self-doubt that have disrupted the harmony of my growth endeavors. I look forward to reconvening with you all in a fortnight when the plants are poised to transition into the flowering phase of growth. Anticipating a smooth progression devoid of interruptions, given the season's favorable conditions during spring. Last, the power disminhed in the street. The lingering uncertainty adds an element of intrigue to the upcoming events. As Arnold Schwarzenegger famously exclaims, "I'll be back!" See you all in 2 weeks. - Now, Good Day.
TechDCoweek 4
fresh baby cola leaves is what i see!
TechDCoweek 4
A brief span of time has elapsed, revealing a slight expansion of the plant's uppermost sectionsโ€”a promising indication that root development is resuming with vigor. I forecast that within the next two to three days, the plant's roots will have fully rejuvenated, reinstating their functionality to optimal levels. It is crucial to maintain a positive outlook during this process, as documented in my diary, free from pessimism and doubt. It is a common tendency for individuals to voice concerns only in the presence of challenges, often resorting to self-justification in a bid to rationalize their perspectives onto me! Nobody likes a show off!
KushPartyweek 2
Looks good ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘
@KushParty, thanks brother ๐Ÿ™
Lemonhazeloverweek 0
Happy germination and good luck buddy โ˜˜๏ธ
@Lemonhazelover, thanks a lot bro. It feels weird, with no coco like I'm in a lab!
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TechDCoweek 4
To be fair, it's not as bad as it looks! Recovery!
TechDCoweek 4
My Haze Cake plant isn't looking its best right now, appearing a bit thin and wilted but them leaves are baby new leaves. I suspect this is due to how I've been training it and the intense light it's getting from my 560-watt Cropmaster. It seems like the plant has been struggling to stand tall in this environment. Despite this, I did notice some improvement in its condition compared to yesterday, which gives me hope that it will continue to grow and thrive. I'm trying to stay positive and send good energy towards my plant, believing it will help in its development. I have this vision of creating a detailed grow journal where I document every single aspect of my cultivation techniques. From the lighting and watering schedules to the nutrients I provide and any challenges faced, I know that this meticulous record-keeping is key to understanding and improving the plant's growth conditions. I believe that by keeping track of everything, I will gain a better insight into my plant's progress and be able to analyze what factors are influencing its health and development. Right now, it feels like there are obstacles hindering my plant's growth journey. It's a challenging moment, but I see it as an opportunity to learn and grow. I am determined to reassess my strategies and push through these hurdles with a newfound resilience. Embracing this challenge as a chance for improvement, I am shifting towards a more proactive and solution-oriented mindset. This moment marks a turning point in my cultivation journey, showing my readiness to face challenges head-on and strive for progress with a renewed sense of purpose and dedication. More information, please read journal. Much โค๏ธ Love โค๏ธ
TechDCoweek 4
I'm going to stay true to myself, nurture this growth journey, and document it in my diary as if no one is observing. I believe wholeheartedly in this grow technique! However, my anxiety becomes overwhelming when it comes to documenting everything! I understand that we all need to learn at some point! I keep tripping over myself! For those who may have doubts, please shower me with positive vibes, love, and joy! ๐Ÿ˜Š I believe this will help alleviate my anxiety surrounding all of this! Thanks.
TechDCoweek 4
To be quite honest the sk600 light is way too powerful for this tent! So I'm not going to use it! Less anxiety ๐Ÿ™ƒ had enough of trying and failing with it! Will properly use Cropmaster!
TechDCoweek 4
Two tiny aqueous abrasions adorn the leaves of the Banana Clouds plant (left) water burn?
TechDCoweek 4
It's like I'm mainlining but I'm not, the end result is the same, fingers crossed! I've got a good feeling about this!
TechDCoweek 5
Yo bro, i have to make sure to extract those two tiny nodes from the main peaks of that righteous plant, lest it ends up looking totally botched at the edges, man. And hey, it's like that plant's gotta keep its cool with its summit game strong, you know what I'm saying? Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field! OK enough of my jokes/big head ~ trying to keep things interesting! I do apologise ๐Ÿ˜”
TechDCoweek 5
The objects ought to gradually descend organically into the semblance of a blossoming lotus, gazing skyward and outward, while remaining idle. I grasp the peril involved in employing this method. Nevertheless, I aspire to execute it successfully!
TechDCoweek 5
Bro, check it out - it's hilarious how this plant is all about wanting to be a Christmas tree, right? But dude, it's like someone took a chainsaw down the middle of it, and then bam, gravity kicks in and the upper part is just drooping out, like, whoa! It's seriously fascinating to watch, man. Makes you wonder if anyone else has messed around with seedlings to mess with how they grow, right? Has anyone endeavored to manipulate the growth patterns of seedlings in order to expedite the vegetative phase and enhance efficiency? ๐ŸŒฑ
TechDCoweek 5
Will switch to flower once they have 3 node placements upwards, hopefully by next week!
TechDCoweek 5
Looks like the problem was due to over feed! Perked up!
TechDCoweek 5
It looks like she's naturally fell for extra colas lol no training! Gotta' turn everything into Positives!
TechDCoweek 3
Red Nose Day, more like Red Eyes Day!