gnomecommentedweek 278 months ago
@TheUk420Show, She's 213cm x 122cm , Id say 1 square meter is at 53cm tall (net to tips) rest ranges from 20cm - 48cm. On avg I get 1400g with 90% being grade "A" and 5% "B+". Not really any "larf" or fluff with the strain. Even the lower buds are almost on point with some of my other strains upper mid grade. If I really pushed this setup I definitely could hit the 2Kg mark or more. With working , household chores , 2 boys one just turned 3y.o I just don't have the kind of time to dedicate to making it maxed out a.t.m. I will keep this grow updated and give decent attention to harvest pics and number crunching.
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