02.20.2024: With the solution indicated in nutrients (except potassium humate), soak the seeds for approximately 30 minutes. Then with the same solution I moistened the sheets of absorbent paper, and then left them inside the mini greenhouse as shown in the photos. It should be noted that I left the seeds horizontally (as you can see in the last photo), this is because this way the root grows directly downwards and does not curl up.
02.22.2024: It is already observed that all the seeds have opened and the radicle appears
02.23.2024: The radicle has already reached the desired length, so we soak the Jiffy with the indicated nutrient solution (this time with potassium humate) and then leave the seeds. Finally we left a small layer of Bioinsumos Chackrana seedbed substrate and left them in the mini greenhouse.
20/02/2024: Con la solución que se indica en nutrientes(salvo el humato potásico), remoje las semillas durante 30 minutos aproximadamente. Luego con la misma solución humedecí las hojas de papel absorbente, para posteriormente dejarlas dentro del mini invernadero tal como se muestra en las fotos. Cabe destacar que deje las semillas de de forma horizontal (como pueden apreciar en la ultima foto), esto es porque de esta manera la radicular crece directamente hacia abajo y no se enrolla.
22/02/2024: Ya se observa que todas las semillas se abrieron y aparece la radicula
23/02/2024: La radíciula ya alcanzo el largo deseado por lo que pasamos a remojar los Jiffy con la solución indicadas en nutrientes (esta ves con humato potasico) para posteriormente dejar las semillas. Finalmente dejamos una pequeña capa de sustrato de almácigo de bioinsumos chackrana y los dejamos en el mini invernadero
@PowerHaze, It is an adaptation of Korean natural farming in an indoor crop. The pot is a geotextil 100L pot. The idea is to recreate natural conditions as closely as possible, but taking advantage of the fact that in an indoor crop I can control the climate. For this reason I use only one large pot. The other plants are clovers and legumes that fulfill the following functions: first, to retain water evaporation, and second, to fix atmospheric nitrogen in the soil, this way I don't have to use nitrogen-rich fertilizers.
👍🏼 ❤️ Endnu en dansker rart møde en landsmand. Ved ikk om du har hørt om mig før, men jeg gør i alt fra gødning til frø fra både cphseeds.dk big plant since terra power nutriens og sweet seeds. Og jeg har lige fået en rigtig godt samarbejde med nordicweed (cbd produkter og thca 🙏🏼 hvis det er noget kan give dig 20pro rabat og op til 60pro på gødning (fra terra power. Tjek terrapower. Bio. Ikke. Com det noget m atom osv hahaha. 😉