Day 22:
We had problems with the smallest plant, it was much too small for its age and deformed. We decided to destroy it and place the bottle plant (reserve plant) in the 15L pot so that it has the opportunity to expand its root system.
On the photos, you can see that one of the two smaller plants had strange light spots on its leaf. I immediately looked under the leaf and found a small insect there, but it jumped off the leaf right away. Consequently, we promptly set up yellow sticky traps for insects and hope that this solves the problem.
Another problem is that our remaining soil seems to have developed mold. However, I only noticed this when I filled the pot with the backup plant. There wasn't a lot of mold, so I hope it will recede and not harm my root system. Therefore, I haven't watered today and will wait until Sunday-Monday to do so, to reduce the risk of mold.
Day 23:
1L pH-regualted water with 1,5ml/L Biogrow for each plant
Day 26:
The bottle plant has survived the transplantation very well.
The nibbled plant seems as if no pests have been enjoying my plant anymore. 2 out of 4 plants have now reached a good size, and the other 2 are still relatively small.
Soon, I will be removing another plant (the smalles one ofc) from the grow tent because I will be letting another 12 plants "pre-grow" in the tent for one month. This will give them an ideal start for my upcoming outdoor grow.
They look healthy, even little funny legs there, those leaves will grow out, I've got a Mexican Haze that has the weird leaves too. Good looking babies IceeTea
@@FraFra__frankenstoner_Two_days_in_a_day, i have the light on 50% at the moment should it let it on 50% and 30cm distance or should i turn it to 100%? i don‘t want to burn the plant
Es tut mir leid, dass sie nicht größer werden. Vielleicht solltest du mit kleineren Töpfen neu anfangen. Wirklich groß werden die wohl nicht mehr. Woran es genau liegt, kann ich auch nicht sagen. Es könnte an zu wenig Licht liegen, oder daran, dass sie am Anfang gespargelt haben. Sonst scheinst du alles richtig zu machen. Die Temperatur könnte viel zu niedrig gewesen sein. Sämlinge haben es gern warm. ca. 22 bis 26 Grad. Überwässert vielleicht?
Ich akzeptiere das jetzt so wie es ist. Ich starte jetzt mein Sommer Grow und konzentriere mich den Sommer über auf diese 4 Pflanzen da ich maximal 4 Stück bei mir im Land anbauen darf. Im nächsten Indoor Grow (Oktober) mache ich einige Sachen besser.
@@FraFra__frankenstoner_Two_days_in_a_day, Das ist mein erster grow. Ich werde im nächsten grow bessere erde benutzen etc. ich konzentriere mich jetzt den sommer über auf mein outdoor grow
In my opinion, it will not get much better here. New pots with new soil, to start again. The seedlings should not get leggy. They need more light from the first leafs. Maybe you do overwatering, or the soil is too dense.
@@FraFra__frankenstoner_Two_days_in_a_day, for now i will grow those plants and after them i will outdoor grow over the summer because only 4 plants are legal in my country and i will use them 4 outdoors to get as much yield as possible and in october i will start in the tent again with coco/perlite soil etc