They're certainly more comfortable in a foursome.
I trimmed the bottoms.
The girls began to develop faster.
I also added one more drip irrigation pipe to each bush.
You have to low down humidity to 50% at least because it could cause bud rot with time and thats something you dont want to see ever. Everythings looking good,healthy and beautiful plants. Last bigger defoliation make in 3rd week of flowering to make space for airflow under between branches which is very important in blooming.
Take care man and good luck. If you need any advice be free to message me. Regards bro🍀👍🏻😶🌫️
@Virke, he's in veg so won't be any bud rot buddy. It's actually kinda low for veg temps as well . During veg with leds, co2 I'm shooting for a lst temp around 82°F which means having to move lights closer or ambient temp to around ~85° , following vpd chart that would mean I'd need RH at 70% ... *** tip to prevent PM when running higher temps/RH% minimize your day/night temperature swings fluctuate no more than 3-5°F and you'll be golden. Maintain this until about week 4 of flower then you can start dropping temps and in relationship to VPD your RH%
It's all up to you on when to switch to flower. 😁 I usually make the decision when I plan the grow based on available time frame, strain, and desired yield.
Large cubes would root just as fast just need to change watering quantities/intervals takes longer to dry back than smaller. Try watering seedlings in Large blocks starting with ebb n flo just ensure your water is being wicked high enough to touch continue until ready to flip then drain to waste. Or if you have the ability to control how much plant Is receiving thru your floraflex try crop steering, if you don't have something like a trolmaster aqua, a digital timer with atleast 8x/24hr and can be controlled down to seconds and some basic math you'll see explosives growth all around like uve never seen before, cutting days to weeks off complete cycle!
Leaving the AC on will Atleast remove some of the water in the air, however the cooler the air the harder it is to dehumidify. Is that black tote your reservoir? If so moving it outside your tent will help keeping water temps cooler and help a bit with your humidity as it's contributing to it as well. We all know black absorbs light and heats up quite easily, warm water + an aerator = added RH% .
Your only in first week of flower raise ambient temps to target VPD.