I am excited to grow Hubbabubbasmelloscope. My first ever grow was White Rhino from Serious Seeds in 2006/2007 and she was fantastic. I am very keen to see what Mephisto does with the Serious Seeds genetics as a starting point.
I am reusing pot and substrate from mixed plant 4 (OG Khush I reckon) and I have topped the pot up with 10cm of living soil mix that I created using Lightmix and Bio Tabs products. I then add a cup of compost and worm grass from my own home composting systems.
I germinated her in a glass of neutralised tap water and 12 hours later her shell had cracked and I planted in her in the substrate and 2 days later she has fully emerged.
@Biotabs, they have really started to stretch and are starting to take over the tent. I’m positive she is going to absolutely explode once I add some BioTabs 😅