Experiencing some calcium deficiency. I suspect this is due to my soil ph. I might flush soon and let it correct itself in the Northern Light. I also forgot to change the position of my oscillating fan and I think i was getting some wind burn, I raised it to just above the canopy today. The Northern Light is still stretching and is about 22in, the buds are doing their thing but look small. Tons of them albeit popcorn-ish. I’ve been really worried about the NL but I’m hopeful to get to the end with it. The ZZ is still chugging along. I’m most excited about this plant. Never even had the strain but has been a joy to grow. I hope it tastes great! Will likely purchase more of these seeds but I already have many others to run through. This week was very difficult with humidity due to all the rain we had. I’ve been running my dehumidifier at night and a couple times during the day to mitigate the atmospheric conditions. I’m excited for the next few weeks. We should get to harvest soon. I’m going into this next week as hopefully the last week of big bud nutrient and will switch to overdrive if the hairs turn brown on my ZZ. The main cola and all others are quite a joy to watch. We will get there (well, at least the ZZ will lol)!
Thanks for all of the positive support! I need it lol every decision I make, I fear may be the wrong one. Getting into the crucial period of the plants I hope they don’t suffer too much.