Day 14 - She's thriving it seems so far. She's bursting with tri-leafed nodes. I've changed the environment a bit. I have not been successful cooling the room enough to bring down the VPD from 1.3kPa or so. Instead I'm approaching it from a humidity perspective. I have the threshold up to 70%RH. I'm peaking the humidity to lower the VPD to .9kPa since I can't really effectively cool the tent to the low 70's. There is a slight aroma from the seedling. The infamous skunky smell is only observable when very close to the plant. I have not been using the filter on the exhaust fan though.
Been trying to find anything this strain. So far your diary and a reddit thread is all that exists. Good luck with your grow man. Ill be following along. Ill be growing Blueberry muffin and Squirt pretty soon.
@Happy_Roots, thanks growmie! Odds are I'm one of the responses on the Reddit thread you found. I've been active in the HSC reddit community with updates more often but I'll update this diary weekly. I'm nicknaming this Red Huntress, so if you search Reddit for that you should see me.