Welcome to week 15 💜
Purple is still doing great but doesn't have that "explosive" growth that the Orange Bud has.
It's easier to control her now. I tied her down a bit extra and made all the smaller buds more visible
There was rain and sun and I gave one good feeding tonight. 2 to 3 ml nutrients on 4 L of water. PH 6,4 this time.
Everything is going great and this is really a fun year. I'm training the plant a little but more and I'm making sure there is a lot of airflow by pruning away all small leaves and the future popcornbuds.
If I look at the humidity conditions outside it can become difficult again.
75% to 100% humidity at night will be more common than exception.
We are almost 2nd week of August and I'm expecting the switch to flowering soon. I hope to keep everything low and under control 😅
I bought some companion plants and I placed extra flowers on the porch outside.
Mint, Basilicum, Thyme, Lavendel and some Citrus plants are added for camouflage and smell
Let's hope it works out
Happy growing 🙏
Gonna add some more pictures soon
@g_slim, I was looking for years for a good purple strain which was also fit for outdoor. Last year i tried Shaman but the seed didn't germinate. Let's hope for a good run now. Thanks for checking in friend 😉
Happy growing 🙏
Hola bro
Mas que un problema de pH parece un exceso de algún nutriente
Otro consejo: Ahora que han empezado a estirar, te recomiendo que hagas una poda de todas las ramas y los nudos en el tercio inferior de la planta
Mejorarás mucho la aireación y evitarás (si es posible) el budrot!
@nonick123, I'm going to "flush" the plant for 2 weeks. Make sure it's the right PH. If there is too much from some nutrients it gets flushed anyway and I'm sure my pH is correct so that is a double win 🙂
Tomorrow I will finally have some time to do decent work on the plant.
@Inganjawetrust, they look so nice and I really love the idea behind it to cut off the roots once it reaches outside so it uses all the food inside and grows strong roots. Unfortunately I didn't really had the benefits from it yet. I hope to grow good big roots this year. 3 summers ago my Jack Herer was great considering roots but I never had it like that anymore
@nonick123, hey friend
Yes the small waterbottles are a necessary solution because with the transfer to airpots and the big stretch she was too big for the humidity box 😄
The Airpots are 1L
They have enough room for the first 4 weeks for sure. I hope to get nice roots with the new Mychorizhae mix
I watered them in today for first time in soil with pH 6,5 water. No nutrient yet. Will wait one more week
Thanks for checking in 😉
@nonick123, I'm happy to be back too friend 😉🙏
I absolutely love the community here and all the great people Iike u I get to know 🙂
I'm gonna catch up on your diaries I missed too 😃
Hola amigo
Estaba pensando que hagas una buena poda de las ramas bajas para mejorar la aireación y evitar el budrot que siempre te amenaza
Asi la planta crecerá más verticalmente!
La planta muestra una deficiencia (no estoy seguro de cual)
Tras el flush, hace un riego con los nutrientes adecuados a esta fase para que se recupere
¿Mediste el valor de pH y de EC en el flush?
@nonick123, after the flush I found small caterpillar too so I decided to give some Neem Oil water too.
The leafs didn't became more bad after the flush so I hope I corrected the PH.
Tomorrow or Friday I will water in with flowering nutrients and PH 6,4.
It's nothing dramatic yet but I need to take action now 😄
I'm gonna try to get run off water to measure
Thanks for checking in 🙏😉