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a year ago
Nutrients 4
Terra Aquatica - Tripartite Micro Soft Water 0.25 mll
Calcium Magnesium Supplement - Terra Aquatica
Calcium Magnesium Supplement 0.25 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.25 mll
Hello everyone! After a few unsuccessful attempts at hydroponics, I am facing challenges once again. However, this time I believe I will succeed. I want to thank everyone who is willing to inform me and help me learn. I appreciate your support and look forward to your assistance. March 10th, Monday (Germination) * Seeds were placed in water. * Only one of them sprouted on the night of March 10th. March 11th, Tuesday * Transferred the other seeds to root riot and placed them in a warm area. March 12th, Wednesday * Filled the container with reverse osmosis water to wait until tomorrow afternoon to ensure there is no chlorine. * r-DWC: * Filled with 40 liters of water and 45ml of H2O2, running. If there is chlorine and fungi, they will be gone by the evening. March 13th, Thursday * Rinsed the clay stones again, pH adjusted to 6.0, and checked, pH remained stable. Will rinse again with 0 ppm and pH 6.0 water. * r-DWC: * Transferred the seeds. * Made a dome to prevent light from the sides of the clay stones and covered them. * Added 10 liters of water, totaling 50 liters. * Water level is 5cm below the net pot. * Added 10 ml of pro roots to the reservoir. * Two Blue Dream plants were dry at night, watered them with reservoir water. March 14th, Thursday * Fed them with spray after the lights went out. March 15th, Friday * r-DWC: * Top-fed with reservoir water. * Leaves of the 1st and 2nd plants are starting to turn light in the middle. If it continues, will transplant to soil. * Added 5 liters of water with pro roots, totaling 55 liters in the reservoir (5 liters = 1ml pro roots, ppm 30, pH 5.7). March 16th, Saturday * ALL: * Fed with spray before the lights turned on. * r-DWC: * Top-fed, avoiding wetting the root riots. * Plants #1 and #2 have sagging leaves and light-colored middles. * Plant #2 was replaced with the one tested with voodoo juice, and the hydro one was put on a paper towel and squeezed the root riots by hand. * Added 15 liters of water, totaling 70 liters. * Added voodoo juice and sensizym. * First fertilization given at 1/4 dose (70 Lt / 5ml) base nut + cal-mag. * PPM 110, pH 5.9 * Removed the top clay stones of plant #1 and placed a paper towel for the root riot to dry. * Water level is 3cm below the net pot. March 17th, Sunday (1st week) * Swapped my pro root experiment with plant #1, wrapped it in paper towels, and left the roots in the dark. Will check in the morning to see if the issue was from top feeding. * Dried leaves of plant #1 and moved it to the dark reservoir. * In the afternoon: * Started to plant the dried leaves of plant #1 and #2 from yesterday. No issues with plant #2; it continues to grow. Plant #1 needs to progress a bit more; it's lagging behind.
Week 1. Vegetation
a year ago
5.08 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
200 PPM
70 %
20 °C
20 °C
20 °C
20 L
127 cm
800 PPM
Nutrients 5
Pro Roots - Terra Aquatica
Pro Roots 0.2 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.25 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.25 mll
March 18, Monday: * Top watering was done with the water in the reservoir, paying attention not to wet the root riots. * In the afternoon: * I noticed a floating transparent mucus-like substance in the reservoir. When I checked the air stone, it was completely surrounded by it. I'll investigate whether this is harmful bacteria. I learned it's white algae; some say it's beneficial. I didn't like its appearance, so I'll remove it. * After cleaning with a brush, I soaked it in bleach, then brushed it again, boiled it, passed it through bleach again, then waited 1 ml of H2O2 per liter in H2O2 water, and they worked in H2O2 water. After drying, they were reattached. * The reservoir was emptied halfway, and 80 ml of H2O2 was added. After a few hours, air stones were removed, and a cup of bleach was run with water, then emptied. It was wiped with a clean cloth soaked in bleach and rinsed with a clean cloth. * Hosepipes were wrapped with black tape because light might leak through the air pipes and between the clay stones, and two cardboard pieces with holes in the middle were placed on top of the pot. * After reservoir cleaning, top feeding was done. ppm: 350 pH: 5.8 * I'll take photos after removing the cardboard. * 22:00 * Reservoir was filled with 40 liters of purified water and 80 ml of H2O2 * Don't use the company's pH reducer. It forms crystals in the reservoir. * Use beneficial bacteria. During the veg and flowering stages' first two weeks. March 19, Tuesday: * Two small, slightly nutrient-rich waters were taken, ppm 350 pH 6.5 * The reservoir became 75 liters. * 10 ml of H2O2 was added. * Top feeding was done at 14:00 (light nutrients). * Top feeding was done at 01:00 (light nutrients, ppm 290, pH 6.0, 18 degrees). * I saw white root-like things on the RR; suspecting mold, I'll place a piece of clay stone under each cardboard. * Since the pH of the reservoir is 6.2, I'll add 3 ml of white vinegar. It became 5.9. * They were sprayed after the lights were turned off. March 20, Wednesday: * When I woke up, there were brown spots on the leaf tips of number 1, and it wasn't facing upwards. I raised the lights and today I'll water it for the last time with the voodoo juice and mineral water I recently bought, then I'll wait for two days. I'll lower the water level by 10 liters. * 370 ppm * 5.9 pH * (pH, which was 6.3, was lowered to 5.5 with 3 ml of vinegar) * Since vinegar is harmful, after a round with just pH-adjusted water, I top watered with light nutrients + pH-adjusted + voodoo juice. * I transferred the mother plant to a 2.5-liter pot. * I transferred the experiment with the damaged leaf to a clay stone; it might replace number 1. I transferred the other experiment to a larger pot. * pH-adjusted + voodoo juice added plain water was given to those in the soil. * The least damaged of the other four plants were replaced with Plagron Bat Mix soil and watered with voodoo juice. * I top watered the spare clay stone; ppm 330 pH 5.9. March 21, Thursday: * Top feeding was done with light nutrients and pH-adjusted. * Four sick plants were removed from RR; their bare roots were planted in Plagron Bat Mix soil, pruned, and Pro Roots were added. * I swapped the spare with number 1. * I drew 10 liters of water from the reservoir, leaving 65 liters; 50 ml of 50% H2O2 was added to it, left to run for 1 hour, then drained, and the system was thoroughly cleaned. It was filled with fresh drinking water. * Top feeding was done with pH-adjusted light nutrients. * Two of them have visible roots; I'll continue top watering until all have roots. March 22, Friday: * They all have roots. * The reservoir seems to be leaking, but I couldn't find from where. It might be through transpiration, as no water accumulated when the fan was directed towards the buckets. * It's most likely transpiring because when I directed the fan towards the buckets, no water accumulated. * Nutrients were added to the reservoir: * 50 lt/5ml cal-mag Lt/0.1ml * 50 lt/12.5 ml micro Lt/0.25ml * 50 lt/12.5 ml grow Lt/0.25ml * 50 lt/10 ml bloom Lt/0.2 * 50 lt/50 ml voodoo juice Lt/1ml * 50 lt/50 ml fulvic acid Lt/1ml * ppm: 190 * pH: 5.9 * Temperature: 20°C * With 5 liters of nutrient-rich water, ppm reached 230, and the water reached 55 liters. * Everything is progressing nicely. * CO2 is on. March 23, Saturday: * The pH had risen to 6.2; I waited at that level for a while, then at 17:00, I added 1 ml of pH down and lowered it to 5.5 pH. However, it might rise after some time. My aim is for it to be 5.8. (It rose to 5.9, then after a few hours, it dropped to 5.8) * pH down raised the ppm by 5-10 points. * There's a water leak only in the main bucket, but the pipe entries weren't wet; it might be due to rapid transpiration from the ice bottles. There's not much water loss. I can recover the loss on a daily or weekly basis; it's not important. * New cardboards were put in place. March 24, Sunday (2nd week): * I'll swap number 1 for a few days. * I won't do top watering (roots are in the reservoir). * The mother plant and number 4 have slight burning signs on the old leaf tips. If it doesn't progress, it's not a problem. * At 23:00, * The dimmer was increased from 25% to 50%. * Light distance: 50cm. * CO2 was turned off. * A timer was set to run every 60/15 minutes; during this time, the vent will be open. (It was tried, and no progress was seen; on the contrary, it reduces humidity. The outside of the tent is filled with fresh air, and cold air enters from under the tent as warm air exits.) * CO2 will be started in the third week. * Those in the soil are developing faster :/ March 25, Monday: * Except for the mother
Week 2. Vegetation
a year ago
5.08 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
330 PPM
70 %
20 °C
20 °C
20 °C
20 L
127 cm
800 PPM
Nutrients 6
Voodoo Juice - Advanced Nutrients
Voodoo Juice 2 mll
Pro Roots - Terra Aquatica
Pro Roots 0.2 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.2 mll
March 25, Monday: * To alleviate symptoms on the leaf tips, 5 liters of water (with 10 drops of root riots) were added to the reservoir, reducing the ppm from 240 to 200. * The reservoir reached 60 liters. * 5 liters of water and 6 ml of root riots were added, resulting in a total of 65 liters with a ppm of 190-200. * The pH was lowered from 6.2 to 5.8 due to the CO2 content in the water, which might rise to around 6.0 by morning. It was 5.9 in the morning but dropped to 5.7. March 26, Tuesday: * There was foam in the reservoir, most likely originating from the pro roots. March 27, Wednesday: * r-DWC: Raised to 250 ppm, EC: 0.5. If growth is observed, nutrient values will be increased. * Added 30 drops of pro roots, 30 ml of voodoo juice, 3 ml of cal-mag, 7.5 ml of micro, 7.5 ml of grow, and 6 ml of bloom. * After soil flushing, the leaves revived. * r-DWC: * 250 ppm, 6.0 pH. * Temperature: 30°C, humidity around 60%. * Buckets are sweating; besides a possible increase in ppm, there are no positive or negative issues. March 28, Thursday: * r-DWC: * Emptied, refilled, and 44 liters of water added. * 100 ml voodoo juice, 40 ml cal-mag, 48 ml micro, 72 ml grow, and 24 ml bloom were added. * ppm: 720, pH: 5.8. * 10.5 liters of plain water added (total 54.5 liters). * ppm: 610-620, pH: 5.9. * Made a change in ppm, should have been done as 0.2 EC. Was a bit impatient, but I don't have much time to lose. March 29, Friday: * r-DWC: * ppm: 610-620 (yesterday it was mostly 620, now fluctuating between 610-620). * pH: 6.0-6.1. * Water level: * Top feeding done for r-DWC. Water level is decreasing slightly. * ppm increased to 630. March 30, Saturday: * Need to further reduce ppm; plants are not consuming or drinking. * r-DWC: * -15 liters + 9 liters (pH-adjusted water). * ppm: 430, likely to rise. * +7 liters, ppm: 390. * -12 liters + 10 liters (pH-adjusted). * ppm: 340, total water: 70.5 liters. * Lights will be at 10% intensity and 50 cm away for a few days. * r-DWC: * ppm: 350, pH: 6.1 + 1 ml pH- = 5.4 (due to dilution), previously, 1 ml would lower it to 5.9. Buffer has decreased, so experiencing significant drops. * pH: 5.4 + 0.5 ml pH+ = 5.9 (after hours). * Top feeding done, ppm dropped to 330. If it drops further tomorrow morning, I'll check the water and then increase the ppm. NEWLY EMERGING LEAVES LOOK GREAT! March 31, Sunday (3rd week): * r-DWC: * -6 liters + 10 liters (RO water). * ppm: 290-300 (fluctuating), pH: 6.2. * Added 12 ml voodoo juice (ppm stable). * Added 0.5 ml pH- = 5.9. All conditions are great; expecting a surge in plant growth. Tomorrow evening, lights will be set to 25%. Evening Report: * r-DWC: * ppm: 290-310. * pH: 6.0. * Water level was measured again. * Roots were floating in the reservoir, so I installed a filter.
Week 3. Vegetation
a year ago
12 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
520 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
20 °C
20 L
50 cm
800 PPM
Nutrients 6
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.6 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.95 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.5 mll
April 1, Monday: * r-DWC: * ppm: 290-310 * pH: 6.1 * Water temperature: 24°C * Development was observed. * There was red-brown foam in the reservoir. I think it's due to beneficial bacteria from temperature or the filter. It's only in the main bucket, not in the others. The roots are completely white and healthy. * Temperature was lowered, and since the filter was a sponge, it was removed and rinsed with h2o2. * The foam significantly disappeared. * r-DWC: * +1 mL pH- * pH: 6.1 5.4 * + 0.5 mL pH+ 5.6 * +0.5 mL pH+ 5.9 * +4 drops of pH- 5.8 * LIGHT at 25% * All plant leaf damages were cleaned with a sterile razor blade; green parts of the leaves are intact. * r-DWC: * ppm: 310 (stabilized) * pH: 6.0 * +0.25 mL pH- 5.8 April 2, Tuesday: * LIGHT: 50% * r-DWC: * ppm: 290-310 * pH: 6.0 * +0.25 mL pH- 5.8 * Magnesium deficiency observed in lower leaves. Reservoir change and fertilizer increase will be provided, and silica will be added. * Reservoir renewed 50L * Silicate 14 gr * Cal-mag 30 mL * Micro 35 mL * Grow 50 mL * Bloom 18 mL * Fulvic 60 mL * ppm: 540 * pH: constantly rising (silicate) April 3, Wednesday: * r-DWC: * ppm: 560 * pH: 6.1 (constantly rising, despite lowering it below 6 at least 3 times a day) * To reduce ppm and prevent pH rise, I'll add 20 liters of plain nutrient solution. * 20 liters of water (RO): * 20 mL cal-mag * 7 mL micro * 16.5 mL grow * 4 mL bloom * ppm: 500-520 * pH: 6 April 4, Thursday: * The morning temperature reached 25°C, immediate action was taken. * Pump filter was changed. Observed silica and dead roots in the filter. * r-DWC: * ppm: 520 * pH: 5.8 * Total water: 70 liters * Silicate: 14 gr in 10 liters / 2 gr * Cal-mag: 50 mL per liter / 0.7 mL per 1.4 * Micro (soft water): 42 mL per liter / 0.6 mL per 1.2 * Grow: 66.5 mL per liter / 0.95 mL per 1.8 * Bloom: 22 mL per liter / 0.3 mL per 0.6 * Fulvic: 60 mL per liter / 0.85 mL per 1.7 * r-DWC: * ppm: 620 (briefly increased to 530) * pH: 5.9 * LIGHT: %25
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Thundrfukcommentedweek 3a year ago
Once you go DWC, you never go back...LOL👊
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