They'll yield something, might even grow a little bit bigger, but it's not going to be substantial. In all honesty, autos are a poor choice for a first grow. Every "oopsy" adds up and the timetable an auto runs on makes recovering from mistakes challenging. Photoperiod plants give you more wiggle room to learn, though outdoors you don't have the total control of their change like you would indoors. For your next batch of autos, here's a few tips to maybe help you find better results:
1. Your hours of daylight have been too low. Outside I know that this is out of your control but help it as much as possible by eliminating shading on your plants. Give them as much uninterrupted light as possible, usually along a wall isn't the best spot unless it's south facing. While they're still small enough you may even want to consider bringing them inside at night for supplemental lighting.
2. Get better pots. Terracotta pots are great for houseplants but awful for cannabis. Houseplants don't feed nearly as heavy as cannabis does and those types of pots don't drain well enough for frequent watering, so your plants usually end up starved or overwatered.
3. Don't be too hard on yourself. Growing weed isn't as intuitive as growing tomatoes. Knowledge isn't as widespread and different sources are often conflicting in their advice. While learning the ropes, locate a source of info that you can trust. I'm a big fan of, good info presented in a way that's easy to follow that's scaled to fit about any skill level.