Adding "Overdrive", three weeks till harvest. Kabul express has more berries in the aroma, while sugar black rose is kinda piney IMO. Old chem burns on leaves, no problems this week. And buds got a lot bigger and look pretty tasty!
Nice looking plants ! I can't wait to see what they are going to look like with big flowers all over them !! Best of luck on the rest of you're grow !
-Happy Growing!
@bobtheblob, Thanks man ! I like to make them as detailed as I can so who evers looking at them can learn or maybe help me learn !
Thanks for responding and following!
-Happy Growing!
@The_Projexx, thanks a lot! I'm waiting for those girls to grow up too, and actually is supposed to help me with finishing it and not cutting crops too early) I'm a sinner, you know XD Cool diaries btw!