The radical juice smells exactly like the sweet tooth i had before. The smell is kinda sour and floral but also has a light pepper note that shines through.
My favorite is the Honey Peach CBD because the smell comes really close to a certain soda which originated in the 1940s in Germany... But like the newer mandarine one not the orange one😅
@Hattiwatti, thanks imma use some more foil on the tubes. Normally I used black buckets but this time I didnt really think about it ngl. Never had any problems with anythin in my 7 grows before but now everything is going kinda bad. Im really thankful for your help bro
@Gruenkohlgehtimmer, i always just wanna help when i mention something. Have done dwc for couple years and my eyes easily catch these problems. Mostly cause i have done those by myself also. Many grower get annoyed or something like that when mentioned.
Other thing is clear tubing from lid. Thats pretty huge amount of light that gets in reservoir. Had one rootrot because i had mine tubing like that. That time i covered tubes with foil and used h2o2 for roots. Now a days i always put tubing to side of reservoir to avoid it. And black tubing.
Roots in the picture looks nice and white. Lets hope they are fine.
@Hattiwatti, i totally forgot about it but the only thing different from prior grows are the white buckets. I covered em in foil now until the black ones arrive but the roots already have many brown spots... I cleaned em and changed everything but I think they are fked. Still thank you for you lifesaving msg
@Hattiwatti, even more right now. The CBD is around 50 cm away and the Radical is around 30cm. What are your indicators for "too much light"? Maybe the slightly crispy leaves?