The Grow Awards 2025 🏆


5 months ago
Room Type
weeks 4-9, 9-17
weeks 4, 6-9, 9-13
weeks 4, 6, 9, 9, 12
weeks 4, 6, 9, 9, 12-14, 18
Grow medium
Pumice Stone
Grow medium
Lava Rock
Grow medium
Large Leca Balls
Grow medium
Medium Leca Balls
Grow medium
Medium Perlite
Grow medium
Worm Castings
Grow medium
Fish Compost
Grow medium
38 L
Pot Size
a year ago
Nutrients 2
All Purpose - Gaia Green
All Purpose 3 mll
Glacial Rock Dust - Gaia Green
Glacial Rock Dust 1 mll
GERMINATION STRATEGY To germinate our seeds, we follow a two-step process: 1) Seed Scarification; and, 2) Seed Sowing. To scarify seeds, a process that softens the outer coating of the seed, create a seed scarification solution by combining 90mL of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide (typical household H2O2) with 480mL of de-chlorinated water, then equally distribute into sterilized glass containers, each labeled for a unique seed strain. Soak seeds in the solution for no greater than 18 to 20 hours. Next undertake Seed Sowing by filling Seedling Pots (1.94L ea.) with moistened Living Soil and plant the "scarified" seeds. We utilize our own Living Soil by preparing a soil mix as per ratios described on the Media and Containers image, and as per the Fertigation Strategy for Dry Organic Amendments. To complete the Living Soil preparation, we set our filled containers in the propagation garden (no lights, all other systems on), innoculated each with Compost Tea and let sit for a minimum of 14 days prior to Seed Sowing, so as to allow the biology to develop within the growing media. To sow the scarified seeds, create a small hole in the substrate, about 6mm to 12mm (¼”- ½”) deep in the soil surface, dust the hole thoroughly with up to 5mL of Mycorrhizal Innoculant (Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Blend), then set the seed in the hole, pointy end up. Cover the seeds loosely with growing media then mist the soil surface with plain de-chlorinated water adjusted to a pH of 6.5. Next place the pots on a heat mat and under a dome, targeting a temperature range of 23C to 25C and humidity levels of 65% to 70%. Once sprouts appear, the dome is removed. TRANSPLANT AND GROWTH STRATEGY Our crop will undergo two transplants, along with a combination of Low Stress Training (Leaf Tucking, Branch Training) and High Stress Training (Topping, Super Cropping) to maximize the size and canopy of each specimen. Seeds are germinated in a 1.93L (0.5 gallon) plastic pot and grow through seedling stage and into early vegetative stage, in an indoor environment under an LED Light Fixture. When ready (between days 29 and 35), specimens will be transplanted to an 11.3L fabric Transition Pot (~3 gallon) and once recovered (3 to 7 days), will be transitioned to the Greenhouse setting over a 10-day hardening-off process. Plants will continue to grow through early to mid-vegetative stage and when ready (between days 64 and 70 or no later than approximately 3 weeks from the beginning of flowering), will undergo one more transplant to a fabric 37.7L Final Pot (~10 gallon) where the individuals will complete their life cycle through to harvest. FERTIGATION STRATEGY We employ a multi-faceted organic fertigation methodology that leverages only those amendments that comply with Canada’s Organic Production Systems General Principles & Management Standards and Permitted Substances Lists (CAN/CGSB-32.310-2021 CAN/CGSB-32.311-2020). We use dry organic amendments as well as compost and worm castings to amend soil, and supplement at regular intervals throughout the life-cycle with top dressings. Aerated compost teas and liquid amended soil drenches are applied bi-weekly (rotating), and we foliar feed through to the beginning of the flowering stage (bi-weekly).
Used method
Directly In Substrate
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
10 months ago
7.5 cm
16 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
20 PPM
50 %
18 °C
23 °C
2 L
0 L
40.6 cm
APRIL 27 to MAY 3, 2024 Germinated in substrate following a scarification process. Plant growing indoors under a 230W Full Spectrum LED Fixture through Seedling and Early Vegetative Stages. Plant receives 16 hours of light, beginning at 06:00 and ending at 22:00, followed by 8 hours of darkness. This light cycle mimics what the plants will experience when transitioned to the outdoor greenhouse. Specimen developing into a strong seedling as it approaches Day 7. Days 1 to 3 light set to 180 PPFD at canopy for a DLI of 10.37. Days 3 to 7 light set to 200 PPFD at canopy for a DLI of 12.0. Day 5 provided 135mL of de-chlorinated water at a pH of 6.5 and temperature of 18C. Soil surface moistened as required with dechlorinated water applied with a mister. Work to get Greenhouse ready for production underway, with Rain Barrel serviced and set-up.
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Week 2. Vegetation
10 months ago
12.5 cm
16 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
20 PPM
50 %
18 °C
22 °C
2 L
0 L
40.6 cm
Nutrients 2
Optimize Organics - GROW Liquid Organic Plant Food (3-1-2) 2.5 mll
Activated Effective Microbes (EM1) 1.25 mll
MAY 4 to 10, 2024 Plant has adapted well, and is growing with vigor. Day 8 - Light set to canopy exposure of 240 PPFD or 13.82 DLI; Day 9 - Light misting of soil surface to damp; Day 10 - Provided 100mL of de-chlolrinated water; Day 11 - Light set to 270 PPFD or 15.55 DLI; Day 12 - nil Day 13 - Observed purpling of second node leaf petioles, and some general limey green color. Provided 135mL of half strength Soil Drench (3-1-2 Organic Liquid Plant Food, and EM1). Day 14 - Plant appears to have responded well to feeding. Light misting of soil surface to damp;
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Week 3. Vegetation
10 months ago
20 cm
16 hrs
24 °C
20 PPM
50 %
18 °C
22 °C
2 L
0 L
40.6 cm
MAY 11 to 17, 2024 Plant growing well and vigorously. Soon to be ready for topping. Day 16 - Light misting of soil surface to damp; Lamp set to 300 PPFD at canopy height for 17.28 Daily Light Integral (DLI). Day 17 - Top watered with 150mL of de-chlorinated water, bottom watered with 150mL of de-chlorinated water. Day 18 - n/a. Day 19 - Light misting of soil surface to damp. Day 20 - Lamp set to 350 PPFD at canopy height for 20.16 DLI; Top watered with 150mL of de-chlorinated water, bottom watered with 150mL of de-chlorinated water Day 21 - n/a. Day 22 - Top watered with 150mL of de-chlorinated water, bottom watered with 150mL of de-chlorinated water.
Week 4. Vegetation
10 months ago
15 cm
16 hrs
24 °C
20 PPM
50 %
18 °C
22 °C
2 L
0 L
40.6 cm
MAY 18 to 24, 2024 This week plant was topped and training undertaken for the end-goal of manifolding or mainlining the plant to produce a total of 16 growth shoots. Day 23 - Light misting of soil surface to damp. Foliar fed just before lights out, and as per recipe listed below; Day 24 - Top watered 100mL of de-chlorinated water, bottom watered 100mL of de-chlorinated water; Plant topped back to 3rd node; Given the size of the plant this topping/cutting back was admittedly a bit aggressive and may have been better to top back to 4th node. Day 25 - Light misting of soil surface to damp. Day 26 - Top watered 100mL of de-chlorinated water, bottom watered 100mL of de-chlorinated water; Day 27 - Light misting of soil surface to damp. Day 28 - Top watered 100mL of de-chlorinated water, bottom watered 100mL of de-chlorinated water; FOLIAR FEED RECIPE (mL/L) Humic Acid: 2.5mL Wild Fish Hydrolsylate (2-2-0): 10mL North Atlantic Kelp Extract (0.1-0-5): 2.5mL North Pacific Kelp Extract (0.1-0.5-1): 2.5mL Fulvic Acid: 2.5mL Monosilic Acid: 0.5mL Yucca Extract: 1.5mL Epsom Salt: 3mL Water Soluable Calcium: 10mL Activated Effective Microbes (EM1): 1mL Plant appears to be "hungry" and ready for transplant to 11L Transition Pot over the next day or two.
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
10 months ago
17 cm
16 hrs
24 °C
20 PPM
50 %
18 °C
22 °C
11 L
0 L
40.6 cm
Nutrients 4
Mycorrhizal Inoculant - Dynomyco
Mycorrhizal Inoculant 1 mll
All Purpose - Gaia Green
All Purpose 11.89 mll
Glacial Rock Dust - Gaia Green
Glacial Rock Dust 3.96 mll
MAY 25 to 31, 2024 Specimen transplanted to 11.3L fabric pot this week, preloaded with an active living soil that was previously prepared as per Fertigation Strategy image. Growing well, some discoloration of leaves that I think is associated with a calcium deficiency triggered by the full spectrum LED fixture. Ready for second topping this coming week (Day 36 to 42), as well as beginning the hardening off process to transition to greenhouse for the remainder of its life. Day 29 - Transplanted to 11.3L fabric pot; Watered in with 850mL rainwater. Day 30 - Further training to flatten plant out. Day 31 - n/a Day 32 - n/a Day 33 - 500mL top watering with rainwater. Day 34 - Continue with LST training adjustments maintain a flatter manifold structure in the primary branch growth. Day 35 - n/a
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
9 months ago
17 cm
16 hrs
24 °C
20 PPM
50 %
18 °C
22 °C
11 L
0 L
40.6 cm
Nutrients 7
Optimize Organics - Liquid Grow (3-1-3) 5 mll
Yucca Extract 0.25 mll
Monosilic Acid 0.5 mll
JUNE 1 to 7, 2024 Plant growing well enough, with the hardening off process underway and a second topping undertaken to create 4 primary growth shoots. Some discolouration is raising concern. Day 36 - Topped and LST Day 37 - 800mL of Full Spectrum Soil Drench (see recipe below) Day 38 - Hardening off begins - 2 hours in greenhouse, under cloudy conditions Day 39 - 400mL bottom watering with rainwater; Additional LST adjustments, and mild defoliation of larger fan leaves off main stalk; 3 hours of time in greenhouse under mostly cloudy conditions Day 40 - 4 hours of time in greenhouse under sun and cloud conditions Day 41 - 400mL top watering with rainwater; 4 hours of time in greenhouse under mostly cloudy conditions Day 42 - 5 hours of time in greenhouse under mix of sun and cloud conditions. FULL SPECTRUM SOIL DRENCH (mL/L) Optimize Organics Liquid Grow (3-1-3) - 5.0mL Yucca Extract - 0.25mL Monosilic Acid - 0.5mL Water Soluable Calcium - 5.0mL Magnesium Sulphate (Epsom Salt) - 1.0mL Activated Effective Microbes (EM1) - 5.0mL Unsulphured Sugarcane Molasses - 1.25mL
Used techniques
Week 7. Vegetation
9 months ago
20 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
20 PPM
45 %
18 °C
19 °C
11 L
0 L
40.6 cm
JUNE 8 to 14, 2024 Plant growth is slowing. The discolouration is thought at this time to be due to light stress from the LED fixture in the indoor propogation garden (had it turned up too high and dailed it back). Overall, plant remains on-track, and expected to be transplanted to final pot (38L/10gal) in the next 2 weeks. Day 43 - 500mL bottom watered with rainwater, 350mL top watered. 6 hours in greenhouse under mostly sunny conditions Day 44 - 7 hours in greenhouse under mix of sun and cloud conditions. Day 45 - 500mL top watered with rainwater, 350mL bottom watered. 8 hours in greenhouse under mix of sun and cloud. Day 46 - 9 hours in greenhouse under mix of sun and cloud Day 47 - 400mL top watered, 400mL bottom watered with rainwater. Overnighted in greenhouse Day 48 - n/a Day 49 - 450mL top watered and 450mL bottom watered with rainwater
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Used techniques
Week 8. Vegetation
9 months ago
20 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
20 PPM
45 %
18 °C
21 °C
11 L
0 L
40.6 cm
Nutrients 5
Worm Castings 60 mll
Optimize Organics - Microbe Multiplier 4 mll
Wild Fish Hydrolysate 1 mll
JUNE 15 to 21, 2024 Plant growth has slowed considerably. What was thought to be a light stress issue, appears to be something more sinister like an iron deficiency, possibly triggered by light stress, training stress, pH issues, or some other soil problem/condition. Allowed the media to dry out and applied a compost tea, however this treatment doesn't seem to be triggering an improvement. Not certain how to address this problem, but thinking a transplant to final pot might assist. Day 50 - minor LST to keep plant flat. Day 51 - n/a Day 52 - 450mL top water, 400mL bottom water with rainwater Day 53 - minor LST to keep plant flat Day 54 - Compost Tea (see recipe below) Day 55 - minor LST Day 56 - minor LST COMPOST TEA RECIPE (ml/L) Worm Castings - 60mL/L Optimize Organics Microbe Multiplier - 4mL/L Humic Acid - 0.5 ml/L Wild Fish Hydrolysate - 1.0 mL/L Unsulphured Sugarcane Molasses - 0.3 mL/L
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Used techniques
Grow Questions
cultivarsstarted grow question 9 months ago
Appear to have an iron deficiency, perhaps as a result of lock-out. May have been triggered by light stress or environment changes. Living soil media, watered with rainwater, supplemented with compost teas and organic soil drenches pH to 6.5. Seeking advice as to how to correct
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Setup. Strains - Photoperiod
Setup. Outdoor
AsNoriuanswered grow question 9 months ago
It looks more like potassium . Iron would need heavily high ph to occur.
Week 9. Vegetation
8 months ago
30 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
20 PPM
50 %
18 °C
0 °C
20 °C
11 L
0 L
JUNE 22 to 28, 2024 Plant growth has slowed as a result of what was concluded to be a Potassium exceedance. Following treatments of just plain rainwater, the specimen has appeared to begin its road to recovery. Day 58 - 450mL top water, 300ml bottom water Day 59 - n/a Day 60 - 450mL top water, 300ml bottom water; Plant topped for 3rd time to produce 8 growing shoots Day 61 - n/a Day 62 - 450mL top water, 300ml bottom water Day 63 - n/a
Used techniques
Week 10. Vegetation
8 months ago
30 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
20 PPM
50 %
18 °C
20 °C
38 L
0 L
Nutrients 4
Mycorrhizal Inoculant - Dynomyco
Mycorrhizal Inoculant 1 mll
Worm Castings - Gaia Green
Worm Castings 250 mll
All Purpose - Gaia Green
All Purpose 12 mll
JUNE 29 to JULY 5, 2024 Plant appears to have fully recovered and growth has picked up. Transplanted to 38L (10 gal) fabric pot this week, which will be its final home. Day 64 - 450mL top water, 300mL bottom water with plain rainwater Day 65 - n/a Day 66 - Mild LST Day 67 - Transplanted to Final Pot 38L (10 gal); Watered in with 3L plain rainwater Day 68 - n/a Day 69 - Mild LST; installed modified tomato cage to use for supports Day 70 - n/a
Used techniques
Week 11. Vegetation
8 months ago
30 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
20 PPM
50 %
18 °C
20 °C
38 L
0 L
JULY 6 to 12, 2024 Plant growing vigourously, and without issues as it is fully recovered from the overfeeding problem. Mild LST daily to keep plant flat and to control height. Will be ready for final topping over the next week to produce 16 main growth shoots. Day 71 - Mild LST Day 72 - Mild LST Day 73 - Mild LST Day 74 - 1.5L Top watering with plain rainwater Day 75 - Mild LST Day 76 - Mild LST Day 77 - Mild LST
Used techniques
Week 12. Vegetation
8 months ago
35 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
20 PPM
50 %
18 °C
20 °C
38 L
0 L
JULY 13 to 19, 2024 Specimen growing well and vigorously. Received final topping to produce 16 main growing nodes, and underwent some defoliation. LST applied throughout the plant's life to this point to keep plant flat and to control height, however now that final topping has occurred, we will allow the specimen to grow upwards and will simply train each of the 16 growth shoot to occupy a 15x15cm (6"x6") space as we plan to install trellis netting in about 3 weeks. Expecting stretch to start in about 2.5 weeks. Day 78 - Top watered 2L plain rainwater Day 79 - n/a Day 80 - Topped to produce 16 growing shoots and defoliated Day 81 - Top watered with 3L of plain rainwater, bottom watered with 1L of plain rainwater Day 82 - n/a Day 83 - n/a Day 84 - Top watered with 1.5L of rainwater; Applied 500mL Soil Pest Defense solution to soil surface via sprayer (recipe below) in effort to defend against any fungus gnats. SOIL PEST DEFENSE (mL/L) 8.0 mL of Neem Oil 4.0 mL of Organic Castile Peppermint Soap 0.25 mL of Yucca Extract
Used techniques
Week 13. Vegetation
8 months ago
45 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
20 PPM
50 %
18 °C
20 °C
38 L
0 L
Nutrients 3
Optimize Organics - Veg Grow - 5-3-5 2 mll
Optimize Organics - Flower Bloom 2-7-5 2 mll
Worm Castings - Gaia Green
Worm Castings 12 mll
JULY 20 to 26, 2024 Specimen growing vigorously and without much issue. Sunrise 6:20AM Sunset 9:47PM for 15:27 hours of sunlight, and I think we may be in the stretch now as specimen has shown pistils at a few locations and the upward growth and nodal spacing is lengthening. Fungus gnats are present and we are defending against them with the following strategy: Neem Oil/Castile Soap spray application to soil surface (applied last week) to kill alive flying targets, and to kill emerging targets (also makes entering soil unpleasant for reproduction); 2 days later applied a layer of Diatomaceous Earth to kill emerging gnats and hung sticky traps to catch flying ones. 2 days later 5cm (2") layer of coco coir as a quick drying mulch to make reproduction a challenge for these pests. Day 85 - n/a Day 86 - 3L plain rainwater applied via drip irrigation Day 87 - n/a Day 88 - Applied layer of Diatomaceous Earth to combat minor presence of fungus gnats Day 89 - n/a - allowing substrate to dry in effort to combat fungus gnats Day 90 - Applied Top Dress and watered in with 2.0L Soil Drench (see recipe below) Day 91 - n/a SOIL DRENCH (Bloom Formula in mL/L) 5.0mL - Optimize Organics Bloom Liquid Organic Plant Food (1-3-3) 0.2mL - Yucca Extract 0.5mL - Monosilic Acid 5.0mL - Activated EM1 1.2mL - Unsulphured Sugarcane Molasses DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Greenhouse growing environment is equipped with an automated drip irrigation system (timer based automation if needed, otherwise manually operated as required). The system uses an in-line demand pump (SHURflo 8025-733-256) that draws from a 220L (58 gallon) rain barrel through a filter to its' inlet, then distributes rainwater to pressure compensating Drip Emitters (Netafim - 2.1 GPH Woodpecker Emitter) located at each plant site before dispensing through Drip Rings (Netafim - Netbow) at the soil surface of individual specimens. Quick connects and shut-off valves at various locations along the system allow for easy system maintenance or isolation of individual specimens if required. System convertible to BluMats if desired, however a pressure tank after the pump may be needed.
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Used techniques
Week 14. Vegetation
8 months ago
60 cm
15 hrs
26 °C
20 PPM
45 %
18 °C
20 °C
38 L
1 L
Nutrients 1
Dr. Bronners - Peppermint Castile Soap 4 mll
JULY 27 to AUGUST 2, 2024 Specimen is performing well, and is most certainly into the stretch. Not displaying a lot of pistils, but clearly pushing upward with vigor as it grew approximately 20cm (7.5") in height over the week. No feeding with nutrients this week other than rainwater. Very hot conditions for days 92 through 98 (highs above 30C and humidex values pushing to 35C), resulting in points in time where the greenhouse was certainly in the VPD danger zone, but there wasn't much of anything I could do about it. Kept specimen well watered throughout the "heat bubble episode" and it seemed to respond well enough, however the stretching and fairly wide inter-nodal spacing may have been the result of the hot conditions or it is possible its just a part of its natural growth pattern as a sativa dominant strain. Day 92 - 1L bottom water with plain rainwater in the morning. Hot day upwards of 30C (38C with humidex); Leaf temp held at 29.7C; 1.5L drip watered in the evening, noticed the 1 to 2 inch coco mulch layer got pretty saturated, meaning the drip wasn't penetrating the soil mix below; Will top water manually next time due, but add surfactant (Yucca and Castile Soap); Defoliated the lower skirt of the plant, removing un-needed fan leaves and to open up lower portion of plant for better air flow; Directed fan to soil surface to help make environment difficult for fungus gnat propagation. Day 93 - Another very hot day, with heat warnings in the area; Ventilation system kicked on by 8:45AM (triggered by 25C temps); Trellis netting may need to go on soon; Internodal spacing fairly wide on the Lemon Orange, might be the result of hotter weather or genetic predisposition (sativa leaning); Don't expect it to be an issue however. Day 94 - 3.0L of rainwater with Castile Soap additive (4mL/L) as a surfactant to ensure wetting throughout substrate; Subsequent measurements show "wet" substrate throughout. Will allow to dry to just below ideal (4 on my calibrated scale) and attempt to supplement with regular drip irrigation to meet consumption needs. Day 95 - n/a Day 96 - n/a Day 97 - 1L top water via drip irrigation in the morning, another 1L in the evening; Started compost tea brew to be applied on day 99.
Used techniques
Week 15. Vegetation
7 months ago
79 cm
15 hrs
26 °C
20 PPM
45 %
18 °C
20 °C
38 L
1 L
Nutrients 5
Optimize Organics - Microbe Multiplier 4 mll
Humic Acid 0.5 mll
Wild Fish Hydrolsylate 1 mll
AUGUST 3 to 9, 2024 Specimen is growing vigorously, and in the stretch but still not putting out very many pistils, if any at all. Another 19cm (7.5 inches) of upward growth over the last 7 days. Sunrise is 06:38, sunset 21:28 for a total of 14:50 hours of available daylight (backbench is in full shade by 19:30). All leaves are healthy green throughout, with no signs of over fertigation or nutrient deficiencies. New growth a bit "lime" coloured, but that is likely the result of the vigorous growth. Installed trellis netting this week to serve as support and to assist in guiding growing shoots to create an even canopy. Having some difficulty maintaining that even canopy as inner growth shoots seem to be succumbing to apical dominance from outer growth shoots. Of note, Main-Lining to 16 growth shoot seems a bit unwieldy and next summer I may start plants a week or two later in the year, then mainline to 8 growth shoots and utilize stakes for support instead of trellis netting, as it will allow for daily 1/4 turn rotations of plants to expose the full circumference to best light every 4 days. Defoliated the bottom skirt up to the top rung of the installed and modified tomato cages, as well as several strategic locations of the plant above the tomato cage along the back wall of the greenhouse. These sites will not get much light and not produce desired flowers, so better to remove to allow plant to focus on production at the cola. Day 99 Set plants in final position, installed trellis netting, and undertook defoliation DAY 100 Applied 2.5L Compost Tea, pH'd to 6.6, and an additional 1.5L bottom water, and supplemental 1.5L via drip water; Substrate 'wet' throughout DAY 101 Further defoliation of skirt and areas of plants located near the back wall of the greenhouse as those growth sites will not receive enough light to produce suitable flowers. DAY 102 n/a DAY 103 1.5L drip watered, and 500mL bottom watered with plain rainwater DAY 104 Applied Soil Pest Defense Soil Drench (see recipe below), soaking edges of pots where fungus gnats appear to prefer as an area of cover; Presence isn't overwhelming, but requires the treatment regime to control. Diatomaceous Earth to be applied as soon as soil surface is dry. New sticky traps hung. Soil Moisture conditions following drench registered as optimal below coco coir mulch layer, ranging from 3 to 6 through top half of substrate, to 8-10 through bottom half. Cloudier days forecasted so I do not expect the pots/substrate to dry out quickly. DAY 105 Thin layer of Diatomaceaous Earth applied to soil surface COMPOST TEA RECIPE (mL/L) 60mL Worm Castings 4.0mL Optimize Organics Microbe Multiplier 0.5mL Humic Acid 1.0mL Wild Fish Hydrolsyate 0.3mL Unsulphured Sugarcane Molasses SOIL PEST DEFENSE RECIPE (mL/L) 8.0mL Neem Oil 4.0mL Dr. Bronners Peppermint Castile Soap 0.25mL Yucca Extract note: Mix Neem Oil with Castile Soap to create paste, then add to warm water and shake vigorously to emulsify. Add emulsified solution to volume of rainwater.
Used techniques
Week 16. Flowering
7 months ago
91 cm
14 hrs
26 °C
20 PPM
45 %
18 °C
20 °C
38 L
1 L
Nutrients 5
Optimize Organics - Bloom (1-3-3) 5 mll
Yucca Extract 0.25 mll
Monosilic Acid 0.5 mll
AUGUST 10 to 16, 2024 Specimen continues to grow vigorously, gaining another 12cm (4.75") in height. Pistils now being pushed out in many locations. Plant receives 14:26 of daylight as sunrise is 06:49 and sunset is 21:15. Fungus gnat presence has multiplied, so effort put to dry out medium and layers of Diatomaceous Earth applied on two occasions. Watered in with Bacillus Thuringiensis Israelensis (delivered via Mosquito Dunks soaked in rainwater for 24 hours) in effort to combat and destroy larvae. Based on development to date, not expecting to harvest specimen until the week of October 14, 2024. Day 106 - Applied 2.0L of Full Spectrum Soil Drench (Flowering Formula), pH'd to 6.7; Solution prepared with rainwater treated with Bacillus Thuringiensis Israelensis; 500mL bottom watered with plain rainwater. Sprayed soil surface thoroughly with approximately 1L of Soil Pest Defense Drench. Day 107 - Applied layer of Diatomaceous Earth to combat Fungus Gnats Day 108 - n/a Day 109 - n/a Day 110 - 1.5L bottom water with plain rainwater in the morning, another 1L bottom water in the late afternoon. Day 111 - Applied layer of Diatomaceous Earth to combat Fungus Gnats Day 112 - n/a
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Used techniques
Week 17. Flowering
7 months ago
101 cm
14 hrs
26 °C
20 PPM
45 %
18 °C
20 °C
38 L
2 L
Nutrients 8
Optimize Organics - Bloom (1-3-3) 5 mll
Yucca Extract 0.25 mll
Monosilic Acid 0.5 mll
AUGUST 17 to 23, 2024 Sunrise 06:57, sunset 21:04 for a total of 14:07 in daylight Specimen continues to grow with vigour, putting on another 10cm (4") in height. Approximately 50cm has been gained in height since it began to stretch about 3 weeks ago. Canopy a little difficult to manage and not fully uniform, likely the result of the trellissing and the fact that it is in a fixed position and not being rotated 1/4 turn daily to expose all parts of plant to southern face where it would receive sun across its full circumference. Ever so slight signs of nutrient burn on tips, but all leaves are green throughout, healthy and without discolouration of any sort. There is no sign of mite or other foliage damaging pests. Fungus gnats are present, but treatment regime appears to be keeping the population down, and struggling to propagate. Plant is close to crowning at its upper-most flower sites, at which time a fairly substantial defoliation will occur, along with some strategic pruning to maximize light exposure to bud sites, but also to improve overall air-flow in effort to mitigate mould or mildew development on flowers. Based on development to this point, it appears that it could be up to 7 more weeks of flowering, putting harvest in the week of October 14, 2024. Day 113 - 2.0L of rainwater upon witnessing "droop" in leaves Day 114 - Top Dressed with Flowering Formula (2-7-5), Glacial Rock Dust and Worm Castings; Added in pulverized Mosquito Dunk; Watered in with 2L of Soil Drench (1-3-3) at a pH 6.4; Waited 1/2 hour and watered in with 2L of Soil Pest Defense Drench (Neem Oil and Castile Soap); Waited 1/2 hour and topped up with 1.0L drip watering of plain rainwater; Following watering, applied fresh coco coir mulch layer of approximately 4cm; Placed Bug-Scan yellow sticky traps down at soil surface. Day 115 - n/a Day 116 - n/a Day 117 - n/a Day 118 - 2.0L rainwater delivered via drip in the AM; Applied 3.0L of Soil Pest Defense Drench in the PM; Fungus gnat population has dwindled Day 119 - n/a
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Used techniques
Week 18. Flowering
7 months ago
115 cm
14 hrs
26 °C
20 PPM
45 %
18 °C
20 °C
38 L
1 L
Nutrients 3
Neem Oil 8 mll
Peppermint Castile Soap 4 mll
Yucca Extract 0.25 mll
AUGUST 24 to AUGUST 30, 2024 Sunrise 07:05, sunset 20:50 for total daylight of 13:45 hours. Specimen continues to push upwards, gaining approximately 13cm in height over the past week. Plant is taller than anticipated and planned for, which could present some difficulties as it's getting into the oscillating air circulation fan's wake. Was surprised to see the continued stretch, but there were two days of high heat that may have been the trigger, or, it may have been the result of defoliation and pruning, or it was simply the plant's final push, or a combination of all those factors. It appears to have crowned, or is close to being fully crowned, and as such I undertook a fairly heavy defoliation to improve airflow through the bottom of the plant, and strategically removed leaves in the upper canopy to improve light exposure. Fungus gnats did regain their hold, and so I decided to top dress with Bacillus Thuringiensis Israelensis (delivered via pulverized Mosquito Dunks) in an effort to kill larvae, treated with Soil Pest Defense (Neem Oil, Castile Soap and Yucca Extract) and replaced Bug Scan Yellow Sticky Traps at soil level. Effects were pretty immediate, but I will need to stay on top of this. Would like to cease use of Neem Oil in the soil, so considering acquiring some beneficial nematodes to combat the pest issue. Overall, specimen and its' "neighbours" in the greenhouse are doing well, and filling the room. When accounting for the bench and containers, tops of plants are over 152cm (5ft) from ground level. It is making management a little more challenging, and proving to be more difficult to find good angles to photograph (the space is pretty much filled up). The scent of citrus, skunk and spice emanating from the greenhouse is building, and at times quite strong. Still appears to me to be on-track for ripening the week of October 14, 2024. Day 120 - n/a Day 121 - Drip watered 5.0L of plain rainwater with pH of 6.7 Day 122 - n/a Day 123 - Defoliated specimens, focused on removing leaves from lower parts of the plant to improve airflow (lollipop), pruning hidden or non-producing branches, and strategically removing select upper fan leaves to improve light exposure and airflow. Day 124 - Top dressed with pulverized Mosquito Dunk (1/4 unit per specimen); 1.5L drip watered with plain rainwater in the morning; Hand watered 2.0L of Soil Pest Defense Drench in the afternoon; Hand watered 1.0L of plain rainwater about 30 minutes after soil drench; Replaced Bug Scan Yellow Sticky Traps (1 unit per specimen, cut in half and rested at soil surface on two sides; With defoliation from yesterday, room air flow seems adequate, after increasing speed of lower fans. Day 125 - n/a Day 126 - n/a Next week, planning to feed the rhizosphere with Compost Tea and continue efforts to control fungus gnat population.
Used techniques
Week 19. Flowering
6 months ago
115 cm
13 hrs
25 °C
20 PPM
45 %
18 °C
19 °C
38 L
1 L
Nutrients 5
Optimize Organics - Bloom (1-3-3) 5 mll
Yucca Extract 0.25 mll
Monosilic Acid 0.5 mll
AUGUST 31 to SEPTEMBER 6, 2024 Sunrise 07:15, sunset 20:36 for total daylight of 13:21 Specimen is blooming well and appears to have ended its upward reach. Raised trellis netting and installed some on the front of the bench to control and support some of the lower branches that receive good light and have potential to produce. No signs of deficiencies anywhere, some very mild discolouration of some upper leaf tips (nutrient burn). Weather getting cooler, and this week (outside of the greenhouse) night time temperatures dipped to single digits. Several days of cloud cover and rain, and so the plants did not take up much water. Allowing specimens to dry out as best as is possible between waterings. Day 127 - n/a Day 128 - Drip watered 2.0L of plain rainwater, then later applied 3.0L of Soil Drench as per bloom recipe Day 129 - n/a Day 130 - n/a Day 131 - Drip water 2.0L of plain rainwater Day 132 - n/a Day 133 - n/a
Week 20. Flowering
6 months ago
115 cm
13 hrs
25 °C
20 PPM
45 %
18 °C
18 °C
38 L
1 L
Nutrients 7
Worm Castings 60 mll
Optimize Organics - Microbe Multiplier 4 mll
Humic Acid 0.5 mll
SEPTEMBER 7 to 13, 2024 Sunrise 07:25, Sunset 20:22 for 12:57 daylight Specimen flowering well, and producing trichomes. Suspect it will be another 4 weeks minimum until they finish, possibly 5. No signs of nutrient deficiencies, only some very mild discolouration at leaf tips indicating some over fertilization. Have undertaken very mild and intermittent defoliation to remove fan leaves that are blocking sunlight, and or when removed improve air flow through the canopy. Greenhouse is very full, making it difficult to find angles for photography that provide perspective of plant size and development. Plants have encroached on walkway through the middle of the greenhouse. Scents from the plants are getting stronger by the day, but not overbearing. Day 134 - Drip watered 2.0L of plain rainwater Day 135 - Top Dressed with Optimize Organics - Bloom (2-7-5) and Worm Castings, which will be the last time soil will be amended; Watered in with 2.5L of Compost Tea as per recipe described above. Day 136 - n/a Day 137 - n/a Day 138 - Soil Pest Defense Spray (Neem Oil and Castile Soap) Day 139 - n/a Day 140 - n/a
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Week 21. Flowering
6 months ago
120 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
20 PPM
45 %
18 °C
18 °C
38 L
1 L
SEPTEMBER 14 to 21, 2024 Sunrise 07:35, sunset 20:07 for 12:32 of daylight Specimen continues to hum along in flowering without much of any issues. Some mild nutrient deficiency displaying in lower leaves (slight paling, yellowing at margins, a bit of necrosis at tips), and so to mitigate will provide a Full Spectrum Bloom Formula Liquid Amended Soil Drench over the the next day or two. Flowers beginning to bulk up, but she has a long way to go to meet goals and potential. Anticipate harvest to occur no earlier than October 15. Smell not particularly strong, but rubbing up against the plant for maintenance, the air fills with a bold scent of sweet citrus with a bit of hazy pine and earth tones. Trichome production appears good, indicating sufficient U/V availability. Day 141 - Drip watered 3.0L of plain rainwater Day 142 - Weather quite hot, hand watered 3.0L of plain rainwater Day 143 - n/a Day 144 - Weather has been very hot and humid last couple of days (highs of 26+C feels like 32+C), and plants seemed to take on more water; Drip watered 2.0L of plain rainwater in the PM Day 145 - Drip watered 2.0L of plain rainwater in the AM Day 146 - n/a Day 147 - n/a
Week 22. Flowering
6 months ago
120 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
20 PPM
45 %
18 °C
18 °C
38 L
1 L
Nutrients 8
Optimize Organics - Liquid Grow (3-1-2) 1.25 mll
Optimize Organics - Liquid Bloom (1-3-3) 3.75 mll
Yucca Extract 0.25 mll
SEPTEMBER 21 to 27, 2024 Sunrise 07:44, sunset 07:53 for 12:09 of daylight. Good week for the specimen. Flowers noticeably gained size, particularly after the liquid amended feeding. Had a really nice week of moderate temperatures and mostly sunny days which also contributed to the good development. Specimen is producing an abundance of trichomes, which of course is what we are looking for. Plant is showing signs of beginning to fade, with uniform yellowing of large lower fan leaves. No signs of mould, mildew or other fungal diseases Scent from the garden has amplified as well this week, and is filling the yard (and my neighbours' yards). Smells are of sweet citrus, skunk and spices. Probably 3 more weeks to go before harvest, putting it at between Oct 19 and Oct 26. Looking to help specimen continue to gain flower size, as they are not quite where I'd like to see them as of yet. Day 148 - Drip watered 1.0L of plain rainwater in the afternoon; In the evening hand applied 2.0L of Full Spectrum Liquid Amended Soil Drench (25% Grow Formula, 75% Bloom Formula with Calcium and Magnesium added), pH'D to 6.5; Followed up with 2.0L of plain rainwater. Day 149 - n/a Day 150 - 1.0L of plain rainwater. Day 151 - n/a Day 152 - 2.0L Soil Drench (Activated EM1 and Unsulphured Sugarcane Molasses), followed by 2.0L drip water of plain rainwater. Day 153 - n/a Day 154 - n/a
Week 23. Flowering
5 months ago
120 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
20 PPM
42 %
18 °C
18 °C
38 L
1 L
SEPTEMBER 28 to OCTOBER 4, 2024 Sunrise, 07:54, sunset 19:38 for 11:44 of daylight Senescence has set in on the specimen with uniform yellowing of larger fan leaves throughout. Inspection of trichomes using a jewelers loupe shows the beginning of ripening, with most clear, some cloudy, and a few amber. While the flowers aren't as large as they likely could be if plant was grown in a warmer climate, and in a more southern location than the 48 parallel, they are dense, colas are of decent size and as a result of mainlining, are in abundance. Garden is noticeably strong smelling, with an overpowering sweet citrus scent (3 Lemon Orange specimens and one Green Crack specimen very much contributing to that smell). Day 155 - Drip watered 2.0L plain rainwater in the AM Day 156 - Drip watered 2.0L plain rainwater in the AM Day 157 - n/a Day 158 - Drip watered 1.0L plain rainwater in the AM, another 2.0L in the PM Day 159 - n/a Day 160 - Drip watered 3.0L plain rainwater in the PM Day 161 - n/a
Week 24. Flowering
5 months ago
120 cm
11 hrs
22 °C
20 PPM
42 %
18 °C
18 °C
38 L
1 L
OCTOBER 5 to 11, 2024 Sunrise 08:04, sunset 19:24 for 11:20 of daylight Specimen continues to ripen, with it leaves uniformly yellowing and dropping. Inspection of trichomes through jeweler's loupe shows most within the field of view have clear heads, some cloudy and a few amber. Removing leaves as they die off. No signs of mould, mildew or other foliar damaging pests or diseases. Watering with very cold rainwater to encourage ripening, as outdoor night-time temperatures are dropping to near 0C. Temperature and humidity conditions in the greenhouse have been within tolerances. Scent of garden quite strong, with a dominating sweet citrus scent, backed up by skunk and spice. Another 7 to 10 days until harvest. Day 162 - n/a Day 163 - Drip watered 3.0L of plain rainwater Day 164 - n/a Day 165 - Drip watered 1.5L of plain rainwater in the PM Day 166 - Drip watered 1.5L of plain rainwater in the AM Day 167 - n/a Day 168 - Drip watered 3.0L of plain rainwater
Week 25. Flowering
5 months ago
120 cm
11 hrs
22 °C
20 PPM
40 %
18 °C
17 °C
38 L
1 L
OCTOBER 12 to 18, 2024 Sunrise 08:15, sunset 19:10 for 10:55 of daylight Some notable plumping of the flowers over the past week, along with continued fading of larger leaves. Removing leaves as they are ready to fall. Colder overnight temperatures are not only helping bring out the "fall colours" in the garden, but its' also chilling the rainwater reservoir and when that water is applied to the plants, I believe it is helping to draw out some purple in the leaves and calyxes. Trichomes are ripening, but still the largest proportion within the field of view of the jewelers loupe are clear, some cloudy, and a few amber. Regular monitoring and inspection is occurring twice daily to try and narrow down the timing of the harvest window. In preparation for harvest, the drying room inside the house has been cleaned and environmental controls and equipment set up (heater, dehumidifier, air circulation fan) to get it acclimated prior to hanging plants. Expect to harvest Lemon Orange specimen being tracked in this diary within the next week. Day 169 - n/a Day 170 - n/a Day 171 - Drip watered 1.5L of plain rainwater in the morning. Night time low in greenhouse 12C, outside greenhouse -2C Day 172 - Drip watered 2.0L of plain rainwater in the evening. Covered greenhouse with insulated tarp to withstand outdoor overnight low of -7C (with tarp in place overnight low in greenhouse was 17C). Day 173 - n/a. Overnight low outdoors, 0C, in greenhouse 14 Day 174 - Drip watered 4.0L of plain rainwater; Overnight low outdoors, 5C, in greenhouse 17C Day 175 - n/a; Outdoor overnight lows forecasted to be moderate for next week.
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Week 26. Harvest
5 months ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Lemon Orange from Green House Seed Company was a pleasure to grow. Specimen was vigorous in its growth at all stages, less a short period of grower error where she was over fertigated. She stretched substantially over a 3 week period as it transitioned to flower. Specimen produced large dense colas, and was very productive for trichomes. Inter-nodal spacing following the stretch was a bit wider than I would have liked, but overall I would say it could be classified as medium (4 to 8cm). There was some purpling of larger leaves at the margins and at tips of calyxes near the end of flowering, but the plant primarily faded to yellow/gold colouring, perhaps more indicative of Super Lemon Haze heritage and dominance in this particular phenotype. Fresh cut flowers smell strongly of lemon, sweet citrus, with an earthy pine background. Overall, this specimen of Lemon Orange (and 2 others in the garden), performed exceptionally well, while demonstrating some stress resistance through a couple of very hot periods over the summer. I am pleased with the outcome, would recommend this strain to others, and plan to sow a seed of it for the next growing season.
Show more
Spent 177 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
110 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Creative, Energetic, Euphoric
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes
Negative effects
Medical effects
Stress, Anxiety, Depression
Medical effects
Citrus, Earthy, Pine

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
OCTOBER 21, 2024 Specimen harvested on Day 178 after inspection of trichome heads showed majority within field of view of jewelers loupe as predominantly milky/cloudy, and a few amber. Almost all pistils have wilted and changed colour from white to orange, and receded into calyxes. Calyxes have also plumped. Hung to dry in room set to 17C and 51% humidity, and expect the drying process to take 10 to 14 days (relative humidity will get moved upward toward 58% over the first week of drying). Once dried, and stems can snap when pressure applied, flowers will be manicured then jarred for curing. Aiming for an 8 week cure to fully bring out all flavours and aromas of the flowers, but will sample at 4 week cure to complete this Diary and to provide a smoke report. THINGS I WOULD DO DIFFERENTLY NEXT TIME The specimen grew a bit taller than I had expected and I misread the stretch. I manifolded this plant to produce 16 main shoots, however due to the misread on the stretch, I applied trellis netting too soon. As a result I had difficulty maintaining an even canopy and only 10 of the 16 main shoots were optimally productive. Next time around I would either apply trellis netting later, so that the plant can be rotated 1/4 turn daily through the stretch to gain full sun exposure to all parts every 4 days, or manifold differently. Due to this strain's size and internodal spacing, I also think I would sow seeds 1 to 2 weeks later, and manifold to 8 main growing shoots. This would allow for easier plant management and may afford the ability to stake the plant versus using trellis netting for support. Staking would also allow freedom to rotate plant throughout the flowering cycle. Lastly, and while intentional for the purpose of producing product that can be used for extracts (infused butter and MCT oil), I wasn't as aggressive with pruning as perhaps I ought to have been. While not a lot of "larf", I think the colas would have benefited from further pruning lower down the plant to focus flowering energy to the tops. SMOKE REPORT Upon opening the jar the room was immediately filled with a very pungent smell of citrus and skunk. Ground up a small flower of the Lemon Orange specimen, and significantly contributed to the building odours in the room. The flowers were sticky to the touch, dense and perfectly dried with just a nice bit of squish and bounce back to them. Used the dry herb vaporizer to test the ground up sample. After one pull the flower tasted of sweet oranges, with a distinct earthy and spice undertone, likely an indication of its Super Lemon Haze background. Effects were immediate, a little bit behind the eyes, but mostly that euphoric and energetic head buzz, which is why this particular breed was selected for cultivation. Very enjoyable Overall assessment is that Lemon Orange from Green House Seed Company is an excellent hybrid that produces dense flowers that have very good bag appeal, has balanced effects, a wonderful and strong aroma, all backed up by a delicious sweet citrus flavour. One cannot really go wrong with the strain, but I do recommend a full 8 week cure to get the best of manicured flowers. FURTHER DETAILS 82 grams of manicured flower was produced, along with an additional 28 grams of smaller un-manicured flower that will be used for extracts (i.e. canna-butter, infused MCT oil, or bubble hash).


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cultivarscommentedweek 89 months ago
Thanks to @AsNoriu, I am now of the opinion that I am dealing with a Potassium excess. Not seeing any issues with older/lower leaves, strictly yellowing and slow growth of fresh new growth. Going to attempt to snap the plant out of it with a healthy watering of plain rainwater. Barring that, I think the scheduled transplant over the next 7 to 10 days might help "re-balance" the soil.
Hattiwatticommentedweek 310 months ago
Lookkng good 🍀
cultivarscommented5 months ago
@Hattiwatti, 22 weeks after your comment, I'm now nearing the finish line, and overall pretty happy with the results. Cheers to you!
cultivarscommented10 months ago
@Hattiwatti, thanks... pretty excited, and the specimen is doing very well for only 21 days, but I'm a long way off from harvest in October.
taprootArmycommentedweek 410 months ago
That is a nice organized plant! Did hear a lot of good things about this strain. Good luck for your grow!
cultivarscommented10 months ago
@taprootArmy, thanks, very much taking my time, not afraid of slowing it down because I am aiming for 16 growing shoots and I've got time before it begins to flower in early August. I did the transplant to the 11L (3gal) Transition Pot this afternoon, so next week they'll begin their hardening off process to transition from the indoor Propagation Garden to the outdoor Greenhouse.
GrowthConsultantcommentedweek 410 months ago
Nice report 👏👏 Good luck 😍
Northern_Entcommentedweek 206 months ago
Good luck with the flowering. I’m in Edmonton which is apparently zone 3 (I hought it was zone 4) and the problem here at 53N latitude is that we run out of strong sunlight before it gets too cold. Trick is to finish as early as possible. UV light drops very quickly after mid-August. Cheers.
cultivarscommented5 months ago
@Northern_Ent, I'm getting close to the finish line here, and all in all flowers look pretty decent. Not as sizeable as the one's I've seen you grow, but fairly frosty and dense. Guessing the flower size, and ultimately the yield has been impacted by the U/V reduction you have noted as a negative for growing in more northern climes. Cheers to you good sir!
cultivarscommented6 months ago
Yeah @Northern_Ent, I'm not sure if these are going to finish, or finish strongly. It looks to me like I need to get to October 15, at minimum, which I don't think will be a problem from a temperature perspective, being in a greenhouse with supplemental heating. But for abundant trichome production, and for them to ripen, we'll see if the sunlight is strong enough that late into the year. Certainly an interesting experiment.
Cannabeast40commentedweek 138 months ago
Looks on point, best of luck 🌱🙂
cultivarscommented5 months ago
@Cannabeast40, several months following your comment, I'm getting pretty close to the finish line here... and things look decent.
cultivarscommented8 months ago
@Cannabeast40, thanks.. things will start to get exciting over the next few weeks as they enter flower. Expect another 40 to 50cm or so of upward growth through the stretch, and at some point I will install the trellis netting to provide additional support. Figure another 9 to 10 weeks to harvest.
Ghrimcommentedweek 226 months ago
Beautiful plants! Colas coming in nicely 👍🏻 Happy growing 🌱
cultivarscommented6 months ago
Thanks @Ghrim, getting closer to the finish line!
Greengregorcommentedweek 255 months ago
Wow schöne ladys! Wünsch dir eine leckere ernte 💚
cultivarscommented5 months ago
Thank-you @Greengregor. I'm looking forward to the harvest, but perhaps not so much to the trimming 😉
the end.
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