ENG: today (December 2, 2018) my dog ate this plant, it was my mistake for not protecting it, even though I'm not going to give up, if this little plant can live then I'll feel good about myself
ESP: hoy (2 de diciembre de 2018) mi perra se comio esta planta, fue mi error por no protegerla,aun asi no me voy a dar por vencido, si esta pequeña planta puede vivir entonces me sentire bien conmigo mismo
I'm usually not applying techniques to my plants, but I think it's a good time to learn, tomorrow the third week of my plant starts and the question is, should I start the treatment in the third week?
Hi @Markosx! Topping can usually be done at node n°3 and LST (tying down the side stems) should be done as soon as the branches are a few days old so they're easy to manipulate. On another topic, you should consider a physical barrier to prevent your dog from killing your plants. Sorry about your loss 😔