
White Widow (Royal Queen Seeds)

a month ago
Room Type
weeks 1-14
weeks 1-14
weeks 1-14
weeks 1-14
weeks 1-14
weeks 1-14
Coco Coir
Grow medium
White Widow
Royal Queen Seeds
Growing it
More comments to come after the drying and curing process completes. I will keep this section updated as the process progresses over the coming months. Of course a smoke report will not be possible until then. 8/16/24 Growing Comments - This strain did not get off to a good start, out of 3 germinated seeds, only one successfully emerged from the coco. - Once growing, it did OK, though seemed a bit fussy with pH in veg and was susceptible to chlorosis, though this was manageable - Responded well to topping and mainlining - Plant stayed very manageable in the grow tent as far as height - Plant was a bit on the bushier side, so aggressive defoliation was helpful (more would have been better)
The Outcome
Week 15
What's on the scales?
Bud dry weight
What's on the scales?
Bud wet weight
Number of plants harvested
Grow Room
Grow Room size
g / watt
g / mยฒ
g / plant
plant / mยฒ
watt / mยฒ
Tastes like
Feels like
50% Sativa 50% Indica

Positive effects


Negative effects

Dry eyes
Dry mouth

Medical effects

Reviews. Lamp
Great light, good features, great value for the money.
Reviews. Tent
No complaints, does the job, good value for the money.
Commented by
Erin_Electro Erin_Electro
a month ago
8/16/24 HARVEST!!!!!!๐Ÿ˜ป I will update this page over the next month as the plants go through their drying and curing process. Drying will take 2 weeks, then another 2 weeks for curing in jars. - Plants chopped and major fan leaves removed, but otherwise will be left for a dry trim - Plants hung in grow tent with the lights off and fans running - Humidifier in tent set to maintain 60% humidity - AC vent in the room will be left open to keep ambient temp as low as possible - Plants will hang for around 2 weeks for a slow, gradual dry 8/23/24 - Drying progressing very nicely - About 3 days in, the expected hay smell came and disappeared in about 36 hours - Buds drying well, still no snap in the branches - Tent temp staying between 68-72 degrees, humidity coming down to around 63% now as the plants dry out - Probably another 5-7 days of very slow drying to go 8/30/24 Was really hoping to be able to trim and jar everything up today, but we've had a really rainy and humid week and the ladies just aren't quite ready. - Not getting branch snap yet, but close - Humidity is hanging around 63%, drier would be nice, but it's ok - Temp has been around 73 degrees (where I have the AC set), cooler would be nice but it's ok - Hopefully 3-5 days more and we have a dry spell coming up, so getting close 9/3/24 Trim day! Finally the humidity eased up enough to get it across the home stretch- got the branch snap, and started in with the trimming. - Everything dried very nicely and consistently - The buds were mostly fairly small and spread apart instead of long-running bud clusters, but typically pretty solid little bugs - The CannaBrush didn't really work well with this plant, the buds were too small and spread out, so mostly done with scissors by hand - Going to give it a 2-week cure with daily burping - Ground up a bud and it's moisture and texture was perfect, looking forward to seeing how it matures in the jar
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Erin_Electroweek 15
@Superfly0303, Thanks so much for reading and the compliment! I really wanted to try to make a diary that not only charted the process but hopefully helped out some others as well ๐Ÿ˜Š Yes, I'm happy to say that mold wasn't an issue for me. I've got a fairly well-controlled environment where my tent is, so even though it's not totally PERFECT it's well in the safe range. I think some of the things that also helped me avoid it were lots of moving air (two fans, one above the plants and one below, but not blowing directly on the plants) and active defoliation to make sure there was good light and air penetration of the plant. Good luck with your grow as well- I am very happy with the harvest and I bet you will be too!
Superfly0303week 15
Hey, great diary btw, very detailed. I've got white widow auto (RQS) in a mixed / variety tent right now and it's good to see you also dealt with some higher % humidity but avoided bud mould. Great pics too btw.
@Superfly0303, Thanks so much for reading and the compliment! I really wanted to try to make a diary that not only charted the process but hopefully helped out some others as well ๐Ÿ˜Š Yes, I'm happy to say that mold wasn't an issue for me. I've got a fairly well-controlled environment where my tent is, so even though it's not totally PERFECT it's well in the safe range. I think some of the things that also helped me avoid it were lots of moving air (two fans, one above the plants and one below, but not blowing directly on the plants) and active defoliation to make sure there was good light and air penetration of the plant. Good luck with your grow as well- I am very happy with the harvest and I bet you will be too!
Quintallweek 7
LST looks good keep going ๐Ÿ‘
GrowthConsultantweek 4
Nice idea to have circle around Plant feels good with your hand Well done ๐Ÿ‘
@Erin_Electro, thanks for explaining ๐Ÿ™Œ
@GrowthConsultant, Yes, the plant ring makes a great base for using the gardening wire to do the training. During the last grow, I learned that it's a good idea to tie it down to the pot through those holes I punched into it to keep the plant from pulling the ring up. What I also noticed is that doing that sort of isolates the plant from the fabric pot so I can still move it around without putting extra stress on the plant. That was a problem when I was tying the plant down directly to the pot itself.
Legendaryseedthumbweek 15
Wow big fat nugs! Looks really good. Happy harvesting my friend. Keep up the good work. Best of wishes. /LST๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŒฑ
@Legendaryseedthumb, Thanks for the compliment and checking this one out! Indeed, I think it turned out pretty well, though next time I'm going to be a bit more aggressive with the defoliation - but it's all about learning and trying new things, right? Looking forward to seeing how these come out of the dry and cure- more updates to come!
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Sejanus21week 5
Interesting link on mainlining, thanks a lot!
@Sejanus21, glad you thought it was helpful! The downside is that it does add a couple of extra weeks in veg, but it really pays off with the plant structure and how it basically self-SCRoGs when done right. I think it's also really fun to do the topping and training, sort of like doing bonsai! Since I'm working in a 2'x4' tent, this did an amazing job of utilizing the space both vertically and horizontally- highly recommended to try.
Jamesweek 0
YES!! happy growing mate! ๐ŸŒฑ
Erin_Electroweek 0
OK, well... 5 days later and the seeds that seemed to have happily germinated and were transferred to moist coco...have done nothing. The two Green Gelato seeds germinated at the same time and planted the same way popped right up in a couple of days, but not the White Widow. Dug down a bit and the first one had rotted, the second one looked clean and white, but no growth. So, I covered it again a bit more loosely and kept the coco moist and have started germinating a second seed in moist paper towels to see if that will work, but it looks like this is starting over here and at least one of the initial seeds was a bust (and I don't have great hopes for the second one). We'll see!
@Erin_Electro, Hi! I'm now also germinating this strain from RGS and the very same thing happened to me! on the paper towel all 3 seeds poped the tap root but when transfered to coco only one is growing. I'm on day 7 now and I jus lost the hope that the other two will sprout. I guess I'll have to fill the 2x2 tent with only one plant... Your grow look's good, good luck!
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