Haben das Training gut angekommen phasenweise wollte ich aus zeitmangel zu viel und einige arme sind gerissen oder gebrochen… bis jetzt kaum spürbar bin gespannt wie es weiter geht. Brauchen sehr lange mit dem Übergang in die Blüte. Mehr als Härchen noch nicht zu sehen. Dennoch viel Potential in Sicht.🐝
Cool, and nice plants. You could also try a 730 nm far red light as a bloom booster. A few seconds at the right time puts the plant into dark mode two hours faster. Like having a 26 h day. Easy, and definitely works. Don’t miss a night and adjust the time to match the shortening days. I use civil twilight as listed on timeanddate.com for my location. Cheers.
@Bibs_Jana, the shaman is a real skunk. oldschool grass with dense foxy buds. Terps are crazy pine/skunky some are more fruity than pine but always sweetskunky. All of them are going heady. The trained one has bigger denser buds, she got a short time body buzz. I like it very well taste is not on point jet, still time 2 cure. But some are really. Tasty.
The yield is about 4-5 4,8L yars. And had to cut her early so there was more potential, the satvias are not that fast and this near was crazy 😜. Hope u will enjoy it sometimes. The less thc level is a great option against depressions. I’m able now 2 smoke sativas along winter times.;)