Day 22 1st week of flower I've added my nutes to 2 litres of water left 24 hours I phed my water at 6.5 I gave her 100ml she's looking really healthy and growing fast I have another LSD 25 on day 52 and I know they don't need to much nitrogen so I won't be adding much if any at all and I'll do some more LST tomorrow
Day 25 today I gave her another feed 100 ml with 0.5 ml of b52 0.5 ml of big bud and 0.5 of bud candy ppm was 136
Day 28 I gave her 150 ml of plain pH water today no nutrients at all my other LSD 25 showed purple well before day 28 so I guess this is the green pheno but there's still time left
@Short_N_stockY, thanks buddy she's under a 300 and 600 watt led lights. I've got another LSD 25 on day 37 and shes looking absolutely beautiful so I thought I do a diary with this one lol hope yours goes well and good luck