In general my Autos are doing fine. Except GG#4 No.1 has a little issue with the leaves. As you can see in the last picture from above, there are little brown dots on almost every leaf. I guess it's a CalMag deficiency. The only thing that speaks against it is that GG#4 No.2 has the same conditions and is not affected by this issue. The most important thing is that it's not destroying my harvest and that it's not infectious...
Today I increased the nutrients to half of the recommended dose. Still giving nutrients only once a week (for my photos and autos).
Runtz F1 Auto: 54cm
GG#4 No.1: 100cm
GG#4 No.2: 100cm
@Bunterbiber, yes, there were still three left and they were fine, I just harvested them today :). the size remained very small, but the smell is great 😋.
@discopriest379, yes it's a pity, the Runtz F1 seems to be more fragile regarding mildew than others e.g. my gorillas. You're writing that you harvested two flowers. And your other 3 Runtz F1 are still doing fine (if I'm not wrong you had 5 Runtz F1)?
I'm currently also thinking about harvesting my Runtz F1 earlier to not loose more and more buds....
Ich hab auch Gorilla glue aber von barneys und ich hab's mir auch buschiger erhofft sie sind jetzt in der blüte aber da ist nix Buschig 🙈
Happy growing und viel Glück 🍀
@Pblc_10, Danke für die Info von Dir. Scheint ja dann so normal zu sein. Deine blühenden Pflanzen sehen top aus und entwickeln schöne Colas 👍
Dir noch viel Erfolg und schon mal ne nette Ernte!