
Hulkberry Auto

a month ago
Growpro 3.0
Room Type
weeks 3-4
weeks 4
weeks 4
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 3
18 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
DeepWebDiver DeepWebDiver
2 months ago
Grow Diary: Daily Updates 16-05 Today, I successfully transplanted two of the Hulkberry plants into 15-liter pots. Transplanting into larger pots is crucial as it provides the plants with more space for root expansion, ensuring healthier and more vigorous growth. The additional space also helps in preventing root-bound conditions, which can stunt the plant's development. In the back row, there are two more plants: another Hulkberry on the left, intended for my boyfriend, and a Royal Creamatic on the right, which is for my neighbor. These two plants will be relocated soon to ensure that the primary grow area remains uncluttered and that each plant has adequate space and resources. To support the newly transplanted plants, I provided them with 1 liter of nutrients. It’s important to note that I didn't add extra water as the hygrometer indicated that the soil was still wet. Over-watering can lead to root rot and other complications, so monitoring soil moisture is critical. I’m excited to observe their progress tomorrow. 17-05 During today’s check-up, the environmental conditions were stable, with a humidity level of 54% and a temperature of 24.9°C. These conditions are within the optimal range for cannabis growth, promoting healthy leaf development and photosynthesis. The hygrometer showed that the soil moisture level was at the 'beginning of wet,' suggesting that the soil still retained adequate moisture. Consequently, I decided not to water the plants today to avoid any risk of over-watering. 18-05 Noticing that one of the smaller plants was struggling, I decided to water them during the night. Watering at night can sometimes be beneficial as it allows the plants to absorb moisture without the stress of intense light. I ensured the soil was evenly moist without becoming waterlogged. Later in the day, I conducted a second watering session. Providing adequate hydration is essential, especially for young plants, as it helps in nutrient uptake and overall plant health. 19-05 Today’s inspection revealed that the plants looked healthy and were showing signs of robust growth. This positive observation indicates that the environmental conditions and care routines are effectively supporting their development. I plan to start Low Stress Training (LST) soon. LST is a technique used to encourage plants to grow horizontally rather than vertically, maximizing light exposure to all parts of the plant and potentially increasing yield. This involves gently bending and tying down the plant stems to create an even canopy. Starting LST at this stage will help shape the plant structure early on, setting a foundation for better light distribution and more prolific flowering sites.
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