Plant shows slight macro deficiencies and was hit with 1/2 strength bush doctor to combat that hopefully. First lower branch offs were snipped and upper growth took off. Issues with mites in other grow with this particular soil so spray drenched surface and fabric pot inner rim with peroxide water mixture. Would like to get another week in veg before preflower but it's looking like its going to happen in next 48hrs. Single fim on this grow .
Preflower already starting with her. Hopefully she will branch out hard. Seems like the fim in early weeks is sending out new Branch offs. Going to need this for a decent yield. Plant reacted well after recharge and is in beginning stages of preflower.
6/2 pm
Plant has grown over an inch since this morning. Earthworm castings were placed over a light flower girl top dressing and 1/4 drench for nighttime feed before bed. Wish I would have topped her. She's going to be a slimmer look from where she stands now. I'll take it though, she moves into ac infinity 4x2 later this week to stretch herself out.
She has gained few inches since last post and lower branches are pulling out for the LED. Hit her with bottom soak and topped with recharge low strength over flower girl and earth worm castings. This should put me over the stretch hump for spurt before real flower. She'll move into the 4x2 this weekend to do her thing.
Horiz growth is coming on strong, vertical has been slow past few days. Filling out nicely for now and hopefully get some more stretch. Preflower is happening and after semi dry out I'll hit with some ff micro for some possible stretch