
Beginner Grow: Cookies Gelato

6 months ago
Grow Conditions
Week 3
18 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
LatiAdorati LatiAdorati
7 months ago
A stressful week. Firstly spotted some burning on the edges of the leaves and some slight taco-ing. After doing what any new grower would do (panicking and franticly googling in a "I just searched web md and I think I have cancer" sort of way), I found out that commonly this is caused by heat stress. I also had some helpful peeps on here tell me the same thing. To resolve this I moved the tent to a different location that's a bit cooler, and discovered that there is a whole huge velcro vent in the side of the grow tent for exactly this. Oh well, you live and you try desperately not to learn. I also moved the sensor closer to the canopy, to make the fan turn on at more appropriate times. My Wasserwaage is about the right height that I can use to quickly measure the light height from the top of the plants and adjust it without too much thinking. Vital pre-coffee. I also realised I wasn't giving the soil enough time to dry out, so I have switched to manually triggering the water, and everyone seems happy about that at the moment. I have no idea what I am doing, but I feel like I am getting a handle on this.
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Grow Questions
LatiAdoratistarted grow question 7 months ago
What signs should I look for for the start of flowering?
Buds. Other
Other. General questions
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Backtotheroots2222answered grow question 7 months ago
Yellow hairs..look at my auto strawberry grow.. When you do right after 1-2 you should spot it
LatiAdoratistarted grow question 7 months ago
I was thinking about trying to do some training, probably LST, when do I need to start that?
Techniques. LST
LSchnabelanswered grow question 7 months ago
You can defiantly start now if you would like. I pull my plant over to start it growing horizontal to give the branches the most light and also even the canopy out. I hope this helps.
LatiAdoratistarted grow question 7 months ago
Any idea what is causing this crisping on a few of my leaves? I am maybe seeing some slight curling/taco-ing on the upper leaves too? I think the PH might be a bit high in my water too, it's 7. I've ordered a filter and some PH Dwon, the PPM was only 250. Related?
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
Leaves. Curl up
m0useanswered grow question 7 months ago
Heat and RH stress with strong feeds + maybe lights. Tacoing leaves is normal for plants that are to hot with low RH and need more fresh air, This can also happen with light stress. The spacing between your nodes is a bit compact not the worst so can also try lowering the lights intensity. Good Luck!
LatiAdoratistarted grow question 6 months ago
So two of my plants have flowered, however a third seems somewhat shorter and doesn't seem to have Pistil. Is this plant not yet flowering, is it male, or is something else going in here. Looks healthy other than that.
Buds. Too few
Buds. Other
Fisixanswered grow question 6 months ago
Hello, It looks like a late bloomer. I would check every day once but to me she just looks like she needs more time for the flip. Auto's do what they want when they want and not every seed is the same so she may grow different and later also maybe smell and taste different. I would wait a little more just to be sure. Hope this helps.
LatiAdoratistarted grow question 6 months ago
Lower leaves are turning yellow, these seem to be one that are hidden a bit from sight, so possibly not getting enough light, but it seems to be spreading, and one of them has fallen off. Is this some form of nutrient difficiency, or something simipler?
Leaves. Dropping off
Leaves. Color - Yellow
LSchnabelanswered grow question 6 months ago
It looks like you are dealing with a nitrogen deficiency. Since nitrogen is mobile, the plant is sucking the nitrogen from the lower leaves and redistributing it to new growth. It also appears like you could be starting to deal with a calcium issue as well. I suggest using a CalMag at the manufactured recommended dose. Increase your feeding by roughly 20%. Make sure you are watering enough to get roughly 10-20% run off out the bottom. Hope this helps.

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Todzillacommentedweek 56 months ago
She needs a haircut. Just pull off those lower leaves that aren't getting direct light and drive some airflow under the plant.
LatiAdoraticommented6 months ago
@Todzilla, Do you have a good reference guide for what sort of pruning etc I should be doing? Do you think this is the cause of the yellowing leaves?
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Robin87commentedweek 66 months ago
Well done mate! they look banging, I’m 3ish weeks away from finishing my first one too, can’t wait
GrowthConsultantcommentedweek 37 months ago
Nice way to make sure you're gonna cover full of the area (planting as much as possible 👏👏) Good luck and happy growing ✊
LatiAdoraticommentedweek 56 months ago
Fed them, and the spread seems to have stopped. I was also using filtered water, when I should have been using just tap water. I live somewhere where there is enough nutrients in the water if you don't filter them out cal/mag wise. Still, the biobizz seems to be making them very happy, I wish I had used it before.
LatiAdoraticommentedweek 56 months ago
Got some Biobizz feed arriving today, hopefully will get these hungry girls a meal.