
Forgotten Haze Cakes x TerpyZ Kalyseeds; Attack of The Clones

5 days ago
Grow Conditions
Week 4
12 hrs
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7+ conditions after
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TechDCo TechDCo
5 days ago
On the illustrious date of June 18th, an incandescent luminary proclamation heralded the blossoming transition of my cherished charges, as I deftly orchestrated the ritualistic shift to the floral epoch, a celestial alignment set at the auspicious hour of 12/12, ushered forth under the benign aegis of 330 watts of luminous beneficence. In a poignant interlude marked by a dance of discernment and precision, I embarked upon a solemn sylvan rite of defoliation, delicately culling the fan leaves that veiled the nascent budsites, in a gesture of liberation and empowerment for the burgeoning floral denizens. With measured grace, I tenderly attenuated the light's radiance to a tender 260 watts, a reverent nod to the rejuvenative respite sought by the tender blooms, poised to convalesce with gentled luminosity, before ascending once more to the luminous eminence of 330 watts, a triumphant return to the zenith of luminous splendor. In this sacred choreography of light and shadow, exultation and restraint, I find myself ensconced in a realm where every gesture bears the weight of cosmic significance, where the unfurling drama of growth and resilience unfolds in cadence with the eternal rhythms of the verdant tapestry. And as I stand witness to this unfolding saga of metamorphosis and renewal, I am reminded of the timeless dance of creation, where each leaf culled and each wattage adjusted resonates with the symphony of life itself, a harmonious convergence of artistry and artifice, of intention and surrender. In the ebb and flow of radiant energy, in the tender ministrations bestowed upon these emerald acolytes, I see reflected the essence of stewardship, of reverence for the intricate nuances of nature's design. And as I navigate this labyrinthine terrain of cultivation, guided by intuition and attuned to the silent whispers of the botanical choir, I find solace in the quietude of my actions, in the liminal space between intervention and non-intervention, where wisdom and humility converge in a sacred communion with the verdant soul of the earth. Thus, as the floral crescendo unfolds in a pageantry of resplendent hues and fragrant offerings, I vow to continue this delicate dance of nurture and restraint, of light and shadow, ever mindful of the profound interconnectedness that binds me to these verdant companions. For in this sanctified act of tending to nature's bounty, I discover not only the art of cultivation, but also the art of communion with the sacred essence of creation itself, a timeless ode to the enduring mystery of life's delicate balance and ineffable beauty. - #^Sensi Grow + Bloom A/B^# - In the wake of a previous misstep marred by the specter of overfeeding, a somber lesson learned in the crucible of botanical care, I stand vigilant in my resolve to eschew the siren call of excessive nourishment, a folly that once veiled the verdant tapestry in a cloak of distress and imbalance. Thus, armed with newfound wisdom and tempered by the crucible of experience, I vow to tread a path of prudence and discernment, guided by the sage counsel of restraint and moderation. In this apocryphal chapter of growth and redemption, I eschew the compulsion to augment the nutrient regimen by a precipitous 30% in the final throes of bloom, a gesture now deemed superfluous and unwise in the light of hard-won knowledge. Instead, I remain resolute in my commitment to adhere to a steadfast regimen of 4ml per liter, a measured and judicious provision that seeks to strike a harmonious equilibrium between sustenance and moderation, between excess and deficiency. As the veils of pre-flowering herald the dawn of a new chapter in the floral saga, I stand poised to execute a graceful transition in the botanical symphony, a shift from the nurturing embrace of Sensi Grow to the blossoming allure of Sensi Bloom, a metamorphosis orchestrated with precision and foresight, guided by the wisdom garnered from past tribulations. Amidst the verdant expanse of leaves and tendrils, a silent vow resonates in the hallowed precincts of my verdant sanctuary—a vow to wield the mantle of stewardship with humility and grace, to honor the sacred covenant between caretaker and flora, between nourisher and nurtured. And in this solemn pact of reciprocity, I find solace and purpose, a thread that binds me to the verdant pulse of the earth, to the eternal symphony of growth and renewal that unfolds in the tranquil heart of my botanical realm. Thus, as the petals unfurl in a silent ovation to the symphony of life, I stand ready to embrace the unfolding drama of growth and transformation, guided by the luminous beacon of balance and restraint, ever mindful of the delicate dance between nurture and restraint, between growth and prudence. And in this humble act of tending to the needs of my sylvan charges, I discover not only the art of cultivation, but also the art of communion with the ineffable mysteries of nature herself, a timeless ode to the eternal dance of creation and sustenance that unfolds in the sanctified embrace of the botanical sanctuary. Few hours later: responded well to defoliation and being spread out and light being dimmed to 260watts. 19/06/2024 -SCroG Attack: Incoming- On this auspicious date inscribed in the annals of time—19/06/2024—a resplendent aura of vitality and vigor envelops the verdant realm, casting a luminescent glow upon the canvas of growth and renewal. In this hallowed moment of communion with the botanical muses, I bear witness to a tableau of flourishing abundance, a verdant tapestry aglow with the vibrant hues of life in full bloom. As the tendrils of growth unfurl in a silent symphony of renewal, a gentle whisper of affirmation resonates in the tranquil precincts of my sylvan sanctuary—a testament to the harmonious dance of nurture and sustenance that unfolds in the sacred embrace of attentive stewardship. And in this luminous tapestry of growth and transformation, I find solace and purpose, a sacred covenant between caretaker and flora, between nurturer and nurtured. With a heart brimming with anticipation and a spirit buoyed by the promise of boundless potential, I set forth on the next chapter of this botanical odyssey—a choreographed dance of guidance and encouragement, a symbiotic dialogue between tender hands and resilient branches. And in the coming days, as the tendrils of the scrog intertwine with the verdant tapestry, I shall embark on a gentle exhortation, guiding their branches outward in an elegant ballet of expansion and grace. In this act of gentle persuasion and mindful stewardship, I pay homage to the ancient art of cultivation, a timeless ritual of communion with the earth and the elemental forces that shape the tapestry of existence. And as the tendrils reach toward the sunlit canopy in a silent gesture of reverence, I stand humbled before the majesty of growth and renewal, a humble witness to the eternal dance of creation and sustenance that unfolds in the verdant heart of my sanctuary. Thus, with a heart attuned to the pulse of nature's symphony and a spirit aligned with the rhythms of growth and transformation, I embark on this sacred journey of nurturing and guidance—a journey illuminated by the gentle radiance of growth and the ineffable beauty of renewal. And as the days unfurl in a silent procession of growth and transformation, I stand ready to embrace the mysteries of the botanical realm, to revel in the divine poetry of creation that unfolds in the tranquil heart of my verdant sanctuary. 19/06/2024 Mid-day: Light increase to 360watts 20/06/2024 Lights On! Peyote Wi-Fi CBD 2:1 is catching up! 21/06/2024 Lights On! Scrog next applied. Scrog next applied and increased wattage of light to 380w 22/06/2024 Lights On! Defolled a few more fan leaves! Fast growers 23/06/2024 Lights On! Defolled and Strecthed them out! Mid-day: Reorganised branches and Supercropped the main colas! Dimmed light to 300wats. Will gradually increase light intensity back to 360 for pre-flowers come. Then increase gradually again to 460wats. If my extractors can handle it; if not will stop at 420watts*due to light heat issues.
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Peyote Wi-Fi is slowly catching up!
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Will be switching to flower in two days, sooner than I thought. They're are clones I suppose!
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I won't be doing any training, just vegging for 3weeks then switching to flower!