All 3 plants were pruned on Tuesday and Saturday, and were all watered and treated with nutrients and pH adjuster on Saturday. Plants are looking a nice deep green, healthy color and buds have started producing on all three plants, as can be observed in the photos above. Height and pH numbers in the main description above are averages of all three plants; please note that each individual plant's specific height and pH is documented in their (labeled) photo descriptions.
Saturday's Watering:
Plant 2 - 1.5 gallons of water (pH: 5.33) - 1 tsp/gal of Bergman's Flowertime Fertilizer
Plant 3 - 1.5 gallons of water (pH: 5.68) - 1 tsp/gal of Bergman's Flowertime Fertilizer
Plant 4 - 1.5 gallons of water (pH: 5.45) - 1 tsp/gal of Bergman's Flowertime Fertilizer
***"General Hydroponics" pH UP solution was added to each plant again this week, as not enough was used last week based on the pH numbers gathered this week. The aim is to increase the pH to the 5.8-6.5 range. Will re-assess next week and adjust treatment as necessary.