Cruising along here in early veg. It is so dry this time a year that my humidifier is struggling to keep moisture in the air. I've got it stabilized between 55-65% RH. Before I purchased the humidifier the environment was between 35-40%. As you can compare the 2 sets of photos taken 2 days apart the plants increased in size by about 35%. The next node should have 5 point fan leaves. I had some stretching issues so I lowered the lights this week from 18" above the canopy to 12". Next week I'll start to add some microbes to the feed.
From my experince with this strain they like pretty high tempatures in veg, so 16c may be stressing them a little.. But looks good so far :) Good luck bro
@Scandinavia, Thanks for the tip! I'll freely admit my environment isn't optimal. I tested placing my thermostat/RH meters in a different position and came up with cooler numbers. I'll adjust that in next weeks update.
The grow location is also my residence and is subject to forced air whether it is heating or cooling. The thermostat is programmed to run either warmer or cooler depending on the time of the year and whether or not I'm present. I use fans and open the tents up whenever possible to allow a lot of air circulation.
Shes a best of an auto damn ! Lots of nice dank nuggies to come from this one boiii :) always a pleasure to check out your grows brother keep up the solid work !
-Happy Growing!