This heat wave is really hitting one of them heavily. I will keep them in a more shady area and keep a frozen water bottle next to the container to keep the roots cool. I’m also seeing some yellowing on the cotyledons, so they will be needing nitrogen soon. Stem rub is giving off faint floral and citrus smell
I supercropped the main branch a week ago and it’s been rained on a lot is it rotten to the point of no return or do you think if I leave it alone it will get better? I lifted it up to show the underside in the second picture.
Amico mio prova a lasciarle senza toccarla magari si riprende. .era meglio lasciarla piegata senza tirarla su..a me una volta per voler tirar su un ramo, mi si è rotto completamente. ...una volta piegata meglio non toccarla più. .. suerte