Germinated three seeds using the paper towel method and all seeds popped and had long tap roots by the time I planted them in red solo cups. I started these seeds in happy frog by Fox Farms. By day 2, two of the plants were already showing green leaves, but the third was showing both sides of a root coming out of the soil. I gave it a couple days and had no luck, so I dug it out and kinda flipped it around. Thought it was going to die but it bounced back fairly quick. By day 6, all three plants had leaves and were growing well.
Plants did get a bit leggy so I also upped the light intensity. Running them in my 2x2 and two of them will eventually go in my 2x4, while the small leggy one will go into my outdoor grow with some autoflowers.
May 20th - May 25 (Germination time)