
Experiment #2 Quick One RQS

7 days ago
Grow Conditions
Week 3
16 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
Commented by
Roswell59 Roswell59
2 months ago
D-23 soil still seems a little damp under the surface trying to avoid fungus gnats so I’ll check again tomorrow D-25 watered today D-28 watered again trying not to defoliate but I’m thinking I’m gonna have too
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Grow Questions
Roswell59started grow question a month ago
Should I clip this main coala off it looks dead pictures are of the main coala and the branches on the same plant
Leaves. Tips - Die
BerrySweetHighanswered grow question a month ago
Roswell59, No, you need to solve the problem in the soil not in the plant. The nutrients are waaay off inside the soil. The EC and pH are out of range due nutrient salts builded up inside the soil. You need to flush the soil. Use the pot volume in water with the right pH and let it drain away. Then let the soil dry out till the too 2 inches (5 cm) is dry. After that you can feed again. You want to feed just a little N and roughly the same amount P and K and aome Ca. EC 1.5 will do for now and you can build that up to 1.8 max. Make surw that the nutrient solution is around pH 6.2 Every time you give water or a nuteient solution you want to give it till 20% runoff to prevent nutrient salts building up again. These steps will solve your deficiencies and the problems that the plant got right now. Happy Growing Buddy! 💚

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crackpotheadweek 3
Hmmm…. so what’s the experiment?
@crackpothead, as you can see there are 3 different phenotypes in the photos I’m going to record data on how all 3 types react to no defoliation so when I grow them again I can look back at my data and if I have any phenos that really take off from it and I get the same ones again I can use that data and make sure I do with the same one or if there’s multiple. I ordered like 6 different types and big packs of seeds from my last grow my apple fritter did amazing with not being touched 150 grams almost double the second highest yielding in the tent and both of them were my all time highest off one auto flower. So now I’m giving it a go on all of these and I got 3 different phenotypes types so I’m gonna mark the best ones down so I can watch for them in the future.
@crackpothead, not removing any leaves, my last grow I defoliated all but one plant and that one plant I didn’t touch besides nutes put out 150grams dry
resi_maxweek 0
Good luck and happy growing! 😁