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First grow without with easy setup!

7 months ago
Handmade tent
Room Type
weeks 5-6
Plagron all mix
Grow medium
9 L
Pot Size
0.5 L
8 months ago
I started this second seed because the first one died due to a lot of my mistakes. Hope he will grow strong! I do not have images of the first week but he did good, I planted him in the soil 2/3 days later. He germinated so well with the Rockwool cube.
Used method
Rockwool Cube
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
8 months ago
5 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
70 %
23 °C
6 L
0 L
35 cm
Sadly I have no images about her, as I said before I started the diary at the day 15 with some photos about day 8/12. She is growing strong, I have covered her with a plastic film to let the humidity be hight. The light was around 20% intensity.
Week 2. Vegetation
8 months ago
10 cm
16 hrs
29 °C
50 %
26 °C
6 L
0 L
35 cm
Finally I have some photos about her. The leaves are bending a little bit, I hope that I can answer back to the comments with the diary :) Trying to figure out what is the problem. At day 13 I have bought an humidifier to raise up umidity. Never watered her until day 8 from day 1
1 like
Week 3. Vegetation
8 months ago
11 cm
16 hrs
29 °C
65 %
26 °C
6 L
0 L
35 cm
Finally I can put good images about her. The tips are still bending up a little, someone suggested me to raise the humidity and the problem is fixed a little. Maybe the light is too strong or the hight is too small, I'll try to understand what can I do. Comments are appreciated to make her grow better:) I watered her only one time, maybe I should water her a little bit more, I think I am gonna water her tomorrow , day 16. The light is at 35/40% of the power. Fecida 120w CR600.
Grow Questions
Calzini1started grow question 8 months ago
You can see in the day 15, the tip are still little curling up, I hope I can answer back to the comments with the diary section:) I red all your suggestions in my questions that I have made before:) This is the new update of her, should I do something or is everything good ?:)
Leaves. Curl up
Papa_Tanswered grow question 8 months ago
I looked at your diary. The hygrometer in the picture is showing 29.3 degrees C. That’s hot. I think you need to find a way to bring the temperature down. Weed likes to be between 20-25 degrees. Other than that for now your plant is definitely looking great.
Calzini1started grow question 8 months ago
Little update! I have ordered a growbox, I will post her in the next days in the new home. However, after repotting the plant, the leaves are dropping off like this. It is surely a stress caused by repotting. Should I do something or should I just wait?:) Ty so much for your help
Leaves. Dropping off
Mo_Powersanswered grow question 8 months ago
don't worry. she looks really good. she just needs a few days to recover from the stress
Papa_Tanswered grow question 8 months ago
Oye amigo!! It’s fine to have a bit of droop like that after repotting. Give her a day or two and she should bounce back.
AsNoriuanswered grow question 8 months ago
All good, plants need few days to recover after big things. Try to lift leaves, its always better if they dont touch grow medium. Wires or rope on pot or something like it.
Calzini1started grow question 8 months ago
Little update, the little baby has a bigger home! What do you think of her? It's day 20/22, she was stucked for like 5 days after the repotting!
Leaves. Curl down
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 8 months ago
Add much more plants That is gonna flip soon. You shouldn't uppot autos mate. Unless you get it done in the seedling stage. The risk of stunting is extremely high. And most auto phenos grow big such as the pots they start out in. Like I do 11L pot autos and pull 50-100g. Been an auto. And doing that strain Add more. All that work. For such a small plant. You have so much space mate. Thats just my opinion I do large crops. But, autos I've done in 18L but, they need to be in that pot early pal. Feel free to DM me, I think most would agree with me when I say, you've more than enough Space
PostMaGrowanswered grow question 8 months ago
The growth is perfectly fine, but what's your question? Small tip, in 20 days the box is too small, unless you do LST.😉👍🏻🏻
m0useanswered grow question 8 months ago
plants looking good. Taking time after transplants is normal. Typically you don't want to transplant autoflowers as the shock can cause them to be stunned and sometimes enter early flower. Both of these things are not ideals when growing autos. Next grow aim to grow it in its final pot to avoid transplanting it. Like others said look into some LST for it and ensure its happy. Side note try and elevate any power connections off the floor and out of the way of any potential water splashes, I have all my connections outside of the tent on its roof, nothing is connecting in the tent to the power bar, asking for troubles to me.
Week 4. Vegetation
8 months ago
22 cm
16 hrs
29 °C
65 %
26 °C
9 L
0 L
35 cm
I repotted her one week ago, she was stucked for like 3/5 days, now she grew a little bit and the top is like that .. is that preflowering? I am trying to keep the temperature down but it's so hard rn, outside is too hot! Imho she is small but she seems fine, keep in touch!
Week 5. Flowering
8 months ago
36 cm
16 hrs
33 °C
40 %
26 °C
9 L
1 L
35 cm
Ok, it's flowering time I think. She surpassed somehow the repotting, she seems fine even though the temperature is really to high, I hope that the flower will be decent. Do you think she is gonna grow a little bit more? Any super cheap advice to keep the temperature down? Now I am running the lamp at 70%, I think when she will be 100% the temperature will reach 34 DX Keep in touch guys!
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
8 months ago
50 cm
16 hrs
33 °C
50 %
29 °C
9 L
1 L
35 cm
Nutrients 1
Alga Bloom - PLAGRON.
Alga Bloom 1 mll
Update, I am giving her 1ml of bloom with 1 lt of water every 3 days. She stretched to 50 cm, now she is putting his energy on the flowers I think, maybe she will stay 50 cm til the harvest. Temperature is a big problem, I have to let RH high to compensate it, hoping that the mold will not appear:) Stay connected, feel free to comment and help me :) I am happy for now, she is looking somehow fine:)
1 like
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
8 months ago
52 cm
16 hrs
32 °C
50 %
29 °C
9 L
1 L
35 cm
Nutrients 1
Alga Bloom - PLAGRON.
Alga Bloom 2 mll
Ok, She managed to go on the flowering stage, I think the termoidrometer is broken and the temperature is 2/3 higher than the real one, I tested it with another one. Some under leaves Is starting to go yellow, should I cut em?? The smell of her is not that strong, should I be worried? Just one last question, how can I understand when I have to harvest her? Hope she will make the flowers little bigger, I am still happy of mine first plant, managed to get her over here even with hot temperatures! Tell me everything you think is worth:)
Week 10. Flowering
7 months ago
52 cm
16 hrs
32 °C
50 %
29 °C
9 L
1 L
35 cm
Today I am gonna harvest her, she is stressed from too much heat around, she is little bit small but it's good, I'll write how much g she produced..:)
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Calzini1commentedweek 38 months ago
@PostMaGrow you can't see the upper part of the box, it's 1.40m, the plant is gonna be 60/70 cm... The problem is maybe the temperature, too high, and the tips of the leaves are bending a little:( I can answer only here I think.
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Calzini1commentedweek 38 months ago
@Papa_T do you know a cheap solution to bring down the temperature?
Papa_Tcommented8 months ago
@Calzini1, the new pot should be great that was definitely a good move. Well 27 is still alright. Anyway your plant looks wicked still so you’re on the right track.
Calzini1commented8 months ago
@Papa_T, no, we don't have air conditioning, I'll post an update with the future grow box soon, maybe next week. I managed to bring down the temperature to 27 °C. I changed the soil pot to 8.5 L, I just hope I didn't stress her too much :) Ty so much for the help:)
Papa_Tcommented8 months ago
@Calzini1, it’s hard to say with your set up. I see it’s a home made enclosure. I think the cardboard is acting like an insulator and trapping heat. I’m not sure if you’re running an extractor fan to draw in fresh air from the lung room. It also depends on the ambient air temps outside of the grow box. Adding some fans may help a little bit but not going to really drop temps enough to get you from 29 down to the 20-25 range. Maybe ditching the grow box and just keeping the plant out in the open in your house may be a better option. Do you have air conditioning in your house? I’d have to have more information on what your plans are for growing and what your goals and budget is before being able to offer solutions. We all start somewhere and that’s alright. Growing weed is definitely not a cheap hobby to get into. I’ve spent thousands of dollars acquiring tents, lighting and equipment. But if you’re just doing this as a one off for your girlfriend to make her a bit of bud and you don’t plan on continuing to grow, then you should stick with what you’re doing now and accept the limitations of your grow. With the conditions you’re running now you still will get something out of that plant.
Calzini1commentedweek 38 months ago
@Papa_T Ty my amigo for the answer. I reported her 2 days ago, the first day she was pointing upward, yesterday and today she is like this. Hope that in some days she will be back hehe! Do you like the new pot?:3
Papa_Tcommented8 months ago
@Calzini1, the droop could also be down to your temps and RH as well. The best thing to do right now is to just let her be I think. Try to keep temps down and RH up and maintain a good watering schedule. The pot looks great. You’re doing well for a first time. I remember what it was like starting out. It’s a huge learning curve. No grow will ever be the same and there’s always room for learning and improvement.
Papa_Tcommentedweek 68 months ago
Look at you go buddy!!! You’re doing great. So 50% RH isn’t bad, but you want to get that down a bit more at this stage. 40-45% would be a bit better. If temps get really high you can always just leave the tent open to get more airflow around the plant. I understand that keeping RH a bit higher helps with keeping temps down but I would prioritize keeping RH lower at the sacrifice of a little higher temps.
Papa_Tcommented8 months ago
@Calzini1, ouuuuff eh. Yeah that’s some pretty intense heat brother. High RH is bad because it can easily promote bud rot and mold. But at this point I don’t think you have much choice to deal with the high heat. It seems to be a limiting factor. Make sure she has lots of airflow. So I’m not exactly sure what the plant will do in those temps as I’ve never had temps that high in flowering. I’m trying to give you the best advice to my knowledge. But just know I’m also still learning and gaining experience myself. My violeta has been going sideways on me at the moment. My environment is on point but nutrition is my weakness when it comes to growing.
Calzini1commented8 months ago
Ohh okok thank you so much, I'll try to keep RH down, but the temperature will reach 34/35 even with the tent open😅 do you think it's still a good idea? I will follow what you will say:)
Hashycommentedweek 38 months ago
Hi mate it could be your day temps of 29c. Possibly a little high for the Rh your achieving. You may need to water more frequently like every 3rd day, she is also Possibly going to get root bound in that pot. It doesn't look overly stressed out so she should sill produce. Hope you sort it, good luck.
Calzini1commented8 months ago
@Hashy, ty so much for your comment. She is my first, today I am gonna order a real growbox, so I can try to lower down a little the temperature and the future plants will be planted in bigger pots! I am growing em not for my but for my gf, so I hope for her I will get at least 5/10 gr XD I will surely make updates, the setup is super cheap now and she is growing not bad for now:)
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Buckethead2000commentedweek 48 months ago
Your temp is ok, dude ;) What do you think plants feel in Jamaicas Highnoon Sun ? ;) Use cooler for fresh air .....
Papa_Tcommentedweek 58 months ago
She’s looking great buddy!!!
Papa_Tcommented8 months ago
@Calzini1, hahaha she’ll be done before autumn rolls around. Just hang in there buddy you’ll make it through.
Calzini1commented8 months ago
@Papa_T, nice to hear you again ❤️ today the temperature is over 32 :( the leaves are dropping s little, but I can only pray for her, need the Autumn for cooler temperatures :/ Next Friday I'll post some more photos, she is still growing somehow
Calzini1commentedweek 38 months ago
@PostMaGrow you can't see the upper part of the box, it's 1.40m, the plant is gonna be 60/70 cm... The problem is maybe the temperature, too high, and the tips of the leaves are bending a little:( I can answer only here I think.
PostMaGrowcommented8 months ago
@Calzini1, It's just well-intentioned, my one plant with LST is currently 85 cm high with a pot with a 160x80x80 box. I'm already having problems with the temperature and height of the LED, but it's up to you how much space you give it😅🏻
Calzini1commentedweek 48 months ago
This is the update! @gottagrowsometime if you wanna dm me do it, I don't know how to do that !!! XD
Calzini1commentedweek 38 months ago
So let's see if we can talk freely here, if someone wants to talk about what should I do or have questions of what did I do, I am here:)
Calzini1commentedweek 38 months ago
@organoman She is an auto flower, I red they can't be transplanted otherwise they will suffer too much, should I do it?
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