Start of 2nd week, mixed new nutrient solution to increase nitrogen and potassium levels, added silica to strengthen the stems. Had it running with about 1.25 TA FlashClean for 24 hours with the old solution. Plants will stay in the propagator until they have 3 nodes with some good leafs, then moving 6 of them into the GrowStream and switching to the SanLight on lowest level.
Moved the first 4 (2PP and 2WW) into the GrowStream, same nutrients and EC but with the SanLight at 40%. 2 more wil follow in 2 to 3 days.
WOW HVOR DUKØBT DET HYDRO DER har vundet den store trol master uden pis , der jo helt gaklt med den konkurrence:-) skriv i hat hvis du intra i købe det kan sende bevis i chatten!!!!
@Nicogreen, Sorry friend, but you did not win that contest, others did, your picture was just added as number 3, that is all, simply put you did not win...