Prepared 6 liters of nutrient solution with RO water (using the Water Trim) of EC 0.5 and pH 5.7, also added the small Söchting Oxydator to increase the oxygen level of the solution.
Moved the seedlings into the X-Stream, roots look good, Power Plant developed much better then the White Widow, one WW did not grow any root at all.
Day 5 - Will add about 5ml H2O2 to the nutrient solution by the end of the day to prevent the bad guys from forming due to a heat wave. pH is stable, was going up to 6.1 and now going down again and fluctuating between 5.9 and 6.0, did not have to adjust it until now.
WOW HVOR DUKØBT DET HYDRO DER har vundet den store trol master uden pis , der jo helt gaklt med den konkurrence:-) skriv i hat hvis du intra i købe det kan sende bevis i chatten!!!!
@Nicogreen, Sorry friend, but you did not win that contest, others did, your picture was just added as number 3, that is all, simply put you did not win...