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First real Grow with a litte Mutant - Zamnesia Wurlz F1

5 months ago
8 months ago
I did use a small glas of water, the water used was Black Forest still. It did germinate within 48 hours and did show a small root about 1,5mm long. After that i planted the seed in the final pot.
Used method
Glass Of Water
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
8 months ago
16 hrs
14 L
Nutrients 1
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 2 mll
The first few days the new plant only had a little bit sun through my window, but also a few hours with open window. The weather was very mixed. On day 4 onward the plant was mostly under my growlight, but had sometimes also 2 hours of real sun. You also can see that the plant is a mutation, which is called whorled phyllotaxy. Right now i'm happy with the progress.
Week 2. Vegetation
8 months ago
11 cm
16 hrs
14 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 2
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 2 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 2 mll
Quite happy with the progress. Had to keep her under the light for 95% of the time, because the weather was quite bad. I was a little bit scared, that the mutation is vanishing, but one of the 3 leafes is just very small compared to the others. Also she did get her first full leafes.
Week 3. Vegetation
8 months ago
31 cm
16 hrs
70 %
14 L
2 L
30 cm
Nutrients 2
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 4 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
The growth this week was really good, and I'm happy with that. But the smell of her is increasing. Right now, she is in my kitchen. I 3D-printed a base, filled it with quick concrete, and put a steel rod inside. I also printed something for the top, where I could hang the light. For now, it is working well. But the smell is increasing. Right now, it should be okay, but I do hope it won't increase much more in the next few weeks. German law states that you are allowed to have three blooming plants per person, but you are not allowed to annoy your neighbors with the smell. Last weekend, I realized I really do need a grow tent. But right now, it is not easy to get good grow tents here. Most are sold out or are sold at a premium. I work in IT, so I like things that I can control easily and that are connected to the internet so I can control them from everywhere and see the status of different parameters. This is why I ordered a package from AC Infinity, but I have to wait until the end of August until it gets shipped to me because they have to wait until they are restocked. (This is what I ordered: ) I also added the Cloudforge T3 Humidifier. I hope it will get delivered sooner than expected. Back to the plant: Humidity was quite high this week, ranging from 58 to 70%, and the temperature was between 20 to 27 degrees. But still, it wasn't very sunny, so the plant was under the LED light for about 90% of the time. I also thought that my other plant might have had problems with fungus gnats, so I ordered some nematodes to kill them. They need a moist environment, which is why I'm quite careful to keep the plant moist. Other than that, I started some LST, but it is the first time I am doing this, so I made a little mistake and accidentally damaged one of the sprouts. However, I hope that everything will be fine. I will be more careful next time. The mutation, that was seen on the beginning, did vanish, maybe someone knows why? I think, that is quite sad... Overall, I'm quite happy with the growth of the plant. She developed much faster and better than the same plant I gave to my mom when she was about three weeks old. From here on out, I'm in uncharted territory because I have never had a plant older than three weeks. I think it will be an interesting journey.
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
7 months ago
58 cm
16 hrs
60 %
14 L
3 L
30 cm
Nutrients 3
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 4 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 0.3 mll
The plant is still growing really fast. My LST was not a big success; a branch just snapped completely, so I had to remove it. Quite sad, because it was the second-best branch. She started to show the first signs of flowering, so I have to change the log next week to flowering. Right? I just now realized that the water here in this log is supposed to show the daily water intake. I haven't used it that way; in my protocol, it is showing the water use for that specific week. I am trying not to overwater them. Wednesday: 1.5L of water with nutrients Saturday: 1.3L of water with nutrients About 20% of the time, the plant had direct sunexposure. But most of the time she was unter the LED @ 80% of the power of the Spider Farmer SF1000. I'm happy with the progress. But honstly the smell is just getting stronger. New gear: Also, some news about new gear I bought. As it was Prime Day, I ordered a pressure sprayer, the "Gloria Prima 5L," and also a digital pH meter, the "Apera Instruments PH20," to adjust the pH value. Although it is not that important with the use of soil, I’ll still try to get it down to 6.4 from 7.7. I also bought a micropipette, so dosing the nutrients is easier, which it really is. My procedure: So first I get 1L of water and add the precise doses of nutrients (for all the water I want to use). After that, I adjust the pH value. The water is then added to the pressure sprayer, and I also add more water that is adjusted. After that, the pressure sprayer gets pumped via my automatic pump, and I slowly start to spray the soil with the mist of water. I take a break for a few minutes, spray some more, take another break, and then spray more. This way, I never have runoff, don’t waste nutrients, and the soil is equally moist everywhere, and the water isn’t just running through channels.
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
7 months ago
102 cm
16 hrs
60 %
14 L
3 L
30 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 0.3 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 1 mll
The smell has gotten quite strong. If i open my Appartmentdoor everybody in the house can smell it. 😁 Guess its going to intensify more in the upcoming weeks. I have a little of a light green to orange on some of the leafs. I have asked and it looks like a small overdose of Kalium. So i won't use any Bio-Grow in the upcoming week. My plant got 3l of water + nutrients . Growth right now is just insane. I'm really curious how the buds are going to develop in the next weeks.
1 comment
Week 6. Flowering
7 months ago
118 cm
16 hrs
60 %
14 L
3 L
15 cm
Nutrients 3
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 0.3 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 1 mll
Silica Force - Xpert Nutrients
Silica Force 1 mll
I didn't use the Bio-Grow and Bio-Bloom the whole week because of slight nutrient burn in the tips of the leaves on the upper part of the plant. I asked on a forum ( what it might be, and they said it probably is too much potassium. I really do hope it will get better with time, but right now it has gotten a little bit worse, although it still is a minor inconvenience. I really thought that it is very hard to feed too many nutrients with biological fertilizer, but I had not thought about the soil. It seems that the prefertilized soil must be the problem here. Next week, I'll use just the Bio-Bloom at 50% of the recommendation and won't use Bio-Grow anymore. I do hope that it won't get worse. She is in bloom and needs nutrients. There seems to be a little lack of them since one leaf on the bottom is turning slightly yellow, so she is redistributing nutrients. I need to look for new soil, and also I'm going to change my approach to fertilizing in the upcoming grow. Other than that, she is now too tall with her 118 cm to keep her on my window, so she hasn't and won't see the real sun again. She got a lot more buds this week, and I really enjoy looking at her beautiful flowers. She has a very nice and sweet smell too. I am really thinking about setting up the grow tent in my apartment and not in my basement, just to take a look at how the plants are doing. I love plants, always have, but cannabis is just the most fascinating one.
Week 7. Flowering
7 months ago
121 cm
16 hrs
55 %
14 L
4 L
15 cm
Nutrients 5
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 0.3 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 0.5 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 0.5 mll
She finally stopped her heightgrowth. Happy with that, because i don't have more space to hang the growlight any higher. I decided to give her more nutrients this week. She also did trink more water (4.2L in this week), although she was only exposed to the growlight and had no direct sun anymore. She smells incredibly sweet. I quite enjoy it, and sniff here every day 😅 Really curious how long it will take until i'm going to harvest her. I decided to wait until she has 60 to 80% brown trichomes. One of her leafes on the bottom still isn't looking too good and is more yellow, so i probably going to cut it in the next few days.
Week 8. Flowering
6 months ago
121 cm
16 hrs
55 %
14 L
4 L
15 cm
Nutrients 5
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 0.3 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 1 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 1 mll
Some of the older leaves started yellowing, so I used a little bit of mineral fertilizer and also added a spoonful of bone and blood meal. Although I think it is quite natural for them to use mobile resources and for leaves to die off, I added some fertilizer just once, especially for the nitrogen deficiency. But it will be a one-time thing. Other than that, nothing special happened. I do hope that the buds are getting bigger, but right now, I don't see much progress this week, except on the buds on the lower branches. In less than two weeks, my grow tent and new setup should arrive, so maybe she will finish inside a proper tent, and I'll get my kitchen back 😂 She is really smelly right now.
Week 9. Flowering
6 months ago
121 cm
16 hrs
55 %
14 L
4 L
15 cm
Nutrients 6
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 0.3 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 4 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 4 mll
This week, I had to remove three of her big leaves. They were dead. But I think this is normal—she’s fading away because she’s in the late stage of her life. I took a closer look at the BioBizz nutrition chart. They recommend increasing Top-Max and Bio-Bloom during the last few weeks of flowering. Since she’s an autoflower that matures much faster, I probably should have increased the nutrients sooner. I’ll make sure to do that in the future. The main bud probably isn’t going to grow any bigger, and about 15% of the trichomes are already brown. On the lower buds, there are barely any brown trichomes, so the main bud is more advanced. I guess that’s quite normal. For my insomnia and pain, more brown trichomes should be beneficial, I think. Maybe I’ll have to harvest her in stages? --------- I’m also considering using some of the pollen from the Afberry to try pollinating one of the small buds, just to see what happens. A cross between the Wurlz F1 and Afberry could be something nice. I hope I’m not too late. 😥 --------- On another note: Everything from AC Infinity arrived today, except for the tent. 😂 I hope it arrives on Monday or Tuesday. I cleaned my whole cellar this week, and it was quite exhausting. It’s insane what I had accumulated over the years. But now everything is ready for the tent. By the way, the German customer service of AC Infinity was awesome! I'm thinking about the next grow. Probably going to change my plans, what i'm going to grow, but have to think about it. Quite sad, that we are limited to 3 plants. I really would like to explore more strains.
Week 10. Flowering
6 months ago
121 cm
16 hrs
55 %
14 L
5 L
15 cm
Nutrients 6
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 0.3 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 4 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 4 mll
This week, I had to cut three leaves—two smaller ones that looked like some kind of insect had laid eggs on them, and one of the big sun leaves. Finally, I can see some brown trichomes on the B-grade buds. I thought about harvesting soon, but it will probably take another two weeks or so... Or I may have to harvest her week by week. I haven't decided yet. What I can say is that increasing the amount of fertilizer has helped improve the health of the leaves. I should have increased it sooner; it seems that autos need more nutrients earlier than photoperiod plants.
Week 11. Flowering
6 months ago
121 cm
16 hrs
60 %
14 L
5 L
15 cm
Nutrients 6
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 0.3 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 4 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 4 mll
Let's jump right in. I partially harvested the top of my plant, i had a lot of amber trichomes an nearly no clear ones left. On the lower buds there are some brown trichomes, some milky ones and much more clear ones, so i'm giving the bottom more time. Finally i've got my kitchen back! The plant is now in my growtent in the cellar. She is enjoying the AC Infinity ION FRAME EVO 3 @70%. I won't be home in the next two weeks, so my neighbor is going to take care of her and is giving her water, and just water. After i'm back, I'm going to harvest the rest, clean out the tent and i'm going to start the next grow. I'll update the diary after everything is dry and packed, so you know how much yield she had. It was a good grow, so i have to change my review on Zamnesia, i'll give her 4 Stars, and really would say, that it is a good plant for beginners.
Week 12. Harvest
5 months ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Quite a succesful grow, especially for my first grow. (Wurlz is quite good for first time growers.) The Wurlz did also perform very good outdoors at my mom, was quite resistent to pests, etc. Going to regrow it in the future.
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Spent 79 days
Ger Veg Flo Har

Air humidity
Light schedule
Pot size
Lamp distance
The harvest was split in two parts. After i could clean harvest 2, i now have a final weight. It was around 80g of usable buds and leaves (with trichomes). I did not clean every small popcornbud, instead, i did throw them away. I was really surprised by the amount, that i harvested. Never thought, that my first grow would be quite succesful, especially without a growtent. The final weigh in for the dry buds, that are usable was 61g, as you can see above. The german law states, that you are allowed to have 50g at home, therefore i had to destroy at least 11g. This is what i did. I did destroy it, i mixed it with coffee grounds, so nobody can consume it anymore, after that i threw it in the trash and instantly in the large bin, so it can be collected.

the end.
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