
Already a bad start

3 months ago
Room Type
Biobizz Light Mix
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
1 L
Grow Conditions
Week 10
7 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
Commented by
CriCer CriCer
3 months ago
Leaves started to yellow, i'm happy with how it turned out so im gonna cut it soon, it wouldnt have grown more anyways and storms are coming in a couple of days.
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Grow Questions
CriCerstarted grow question 6 months ago
One of my seeds just popped out of the ground and I noticed that leaves have brown and gray tips. What is this caused by? Too much direct sunlight? Not enough water maybe? Does this mean it's going to die?
Papa_Tanswered grow question 6 months ago
Yeah if this is outside in direct sunlight, it’s just too much for a little baby like that. She’s not going to die but try to offer it a bit of cover in this stage of its life. I don’t think it’s overwatered. The soil seems to be moist enough at the moment. So let that dry out before giving it more water. If you can move the pot into some shade that would be perfect.

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Papa_Tcommentedweek 06 months ago
I don’t think you’re off to a bad start man. I’ve had some seeds start off in rougher shape and they always have pulled through, weed is a pretty resilient plant and can put up with a moderate amount of abuse. But yeah you can’t water a small plant like this till you get runoff. The plant is too small to uptake that water. I suggest you go and watch a guy on YouTube called “basementganja” and he does some detailed videos on how he grows. He shows you how much water he puts at every stage of growth. He starts off with like 200 ml at the beginning and then over time slowly increasing the amount of water until the plant is hearty enough to take a full watering where you get runoff. But yeah check out how he does it and I’m sure you’ll get some good knowledge as a new grower from his videos. Also ask a lot of questions to the GD community and sponge as much information as you can about growing. Don’t stress my guy, growing takes time and dedication to get good at it. Trial and error. I also suggest having note books and log everything you do. Notes, notes, notes man. Because after a few days you start to forget how much water and what mix you gave your nutrients. It’s always good to be able to go back and read your notes. The more notes you take the better you’ll be able to tell someone the situation and the better they’ll be able to point you in the right direction.
Papa_Tcommentedweek 55 months ago
Yes buddy!!! She’s looking awesome. It has come a long way in the past few weeks.
resi_maxcommentedweek 06 months ago
Good luck and happy growing! 😁
Papa_Tcommentedweek 74 months ago
Look at her go bro!!!! You’re doing it!!!
Legendaryseedthumbcommentedweek 55 months ago
Hello, nice to see your page! Good luck with everything! If you have any time to spare please come by my page I just started a new journal!!🙌🏼