@Mrs_Larimar, Hey thank you miss 😘 , and you know what the best part is ? ... I cut thr long coco coir into prices and mixed it with my bad quality soil to improve the overall quality and it or working really great , the medium is more oxygenated , the soil is draining the water way better now ! Thank you for the advice, you are always in the corner with a food idea and I thank you for sharing them with me 😁😍💪✌️🏼👍👊😊😘😘
@Mrs_Larimar, That is a goodi plan and not far from mine 😊 so I alteady have defoliate her yesterday even if I hate that , I snaped a stem so we have a topinf now 😉 but no supercroping as I noticed that she is asking for more LST so I will try to fill the whole pot like a fake main lining before I put her in flower so so bet it will take at least 2 weeks from now 😓
*Grabs a chair hit follow* The ol' pineapple express 😍
'Or pineaple' as I believe your sticky note says.
I bet she loved the sunlight after that, are you training her to go outside later?
@HighTV,Hey thank you homie 😁✌️🏼 Yep the Old Pineaple is back in my garden , the last time was with a G13 Labs Pineaple and it was more than a pleasure to grow because I was able to find 5 phenotype out of 8 seeds and one was like the 1st Dank skunk I smoked in 2003 ( before I was only smoking stuffs like Jamaican, Looks like a Mexican weed with seeds in it)
About the training : Yes I will top her and maybe supercrop too during the veg ( in a tent 110w of FL light ) 👍😉. Thanks for stopping by this diary bro
@Chronic420, Thank you bro , I was becoming very lazy with that one but now I have audience to please I will do some LST to show something interesting ( I hope ) ! See you around mate 😊✌️🏼
@Chronic420, You're welcome bro 😊👍 sorry about the late flowering but actually she is veging under a low wattage panel so I'm waiting a bit for more space to transplant her and put her under a better light 🤗
I have pineapple epress going into dirt myself soon. I've never grow it so will be a pleasure to follow ur journal from the start. You said u grew G13 pineapple express its what I have. How many weeks did they flower? Any pheno's much faster than the others you had in the group? I ask I'm a canuk in northern Ontario hopin the pineapple will finish by Oct 15th or before. Anyways good luck with the grow!
@Chronic420,Hello bro, cool to be strain mates ! My G13 Pinex was all differents , some were ready at week 7 , some at week 8 and some week 9. I grew the Pineaple express #1 and #2 and like they said the #2 was faster from 1 week but less tasty than the #1. The #1 is more on the sativa side than her sister #2. It is w very very resilient strain to PH fluctuation, to bugs and to feeding so you can treat her like a side project and it will still grew like an average skunk , and to me it's a good skunk selection with old school taste from 2000 to 2010 and even before 😁✌️🏼