Whats up
@UpnUp! The best time to pull clones from a plant Is during defoliation whenever the plant is at its peak healthiness. The reality is that you can Take clones whenever you want as long as the plant is healthy afterall they only grow as fast as they are healthy in the end! If you want 'special' cones then you want to take your Clones from the Apical(tops) nodes at the top of the plant. The reason for this is the Apical meristem produces the plants Auxin(growth hormone) and delivers it down to the rest of the plant. This allows the Main node to receive more nutrients as it denies the lower stems nutrients that it wants in a process called Apical Dominance. If you want to SPEED up your clones then its suggested to take the Apical Nodes so that the clone STARTS being Apically Dominant and producing Auxin already! Long story short if you are not in flower and your plant is healthy you can take clones now, I suggest taking Top nodes for speed. I hope this helps! 😎