This one need exactly one week for germination.
It’s my first year growing cannabis. Cause I have good experiences in permaculture vegetable growing in my garden, I decided to do things similar. And now, after collecting some experience during my first grow, I will do things similar but different, too. This grow I will use field horsetail tee as the (l)only fertilizer till two weeks before the end + twice bokashi juice during vegetation.
The charcoal compost is nearly two years old. During composting process I added fermented bokashi with citrus fruit peel, egg shells, oyster shells, fishbones and vegetable waste and some chicken manure, some bat guano, dolomite rock flour, too. This well rotted compost was way still to rich in nutrients for potting. So this second grow will be done with a mix of my charcoal compost and coco coir (~80/20). We‘ll see if this works better.