
First grow

6 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 5
12 hrs
Light Schedule
9+ conditions after
Commented by
FizzyBuddz FizzyBuddz
6 years ago
Late starting this diary on week 5 of flowering. Excited for my first grow 315 watt cmh So far so good, 5 out of 5 germination (2 RC, 2 LSSH, 1 critical). Had to remove one royal cookies plant on week 3 as i needed space and it was behind the others in terms of size and growth. Topped them around week 3 Switched to 12/12 after 5 weeks. Supercropped royal cookies as it was stretching closer to the light Day 34 looking good
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BillMonroecommentedweek 56 years ago
Looking awesome dude, healthy plants great choice of light! 😊 Looks just like my Criticals you're going to enjoy that one.
BillMonroecommentedweek 56 years ago
Looking awesome dude, healthy plants great choice of light! 😊 Looks just like my Criticals you're going to enjoy that one.
FizzyBuddzcommentedweek 56 years ago
Appreciate it man, can’t wait for the smoke!
BillMonroecommentedweek 66 years ago
Hey if you are really in week 6 of flower you can still take action in against the flies. These plants should stand for 4-6 more weeks and that's enough time for white flies to really become a problem THey lay their eggs by the 100s, I would not cross my fingers. I had a massive infestation on strawberry plants and laid waste to the white flies with water + green soap + methylated spirit. That's outdoors where they have predators They have soft bodies and are mega stupid, loads of things will kill them but as always the eggs are the problem. Vacuum them up as good as you can. Hang sticky traps, flies will fill them completely if they manage to reproduce well. I have read that a Dr Doom pyrethrum fogger is effective and won't affect buds. Not available for me but maybe you are blessed. Hydrogen peroxide mixed with water can be sprayed safely. 35% at 7ml/L. Some people report using neem oil until late in flower, others say it should not be done and that it affects flavor. Trim the bottom 1/3 of your plant because the lower leaves are an invitation for pests. Good luck, beautiful grow
BillMonroecommented6 years ago
@FizzyBuddz, alright, I got mites and shit in week 7 so I too faced the same problem that I could not really spray anything serious. If they are root aphids you can also easily attack them and a variety of bad things with a simple pint of 3% H2O2 to a gallon of water. Might be a good idea anyway since they came from under the pot. Be very aggressive about cleaning after harvest and act like you have a full blown infestation for the next run in the same room is my recommendation =) better safe than sorry 👍
FizzyBuddzcommented6 years ago
@BillMonroe, just gone in to week 7 now bro, 2-4 weeks to go by the looks of it so not looking to spray them with anything at this stage. Will take away the lower growth again see if that helps. Thanks for the advice
BillMonroecommentedweek 96 years ago
Congrats man! Really interested in the yield & that LSSH looks real nice!
FizzyBuddzcommentedweek 96 years ago
Thanks bro! Luckily I managed to control the white fly problem, the numbers started to drop down and now they are nowhere to be seen! Will post update on yield as soon as there off the stems and in jars my friend.