Day 15 - Gave the girls 500ml of plain RO at 6.3(ish) PH. Watered in a ring around 'em to encourage the roots to spread out.
Day 16 - Didn't do anything today just monitoring grow environment Temp, RH, Leaf Temp, VPD etc.
Day 17 - Waterred 'em down again, 500ml plain RO at ~ 5.9 PH.
Days 18 &19 - Nothing done, just monitoring the grow environment Temp, RH, Leaf Temp, VPD, etc.
Day 20 - Waterred 'em down with around 700ml plain RO at ~ 6.1 PH.
Day 21 - Didn't do anything today just monitoring grow environment Temp, RH, Leaf Temp, VPD etc.
I'm starting an Arduino project that automatically waters the plants based on the soil moisture and will calculate weekly water consumption. I already have one setup that does all of that and has a water level indicator that alerts me when the water level is low.
Automatic Watering Kit:
Soil Moisture Kit: