I‘m sorry but I need to stop this grow and clean it all up with Chlorix. Alcohol doesn’t work with the HLVd…
I probaply got it from some clones I ordered from austria. When the clones were ready to take clones I cutted them all and infected the King‘s Tart mother with HLVd. At that point I didn’t even know something like HLVd exists but it‘s worse than anything else I ever witnessed. 🤬
Some plants showed it earlier some seem to be not yet infected, but it‘s only a matter of a few days and every plant would have been infected. Some plants even had some brenches with the Viroid and other brenches on the same plant were healthy. Fuck this shit.
Hey Breeders, I need new seeds, would you be that kind? 👀😅
Hope you learn something from those pics. 🤮😅✌️
@Philippovic, Breeder sollten verpflichtet werden ihre Genetik regelmäßig zu testen so dass man das HLVd ausschließen kann zu einem großen Teil. 100% safe kann man wohl nicht sein aber diese Milliardenschwere Industrie muss dazu bereit sein.
@Louder, Oh I didn‘t know that it’s sold out. My mother plant is almost two years old. Got the new strain from Greenhouse Seeds, Tarte Tatin. It‘s a cross between Kings Tart and something fency.