Tomorrow is day 21 from sprout. On day 18 I pinched/rolled off the new growth at 5th node after first set of trues. Super fast recovery, fast growth in the days after. Thinking about LST, too bushy and short right now to secure down so I raised the light another couple inches to see if that changes anything. Hoping that with that topping, she’ll grow a bit more outwards. Added nutrients for first time.
After all, this is a 75% sativa strain, was definitely expecting more upward growth.
Hey Mate, your babys looking great as always🙏🏽 would you reccomend the strain so far & by the way, whats your favourit strain you smoked so far? Always on the look for some exotic genetics 😎
Keep up the good work & Check out mine, maybe i can learn some from you👌🏽🍀
Don‘t forget to like & follow if you don‘t mind Brother 😘❤️