All plants have adjusted to thier new environment successfully. Blue Cheese showed signs of over watering and damaged leaves have been removed now that healthy growth has resumed. All other strains are showing signs of vigorous growth. 1 teaspoon of 10/1/1 bat guano added to each pot as top dress. 1/2 teaspoon of 1/10/2 bat guano added to each pot as top dress.Humidifer run twice a day to combat ambient Rh of 22%. got to love winter. By order of pictures. Sunset sherbet, Gelatog, Blue Cheese, SPxWX1 , SPx WX2.
Nice looking garden you have there !! :) Im excited to see the end result your going to have with all those genetics . Keep up the great work and best of luck on the rest of your grow !!!
-Happy Growing!