I tried to remain as hands off as possible, which was helped by the whole family being sick in our beds this week, haha; cough, splutter.
Nonetheless I had to remove a few leaves on the autos as they start to fade away, and removed a few strategically on the photoperiods so light is getting to their lower bud sites.
Epsilon F1 can be done flowering in 4 weeks and although I was skeptical, her trichs were already about 70% milky and 30% clear a few days ago when I checked, which very pleasantly surprised me: I was expecting that supergluey clearness! Even whilst waiting for an ideal milky: amber ratio though, looking at her calyxs I could see she wasn't quite done. So she lives and matures on. But very soon...
I also realise only now that I might have to do separate "Harvest Week" diaries for each plant and then this "wedding gelato" journal obviously just the total of the 6 plants in it. That's ok, there are numerous arguments for and against running a mixed strains tent and we take the good with the bad.
The 16L fabric pot with the Epsilon f1 and Royal Critical Auto in together as companions has been a fun experiment and as this shared pots' first chop (and this mixed strain- diary's first harvest too) of Epsilon looms near, I am glad I did it. Zero training, and they've been on 12/12 for a month of the two that they have existed for! So in terms of fuss: 0. Electricity costs: minimal. Space Used: minimal. And yet this week we will cut down a nice looking auto - merely 8 weeks after her germination... no; no regrets 😌