
Lechuza Pon - Dance World RQS, Purple Queen RQS, Northern Lights Linda Seeds

a day ago
Room Type
weeks 4
weeks 4
weeks 4-7
Grow medium
20 L
Pot Size
0.5 L
Germination Method
Peat Pellet
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 92%
Method popularity - 7%
Dance World
Avg. success
Royal Queen Seeds - 91%
Dance World - 87%
Purple Queen Automatic
Avg. success
Royal Queen Seeds - 91%
Purple Queen Automatic - 99%
Northern Light
Avg. success
Linda Seeds - 87%
Northern Light - 88%
Compo complete
2 ml/l
Commented by
Smoker666 Smoker666
4 months ago
Grow in a Lechuza Cube Pot with approx 20l Lechuza pon and 7.5l water tank Will feed with water and nutes from the top until roots can suck water Hope to have grow with minimum effort. Aim ist to try different strains. Not looking for maximum harvest. Special Queen from RQS did not germinate. Added now a Purple Queen Auto from RQS as back up. Waiting for germination. Purple Queen Auto germinated in the meantime. Added a RQS Hulkberry Auto now. Slightla behind, but with the auto genetics I hope it will catch up.
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Grow Questions
Smoker666started grow question 2 months ago
Any ideas what the issue is? Have the issue on one Northern light and on one Dance World. The leaves are getting partly light green and have some brown spots. See Last two photos I added.
Leaves. Other
001100010010011110answered grow question 2 months ago
It's good to remember that plants look paler under grow lights than they are in reality. However, if it's trending in that direction, it still means you should react to it and adjust your fertilization formula accordingly. You might be locking things out with too much P. This would cause chlorosis in new growth and interfere with K which causes the damage around the serated tips. Even though you have reduced fertilization lately, your ferts look like the type that slow-release due to need for microbes to break them down... so even though you reduced what you are adding to the soil, there's a buildup prior of 'inventory' for microbes to work on and continue to provide plant-available nutes around the roots. with soil and your fertilization methods, it'll take some guessing and trial and error. E.g. this time i'd take note of when you started to reduce and maybe do that 1 week sooner. or take 10% off what you fed each cweek prior etc... some sort of adjustment that adds up to a bit less concentration in the substrate by this point in the grow. in the end there is not enough infor to be confident. diagnosing from leaf symptoms alone is not 100% accurate. Symptoms are not discrete. pH and nute lockout are always possible too. the reason i didn't go with K-deficiency is that there is little to no interveinal chlorosis of mid and lower leaves. High P can cause issues with Ca too, which is potentially one of the symptoms seen too.
Smoker666started grow question a month ago
Would you stop feeding the plants with fertilizer at this point already? I think it will be fine for the Northern Lights and the Purple Queen but may be a little early for the Dance World. Little disadvantage with one common pot that I can only treat all plants the same way..
Buds. Other
001100010010011110answered grow question a month ago
I would keep them helathy as always. React to symptoms and don't overfeed/underfeed. if your formula or fertilization process does not result in consistent results across numerous strains, then there's probably something off with the formula and less to do with 'picky' plants. I regular run 7-8 strains pulling off the same reservoir, which in a soilless context is not unlike sharing the same pot. A proper formula works well on 90-95% of all plants. Soil being a bit trickery but can get to the same place because it's just about ratios of available nutes and their overall concentration... similar contexts will have similar results, because this is a deterministic reality. Outdoors in the ground, they all share the same resoucres. No reason why it can't work the same in a pot too. Also, you don't see people leach out all nutrients from the earth around a pot plant outside right? No, because that would be an absurd thing to do.

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Ath3miscommentedweek 04 months ago
Also started my experimental lechuza grow today with some free seeds from rqs. Im already excited to see how yours turn out! 😊
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Smokwiricommentedweek 17a day ago
result is good, good job
Smoker666commenteda day ago
@Smokwiri, Thanks..
Schnabeldinocommentedweek 102 months ago
Top! Deshalb hab ich alle meine Zimmerpflanzen auf Pon umgestellt 😂 wenns Läuft dann läufts hehe. Nicht mehr lange 😊 weiter so! 👌
Smoker666commented2 months ago
@Schnabeldino, Ich hoffe du behältst Recht und es läuft weiter so unkompliziert.. 😉 Danke!
Sejanus21commentedweek 102 months ago
Sehr interessant. Endlich habe ich noch jemand anderes gefunden, der Lechuza Pon einsetzt. Bei mir funktioniert das tadellos; ab der Blüte habe ich 2ml/l Wuxal Blütenpracht (NPK 5-8-10) in den Tank gegeben. Meine Strawberry Merengue wächst damit wie noch keine andere Lady vorher.
Smoker666commented2 months ago
@Sejanus21, Danke dir! Ja, ich muss auch sagen, dass es bisher alles sehr reibungslos klappt, abgesehen von den paar braunen Blattspitzen obwohl es drei komplett unterschiedlich Strains in einem Topf sind. Mostly Indica, mostly Sativa und eine auch noch ne Automatic.. Ich habe bisher zwei Homegrows mit Koko Light Mix Erde und den verschiedenen Grow Düngern durchgezogen. Zur richtigen Zeit und die richtige Menge zu gießen war da deutlich schwieriger. Töpfe hochheben, wiegen, .. Auch das Zusammenmischen mit mehreren Düngern entfällt.. Bis jetzt bin ich echt begeistert vom Grow mit dem Pon. Ich werde gleich mal bei dir vorbeischauen!
dubby_mcommentedweek 82 months ago
Came for the Dance World (wich I just germinated) and stayed for the interesting pon grow :) gonna follow this one 🙌 good luck!
Smoker666commented2 months ago
@dubby_m, Thanks! I hope the report will help others to do a similar set up which isup to now frankly speaking really easy to handle or to give instructions what not to do 😜
Ath3miscommentedweek 04 months ago
Also started my experimental lechuza grow today with some free seeds from rqs. Im already excited to see how yours turn out! 😊
Smoker666commented4 months ago
@Ath3mis, So am I.. I will check your grow as well!
Schnabeldinocommentedweek 17a day ago
12. Woche Blüte? Ich glaube ich hätte Sie schon längst geköpft...1-2 Wochen länger als angegeben..jaa okay kann man machen, aber du bist ja schon bei 12 Wochen also 3 mehr oder was ist angegeben? ...aber ich bin sowieso so nen ungeduldiger 😂 Sieht lecker aus, egal wie lange noch...Wünsch dir ne gute Ernte 🌱🌿
Smoker666commenteda day ago
@Schnabeldino, Danke für die Rückmeldung! Die Northern Lights sind mit ca. 8 Wochen angegeben. Beim letzten Mal habe ich zu früh geerntet und die Ernte war nach etwas zu schnellem Trocknen im Sommer etwas "heuig" und von der Wirkung her überhaupt nicht überzeugend. Das möchte ich dieses Mal unbedingt vermeiden nach der langen Anbau- und Wartzeit ;-) Meinungen zu den Trichomen? Die Trichome sind leider nicht 100% scharf und schauen deshalb denke ich milchiger aus als sie sind. Amber ist dsa leider fast noch gar nichts..
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Sejanus21commentedweek 12a month ago
Die Ladies entwickeln sich prächtig!
Smoker666commenteda month ago
@Sejanus21, Danke dir!
Haeufcommentedweek 82 months ago
Looks great mate 😊
Smoker666commented2 months ago
@Haeuf, Thanks! I hope the grow will continue like this.. ;-)
Suemchencommentedweek 72 months ago
Looks really good 👍 Have fun growing 🤙
Smoker666commented2 months ago
@Suemchen, Thanks.. The same to you 👍
Jamescommentedweek 04 months ago
Goooood luck and happy growing buddy! What a nice batch you got there 🌱
Smoker666commented4 months ago
@James, added now a RQS Hulkberry Auto as well. Thx!
Herikuscommentedweek 43 months ago
Beautiful plants! Excited to see them growing! Happy growing🌱
Schnabeldinocommentedweek 63 months ago
uhhhh...I really wanted to try that with Lechuza Pon...What about the fertilizers? do you only use the Compo Complete standard plant fertilizer? do you measure PH and EC? Good luck and Happy Growing mate! edit: okay, I have to read more described everything. I would be interested to see what the roots look like. Do you have the water in the tank moving? or do you add oxygen
Smoker666commented3 months ago
@Schnabeldino, The plants we're fat and healthy. No sings of much or too less fertilizer. I think I removed too many leaves! I removed some of the pon yesterday and there is fine roots everywhere. I am not doing anything with the water in the tank Like on plants in your house. The plants can take in when they need it.
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Smoker666commentedweek 82 months ago
Thanks for the recommendation and fast support on my question! Maybe the sudden change from feeding from the top to only suck water from tank below is giving the plants a hard time and they react like this. I filled up the water tank now and also have them again some water from the top so that the granulate is wet again and I will wait If the leaves are getting more crispy from the outside or if the ladies recover...
Schnabeldinocommented2 months ago
@Smoker666, Of course, if you use Lechuza Pon, you must not water the plant from above, but only from below over the water tank. Because the plant changes from water roots to earth roots and they tend to be dry, but if it comes into contact with nutrient solution again and again. Take a look at the instructions from Lechuza, it says to water from above in the first few days and then only from below. I remembered, is the fertilizer also suitable for hydro? Because water changes the pH value over time.