9/18/24: Fed 1300EC got 800 out, hungry girls. Going to pot up to 3 gals tomorrow and feed 1500EC. Will top later this week if they are looking happy.
9/19/24: Fed 1500EC and potted everyone up, roots looked great! Will give them till Sunday to adjust before feeding again (plus by then my NONEXPIRED nutrients will arrive). DLI is now ~25, VPD 1.0kPa.
9/22/24: Fed 1500EC and got ~1400-1500EC out. Gonna hold on 1500, everyone is looking much happier in their new pots and higher EC. Crises over. Will top them on the 24th.
9/24/24: Fed 1500EC, got 1400-1500EC out, gonna up it to 1700 on the 26th and top them tomorrow. DLI is now low 30s.