DLI: 28-32 (70% intensity)
VPD: 1.0-1.3
400EC of Cal-Mag
10/24/24: Fed 2010EC to the biggy, got 2100 out.
10/25/24: Fed 2000EC, got 2000-2100 EC out.
10/27/24: Fed yadda yadda, output EC has risen. They are eating so fast that they dry out and leave salt deposits, should lower EC to 1900.
10/28/24: Fed 1950EC.
10/29/24: Yikes, run off is getting pretty high. Gonna have to either start watering more or lower the EC more.
10/30/24: Fed 1900, runoff looks better. The big girl needs to be fed twice a day 😒