
Fast Buds | Amnesia Zkittlez & Gorilla Cookies | First time growing Autoflowers

7 days ago
Grow Conditions
Week 1
18 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
Commented by
TheoRehtisch TheoRehtisch
20 days ago
End of Week 1 (Friday) It’s Friday, and that means it’s time for another update! The first week after planting the seeds is officially over, and I’m excited to share how things have progressed so far. This is my first time growing, and everything I’ve learned has come from watching videos, reading articles, and absorbing the experiences of other growers. While I’m completely new to this, I’ve found immense joy and motivation in the process. I’m soaking up all the knowledge and information I can like a sponge, aiming for the best possible results. Honestly, if I can do this, anyone can! I’ve never really had much of a green thumb when it comes to plants, but this experience has shown me that with enough passion and patience, it’s possible to achieve great things. -------------------------------------- Seedlings Emerging After 48 Hours The seeds were planted exactly one week ago, and after about 48 hours in the soil, the first signs of life appeared. It was thrilling to see those small green sprouts break through the surface. Each of the three Amnesia Zkittlez and the single Gorilla Cookies plant emerged healthy and strong. -------------------------------------- Environmental Conditions I’ve been closely monitoring the environment to give the seedlings the best possible start: Temperature: Stable at 26°C throughout the week. Humidity: Consistently maintained at 80%. Light Schedule: The plants are still under 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness each day. VPD (Vapor Pressure Deficit): I’ve kept the VPD between 0.67 and 0.47, ensuring the plants are transpiring properly without losing too much moisture too quickly. -------------------------------------- Watering Routine When it comes to watering, I’ve been very precise. Each plant has been watered with 0.05 liters of water every 24 hours, measured carefully to avoid overwatering. The water was applied in a small circle around each plant, targeting the root zone while ensuring the surrounding soil remained lightly moist. In addition, I’ve used the pump spray bottle to lightly mist the rest of the soil in each pot. It’s important to note that I’ve been consistent in treating all four plants the same way, using exactly 0.05 liters of water for each. This controlled approach seems to be working well for these young seedlings. -------------------------------------- Documenting Growth I’ve been documenting the plants’ progress with daily photos for my own reference, but for the sake of clarity and keeping the diary easy to follow, I’ve chosen to share images from Day 3 and Day 7 of their growth. These photos are now uploaded, and you can clearly see how much the plants have developed in just a few days. The difference between Day 3 and Day 7 is already noticeable, with the seedlings showing their first true leaves and appearing stronger overall. -------------------------------------- Key Takeaways as a Beginner As a first-time grower, the most important thing I’ve learned so far is that patience and consistency are key. I’m still relying on the automated settings of the AC Infinity app to control my environment, with only minor adjustments to reduce airflow and preserve humidity. While there are more advanced strategies out there, sticking to the basics has been working well for me. It’s really encouraging to see that with the right research and dedication, even a complete beginner can make solid progress. This grow diary is proof that anyone can achieve the same results with a little patience and passion. Looking Ahead With the first week behind me, I’m eager to see how the seedlings develop in the coming days. They’ve already shown signs of strong growth, and I’ll continue fine-tuning the environment as needed. I can’t wait to see how they progress next week, when the real first leaves start coming in. -------------------------------------- Reflections and Future Plans One of the most rewarding aspects of this journey has been how much I’ve learned in such a short time. Every day, there’s something new to discover, whether it’s how the plants respond to changes in their environment or how small adjustments can make a big difference in growth. Watching these tiny seedlings transform has been a humbling experience, and it’s given me even more motivation to keep improving. Looking ahead, I’ve decided to take a slightly unconventional approach by seeing how the plants develop without any additional nutrients or fertilizers. I’m curious to see how far the plants can thrive just by providing them with a stable environment, plenty of light, and water. It’s a bit of an experiment, but I’m excited to learn from the natural process and observe how well they adapt to this approach. As the plants continue to grow, I’ll be paying close attention to how they respond, and I’m really looking forward to seeing the results in the coming weeks. -------------------------------------- Let’s Grow Together Since this is my first time growing, I’m always open to learning from others. If anyone has tips, advice, or even questions, feel free to drop a comment or share your own experiences. Growing is a journey, and it’s always more fun when we can learn together! -------------------------------------- What’s Coming Next? As we move into Week 2, I’ll be keeping a close eye on how the plants continue to develop—especially their growth patterns and overall health. With every day, the excitement builds as we wait to see the first signs of their unique characteristics shining through. Exciting times ahead, so stay tuned for more updates.
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Fast_Budsweek 0
Hi there, Thank you for running this diary. We will be looking forward to your updates. Happy growing 🌱🌱 & Good luck 😃
@Fast_Buds, Thank you so much for your support and for taking the time to comment! It means a lot to me that you’re following along with my grow diary. I’m really excited to see how these Amnesia Zkittlez and Gorilla Cookies turn out, and I’ll be sure to keep you updated every step of the way.🌱😊