Chopped her on day 83, sadly the last day is not on timelapse due to a camera firmware update and after the reboot it returned its angle to base and I didn't notice it.
Stem and Buds turned slightly purple in the last days.
The ORP probe is not calibrated and values are to be taken with a grain of salt.
Values are average of the day.
DATE - °C - RH% (Tent Temp/RH)
20240912 20.8 57.9
20240913 21.3 58.5
20240914 21.0 57.1
20240915 22.2 59.9
20240916 23.4 56.1
20240917 22.7 62.7
20240912 5.86
20240913 5.85
20240914 6.03
20240915 5.97
20240916 5.94
20240917 6.04
20240912 17
20240913 16
20240914 11
20240915 11
20240916 49
20240917 46
DATE - EC(us/cm)
20240912 2119
20240913 2178
20240914 2097
20240915 2185
20240916 2257
20240917 2208
20240912 21.19
20240913 21.78
20240914 20.97
20240915 21.85
20240916 22.57
20240917 22.08
DATE - °C (Reservoir)
20240912 18.5
20240913 18.9
20240914 18.3
20240915 19.1
20240916 20.3
20240917 20.4
@Lukush, Thanks :)
Well your NL grow is 4 years back but I checked your other grows as well and now I want a SP6500 :D
If I am allowed to give some advice I would suggest to use up your nutrients and then switch to something cheaper like (US based?) Jack's 321 or commercial ones like Yara/Athena because Advanced Nutrient has a good branding but is EXTREMLY overpriced.
I pay ~ 1/5 compared to Canna and probably even better pricing compared to Advanced Nutrients.
You can mix your own stock solution in the old containers just check Hoocho on YouTube he made a pretty good guide about that.
40ml A + 40 ml B + 10l tap water gives me with my specific tap water ~ PH6 and EC 2, super easy to use.